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Grand Duchy of Fissoa thread

Started by Cren, August 25, 2012, 09:49:03 AM

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Quote from: Cren on August 25, 2012, 07:22:56 PM
If Aurvandil really likes to face enemies head on, why then create a *buffer* realm and place thousands of militia? Even a fool can understand what's its purpose.

Who said we created it and Fissoa isn't our enemies they're our loudmouth neighbors with a misplaced sense of self importance, but we can't break there ego bubble because beating on a disabled child would be immoral


Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 25, 2012, 07:47:11 PM
Who said we created it and Fissoa isn't our enemies they're our loudmouth neighbors with a misplaced sense of self importance, but we can't break there ego bubble because beating on a disabled child would be immoral



Quote from: Cren on August 25, 2012, 07:22:56 PM
If Aurvandil really likes to face enemies head on, why then create a *buffer* realm and place thousands of militia? Even a fool can understand what's its purpose.

We haven't done any of that, firstly the Freestate isn't a buffer by any measure, secondly we didn't place thousands of militia, a fool can understand what he likes and that's what makes him a fool. You just assumed that the Freestate was a buffer, and you assumed the militia was placed by Aurvandil, or on Aurvandilan orders, none of which is true. I can only assume the Falkirk placed the militia so they could retake the Madina territories without fear of having Madina anal'd as they do so.

Quote from: Cren on August 25, 2012, 07:37:59 PM
The Duke of Madina wanted to escape your oppression, which includes burning down everything religious and ordering him to starve the whole duchy so that the peasants revolt and the regions go rogue. Any *sane* person here willing to take on the shoes of Duke Madina, and follow such orders?

Yes, that isn't what happened.

Any sane person would try to get possession of the facts before stating an opinion as fact, rather than just believing the words of a man who has every motive to lie to try and secure power. No orders were given to burn down temples, no orders were given to starve the entire duchy, and no order was given for the regions to go rogue. What really happened, is Tarkus wanted to build a temple in Madina City, Lex naturally told him that he wouldn't allow it, and so Tarkus made up a load of nonsense and used the fact Mendicant gave permission for Lawataling to go rogue to try and justify his defection.

Of course, I told all of this to the Grand Duchy but it seems my messages were not filtered down to the rank and file of Fissoan nobility, convenient when it seems Fissoa is using this as an excuse to claim the territory.


Quote from: Cren on August 25, 2012, 05:58:52 PM
Now we are actively fighting the Aurvandil puppets, the Falkirk. They stole our regions and we will take them back, by any means.

I think you mean, Aurvandil destroyed Madina and took THEIR land, then after some changes of leadership and a duchess going missing the Falkirk Freestate was made. I don't know where you have fabricated claim to these lands, but you've never owned them, or had any right to them


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on August 25, 2012, 08:01:17 PM
...Of course, I told all of this to the Grand Duchy but it seems my messages were not filtered down to the rank and file of Fissoan nobility, convenient when it seems Fissoa is using this as an excuse to claim the territory.

...and this is why the forums can be a bad thing. A continuation of in game diplomatic wrangling rather than just plain talking facts...

All your messages (that I received anyway) were passed on to the entire realm. The entire realm also disagreed with most of what you stated as facts.

Viewing it objectively, the Duke of the Madina Duchy (owner of those lands through allegiances given to him) transferred to Fissoa due to the betrayals he felt he had suffered in Aurvandil. Whether they are true or not I do not know, but the facts are, they were his lands to do with as he please, you might not like it, you might call it betrayal (which it is) but it's not theft.

Also it should be noted that Fissoa didn't actually want those regions and would have been quite prepared to just hand them back apart from the fact that Aurvandil had already demonstrated a failure in delivering on agreements that it makes.

The Freestate came along stating we'd stolen their regions when in fact we had those regions before that realm even existed (it's quite hard to steal from something that doesn't actually exist...)

Back into Fissoan politicking though, it's brought about some interesting times down in our little corner of the south east though and the lies and greed of the puppet state will be their undoing!!!
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Quote from: James on August 25, 2012, 08:45:18 PM

Viewing it objectively, the Duke of the Madina Duchy (owner of those lands through allegiances given to him) transferred to Fissoa due to the betrayals he felt he had suffered in Aurvandil. Whether they are true or not I do not know, but the facts are, they were his lands to do with as he please, you might not like it, you might call it betrayal (which it is) but it's not theft.

In Aurvandilian law they were not his lands to do with as he/she pleases. They were Medicants and the commonwealths and Tarkus was more of a steward over them. Aurvandil is no confederacy and those lands were promised to the state he was going to make in madina I.E. the Falkirks. So yes Tarkus did steal them and handed them over to yall.


Quote from: Lanyon on August 25, 2012, 09:08:04 PM
In Aurvandilian law they were not his lands to do with as he/she pleases. They were Medicants and the commonwealths and Tarkus was more of a steward over them. Aurvandil is no confederacy and those lands were promised to the state he was going to make in madina I.E. the Falkirks. So yes Tarkus did steal them and handed them over to yall.

Well, then it's just too bad for Aurvandil that Aurvandilian law conflicts with game-mechanic reality, isn't it?

The lands of a Duchy are all under the power of their Duke. If you want all the lands of Aurvandil to be under Mendicant's control, then you should have one huge Duchy with him as the only Duke.

If the lands in question were part of the Duchy of Madina, then you promised lands that weren't yours to give. Or at least, lands that you didn't have the power to enforce a claim over. Which, in the end, usually comes to the same thing.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Really? Conflicts with game mechanics? I thought I saw the Aurvandilian banner flying over those regions before they switched realms, not Tarkus's banner with a little side note mentioning us. The duke did have power over them but they were still part of the realm first. The regions were ours to give unless you are saying that every king should beg and plead with his dukes when deciding how to rule his realm. I really don't see how game mechanics have anything to do with the point I was trying to get across. This is more about roleplaying than the actual ability to secede


Quote from: Lanyon on August 25, 2012, 11:37:52 PM
Really? Conflicts with game mechanics? I thought I saw the Aurvandilian banner flying over those regions before they switched realms, not Tarkus's banner with a little side note mentioning us. The duke did have power over them but they were still part of the realm first. The regions were ours to give unless you are saying that every king should beg and plead with his dukes when deciding how to rule his realm. I really don't see how game mechanics have anything to do with the point I was trying to get across. This is more about roleplaying than the actual ability to secede

Every King who has a conflict with a Duke has to be careful, lest the Duke secede or change allegiance, taking his regions away with him. That's the game mechanics.

Mendicant wasn't careful. The Duke took his regions away with him. At least, that's what I'm understanding from this thread.

It's not about saying what every king should do (or shouldn't). It's about reality.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on August 26, 2012, 12:02:58 AM
Every King who has a conflict with a Duke has to be careful, lest the Duke secede or change allegiance, taking his regions away with him. That's the game mechanics.

Mendicant wasn't careful. The Duke took his regions away with him. At least, that's what I'm understanding from this thread.

It's not about saying what every king should do (or shouldn't). It's about reality.

If that were true, you could bet Mendicant would have bitchslapped that succession back to hell. This was a planned succession. They just want us to think it wasn't.


The Falkirkian Freestate was planned. I understand that Mendicant has been advertising the planned formation of a new realm in Madina since before Madina was even taken. I believe he was openly asking for volunteers within Aurvandil for quite some many months before it happened. (Or maybe I'm mis-remembering?) I don't think
NoblesseChevaleresque is denying that. Rather, he's claiming it isn't  a "buffer state". i.e. "We don't a buffer state against you. You're so pathetic, a buffer state isn't worth my time to set up." Whether that was the intention or not doesn't matter. It definitely serves as a buffer state. Well, it will once it actually manages to get itself set up and established. GDoF is never going to be able to break through Madina city once Falkirk manages to get it's inner regions under control.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on August 26, 2012, 01:22:44 AM
The Falkirkian Freestate was planned. I understand that Mendicant has been advertising the planned formation of a new realm in Madina since before Madina was even taken. I believe he was openly asking for volunteers within Aurvandil for quite some many months before it happened. (Or maybe I'm mis-remembering?) I don't think
NoblesseChevaleresque is denying that. Rather, he's claiming it isn't  a "buffer state". i.e. "We don't a buffer state against you. You're so pathetic, a buffer state isn't worth my time to set up." Whether that was the intention or not doesn't matter. It definitely serves as a buffer state. Well, it will once it actually manages to get itself set up and established. GDoF is never going to be able to break through Madina city once Falkirk manages to get it's inner regions under control.

This. Madina has been nothing but trouble for Aurvandil. I doubt Mendicant would care if it all just went rogue.


Not only that, but I'm sure that while the "Grand Coalition to Destroy Aurvandil" of the 'Moot and the Lurias utterly failed and imploded, Mendicant can realize that is came dangerously close to actually happening. Mendicant may need friends in the future, however he doesn't like to make friends really, so he's going to "make" friends... in the literal sense... he's literally making his own friend, ie. a new realm in Madina, whom I wouldn't be surprised ends up in some kind of vassal-like state to Aurvandil.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Glaumring the Fox

While king of Asylon I enjoyed friendly relations with Aurvandiil and only disagree with their anti religious stance, merely because I believe that a true empire must have its own faith that binds its culture and spreads its influence beyond mere military might. If Aurvandiil is to exceed expectations they will need a faith that is able to pull in other realms, if not it will find itself without much of a common cause. I am under the assumption that Aurvandiil will found a faith once it finds the right time.

It will makes things more interesting, Aurvandiil is like a sword without a soul at the moment. By not having a religion, it has become their greatest weakness.
We live lives in beautiful lies...