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[Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage

Started by Barek (jerm), August 24, 2012, 10:06:04 PM

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"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


We need to avoid a double-lynch at all cost. I rather save our Sage so he can at least scan once or twice, but all this voting is steering to close to double-lynching, especially with Zakilevo's vote. I either cause a double-lynch myself or vote for Ketchum. Best to at least save one person, Ketchum was going to die either way by lynching today or hunting in a day or two. I'm sorry.




The hell with the sage ploy.... there is not such thing on the sea!


If you guys end up lynching the sage, I'm going to have to tell cook to confiscate the rum...
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Barek (jerm)

You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


I have just realised that Ketchum was also hung as an innocent in Day 1 in the assassins thing. I'm gonna feel really sorry if he isn't a bad guy...
D'Espana Family


Hope he doesn't think we are against him, is just that we were most insecure and he just got everyone attention.

Barek (jerm)

Day 1 / Night 1:

Final votes:
ketchum -6- indirik(53), perth(69), d'espana(103), penchant (105), telrunya (106), sonya (107)
d'espana -2- lefanis (80), ross (96), zakilevo(104)
slapsticks -1- fury(60)
perth -1- ketchum(73)
ross -1- velax(98)
indirik -1- ?

no vote - slapsticks*, cren*

The sailors scour the Captain's quarters, searching for any clue that might help them understand the identity of the killer.  But there are no clues to be found.  They turn their attention to the trunk, and briefly discuss pitching it into the sea, before their discussion turns to accusations of murder and treachery as the storm darkens the sky and rain pelts the ship.

They vote among themselves, and though it is a close vote, eventually they select Ketchum.  His hands and feet are bound, and he is lifted by his fellow sailors and pitched over the side of the ship.  He splashes into the salty water, holding his breath, and immediately kicking to the surface.  His head breaks the water as the ship glides past and away.  The sea - whipped by the storm - pitches and rolls.  He rides a wave, but another crashes over his head.  The faces of his fellow sailors look back over the aft rail as the ship sails on, its sails filled by the wind.  Another wave crashes over Ketchum and this time he coughs and chokes before spitting out the water.  He is a strong swimmer, but the bindings on his hands and feet are tight, and his struggles and even teeth do nothing to loosen them.  Each wave saps his strength, and soon the ship vanishes behind the waves and rolling waters.  Even with the bindings, it takes nearly two hours for him to tire, and finally the waves are too much and he slips beneath the water.  He fights for the surface, but his limbs just lack the strength.  His lungs fill with water and he joins countless other sailors and ships at the bottom of the ocean.

Late that night, after rum is handed out in celebration for their wise choice, most of the sailors are in their bunks below decks.  It is mostly quiet, but for the creaking of the ship, and the whistling of the wind.  So quiet in fact that when screaming is heard, everyone starts from their slumber and stumbles to the source.  And there in his bunk lies Cren.  He gasps one last time and then is still, lying in a pool of his own blood.  Nearly a dozen stab wounds turn his chest a grisly shade of dark red.  But before the crew can mourn, they notice a tiny wooden idol secreted beneath his bunk.  Horned and grotesque - it takes only a moment of headscratching before someone shrieks "DAIMON!"

Ketchum, the Lucky(33%) Seer was pitched over the side of the ship.
Cren, the Brutal Recruiter Daimon Worshipper was viciously murdered.
You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.



Did we change the rules?

Since when Sailors lynch Sage and Assassins kill each other?
Atamara:    Dwilight:


So...someone killed the Captain, and then killed a Daimon Worshipper? Was the Captain also a Daimon Worshipper? Why was this murder so much more brutal than the last?

Edit: Ross, we chose who to lynch, and it just happened to be the Sage. Which he did tell us. As for why the Daimon Worshipper was murdered, I don't know...


Quote from: Lefanis on August 29, 2012, 06:02:07 PM
If you guys end up lynching the sage, I'm going to have to tell cook to confiscate the rum...

It looks like someone care about your comment, they lynched the sage and kill the cook before he was able to confiscate the rum.
Atamara:    Dwilight:


...Dumb assassins? Anyways, here it goes. Sorry, Ketchum. Again, and now for double reason  :'(

But now we know they are daimon worshippers! That's something, I guess. And now it's obvious why Cren didn't know how to sail.
D'Espana Family

Barek (jerm)

Scan results sent.

If I missed anyone, please PM me.
You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


Quote from: Barek (jerm) on August 29, 2012, 06:11:33 PM
Ketchum, the Lucky(33%) Seer was pitched over the side of the ship.
Cren, the Brutal Recruiter Daimon Worshipper was viciously murdered.


For real you cant just simply say "i am the sage" on the very first day of voting, should have waited at least to scan and find a bad guy. Also, what about the worshiper? doesn't communicate with assassins?

Next time i hope we don't kill the Guardian Angel and Sorcerer, this game will be for the Lols!


Quoting rules for clarity, i just realized this:

Werewolves will be divided into one or more Packs, with one Pack hunting each night. The order the Packs hunt in will be known only to them.

The Bad Guys as well as Sorcerers and Sleepers  win if they  manage to reach parity with the rest of the village, AND eliminate any rival packs.
The Sailors, Seer, Guardian Angel, Priest and Mortian win if they manage to destroy all the werewolves.

that could explain the situation.
Atamara:    Dwilight: