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[Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns

Started by Fury, September 27, 2012, 03:49:47 AM

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Quote from: Fury on October 06, 2012, 08:28:39 PM
Scientists don't have to take getting shot if they don't want to but bear in mind that getting shot won't kill you.

Also: Research(er) is a scan option (order).

I know, but this presents IC vs OOC knowledge conflict. I, as a player, do not want to lynch Velax, as he can unveil who is the Thing and who is not (See? We already know that Lefanis is human, and he's not dead); but as a character, obviously want him dead, since he's gonna shoot people everyday and one of them I can perfectly be his target.

Though now I recall that this was a game not very much concerned about IC and OOC.
D'Espana Family


I definitely prefer everything to be as IC as possible. Like the gun, anything can be questioned. Translate OOC knowledge into IC. Up to the gun owner to say why if questioned. Up to everyone else to do something about it if they want to. IC reasons can be found to take action and IC reasons can also be found not to take action. Up to scientists to see owner behaviour and/or gun as a threat or asset.


Quote from: Zakilevo on October 06, 2012, 08:18:48 PM
I say we either kill Velax of Slapsticks.

They seem to be little to eager to kill people!



The only way we can win is by lynching and you're saying that we should just sit still?

I know you're not stupid.

"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Quote from: Fury on October 06, 2012, 09:49:28 PM
I definitely prefer everything to be as IC as possible. Like the gun, anything can be questioned. Translate OOC knowledge into IC. Up to the gun owner to say why if questioned. Up to everyone else to do something about it if they want to. IC reasons can be found to take action and IC reasons can also be found not to take action. Up to scientists to see owner behaviour and/or gun as a threat or asset.

Ok, I understand. Thanks for clarification! [End of OOC interaction]
D'Espana Family


Oh no. We tied 2 scientists to their deaths :(

This is starting to get interesting. Velax is some sort of hunter, otherwise he wont own a gun...
Will do further analysis later.

OOC: Forgot to vote due to celebrating my birthday yesterday...
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


We only lynched one scientist, the other one got hunted by the Thing. Lefanis was shot, but he isn't dead. He just didn't get to vote and couldn't be lynched, but neither of that happened any way. Still hurt like hell though, I bet.

Can't argue against what Slapsticks said. I didn't vote last round, but we certainly shouldn't be going after those who did. After all, if we don't do anything, the Thing will just hunt us down one by own. If Zakilevo wants to sit and wait for that so badly.....


But I might still change votes later.


So few posts. Are people getting burned out on Werewolf?

I VOTE ZAKILEVO, because he voted me. Not enough evidence to vote anyone else.


Remember, we're in weekend. Perhaps it's the reason for the low post count. Besides, here in Spain we have the Barcelona-Real Madrid football match in a couple of hours, and that might (note that I say might) be another distraction. And late happy birthday, Ketchum!

Since he seems dead already, I might as well VOTE ZAKILEVO. But I hope tomorrow this livens up a bit, otherwise the Thing will be able to hunt inactives without any problem.
D'Espana Family




Doesn't getting shot stop them from being lynched?

"Hunters: May shoot and wound someone once per day. If the Thing is wounded, its identity is revealed. If a human is wounded he will not be lynched (if he was voted to be) and his vote will not count for that night only. Hunters win when the Thing is killed."





VOTE VELAX - Zakilevo (#58)
VOTE ZAKILEVO - Slapsticks (#62), Telrunya (#65), Velax (#66), D'Espana (#67)


Slapsticks and Velax call for another vote and this time a few more scientists take it seriously. Lefanis sulked in his room the whole day nursing his head even though the was well enough to vote and made loud moaning noises every time he heard someone pass outside his quarters. Slapsticks and Velax, the original gang-bangers get one vote each but they get Telrunya and D'Espana onboard to vote for Zakilevo as he had publicly wanted them dead. Zakilevo makes for the exit as soon as he realizes this but comes face to face with Velax.

"Do you feel lucky, punk?" he growls.

Zakilevo spins around but takes a shot in the posterior which leaves him floundering into the arms of Slapsticks, Telrunya and D'Espana.

Zakilevo the Scientist is shot.

They drag him into the lab and stick several electrodes to his nipples and crank up the current. Despite his convulses, Zakilevo manages to pull out a piece of paper. The gang snatches it and read it while Zakilevo continues to convulse.


The consciousness of the creature is a mystery, all that can be certain is that it retains an inherited survival instinct and enough of the facets of the assimilated creature to pass convincingly as the original. It can be deduced that once assimilated the new creature retains the memories, abilities, mannerisms and possibly the frailties of the host and uses them to sustain its survival. How much of its own consciousness and knowledge of previously assimilated creatures knowledge remain is unclear.

"Ok," says Slapsticks.
"Ok," says Velax.
"Ok," says Telrunya.
"Ok," says D'Espana.

He was clearly researching the Thing. And they release Zakilevo.

The other scientists start appearing and make clucking noises at what the four had tried to do. "Where did you get that suit, Velax?" someone demands. Then someone says, "Anyone seen Penchant around?"

A hasty search makes a gruesome discovery. Apparently, Penchant was in his quarters playing with his guns and quite a collection he had. Hmmm, said Velax. Unfortunately, his guns didn't protect him. At least, the water gun in his hand that was now jammed in his mouth didn't. Did he try to commit suicide with a water gun? Like Barek, most of his blood was outside his body.

The scientists have a hasty conference and they all agree that... they really, really need a new plan.

Penchant the Hunter / Scientist was killed.


Sorry about that. I've fixed it as best as able. Since anyone can get infected I think it won't matter in the long run.


"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre