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The Marrocidenian war

Started by Lanyon, October 07, 2012, 10:31:07 PM

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Asylon is really active when it comes to public dialogue and RP. In a lot of other realms the action is mostly, sometimes even entirely, confined to the upper echelons, hidden from the lower strata -- the noobs. For this reason newer players are probably more likely engaged and retained in Asylon.

Glaumring the Fox

My sister plays in Asylon. Not saying who, but she invited some people recently.

Plus a few I know came from other servers. We are an underdog realm fighting against 4 attackers. People like those odds, victory will be so much sweeter and shattering to the defeated.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on March 31, 2013, 07:20:17 PM
And Perth,

Since Asylon are getting more and more new Knights, I might need to promote some Knights to Lords, but I dont have land... You had land you wanted us to take, right? ;)

Hmmm... no, I don't think so. Unless you mean Astrum?
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: JeVondair on April 01, 2013, 12:09:53 AM
Had ya'll been D'Haran newcommers, that would have been the case. Rynn, Ghaundan and Ismail are all on the national welcoming comittee  ;D

Damn right. But, I do have something to say now. Something related to how, even being Holy Week in my country and thus being in holiday (spare time FTW), I haven't felt like answering letters the latter days.

If I go back to my first arrival in this game, which happened pretty much by hazard, I found it slightly exciting, though I was dissapointed by the turn system (why do I have only so many hours to use? That's silly! - those were my thoughts ;D)

Still, I read the manual, the RP guide and nearly everything the wiki had to say about the game. Then I thought: heck, this thing has potential. Let's stick to it.

Some months later, I won my first region (yay, Port Nebel!) and started getting involved a little bit more with the politics and all that. That's when I said: dude, this game's awesome!

But do you know why did I say that? Not for politicking, not for the region and definitely not for what was happening. It was all about the atmosphere. After playing so many directly competitive games, BM was refreshing as hell, and above all: I thought it had an extremely healthy environment, where everyone was kind and everything went fluent, no grudges between players and all kept within IC.

Errrr... no. Now I'm close to the 2 years mark, and even though I still consider myself a sort of newcomer, since there are people who have been here for ages, my opinion of the atmosphere has changed quite a bit. And it all started by OOC bitching and, especially, my first visits to the forum. Hell, no. That was not healthy anymore. Some of it had indeed quite harsh words between PLAYERS, and resentments hold for literally RL years.

Has anyone considered that the loss of players may be simply because of a "professionalization" of the game and the change in atmosphere? Those two things tend to scare casual players as myself, and were I not as involved as I already am in some stuff I would possibly say: that's it, here it ends.

Anyway, I don't even know why I have written this here. Perhaps because I don't know where else write it, perhaps only with the vain hope that people may start being nice to other people again so the overall feeling is improved a bit and IC becomes important one more time. Apologies for the long post.
D'Espana Family


Quote from: D'Espana on April 01, 2013, 12:54:54 AM
Damn right. But, I do have something to say now. Something related to how, even being Holy Week in my country and thus being in holiday (spare time FTW), I haven't felt like answering letters the latter days.

If I go back to my first arrival in this game, which happened pretty much by hazard, I found it slightly exciting, though I was dissapointed by the turn system (why do I have only so many hours to use? That's silly! - those were my thoughts ;D)

Still, I read the manual, the RP guide and nearly everything the wiki had to say about the game. Then I thought: heck, this thing has potential. Let's stick to it.

Some months later, I won my first region (yay, Port Nebel!) and started getting involved a little bit more with the politics and all that. That's when I said: dude, this game's awesome!

But do you know why did I say that? Not for politicking, not for the region and definitely not for what was happening. It was all about the atmosphere. After playing so many directly competitive games, BM was refreshing as hell, and above all: I thought it had an extremely healthy environment, where everyone was kind and everything went fluent, no grudges between players and all kept within IC.

Errrr... no. Now I'm close to the 2 years mark, and even though I still consider myself a sort of newcomer, since there are people who have been here for ages, my opinion of the atmosphere has changed quite a bit. And it all started by OOC bitching and, especially, my first visits to the forum. Hell, no. That was not healthy anymore. Some of it had indeed quite harsh words between PLAYERS, and resentments hold for literally RL years.

Has anyone considered that the loss of players may be simply because of a "professionalization" of the game and the change in atmosphere? Those two things tend to scare casual players as myself, and were I not as involved as I already am in some stuff I would possibly say: that's it, here it ends.

Anyway, I don't even know why I have written this here. Perhaps because I don't know where else write it, perhaps only with the vain hope that people may start being nice to other people again so the overall feeling is improved a bit and IC becomes important one more time. Apologies for the long post.

I'll second this; the Dwilight forum in particular is very bad for this sort of thing. There appears to be some genuine OOC resentments between certain players of opposing realms that regularly manifests itself on these forums and it really makes the whole game, both IC and OOC, less fun to play in. Logging onto the forums only to see the conflict you were enjoying IC turning into a massive OOC flame-war is not very nice, and were I a new player I would certainly have been discouraged by it.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Dishman on April 01, 2013, 03:36:37 AM
Can someone make an official "Mendicant/Aurvandil Flame" thread so I can eavesdrop on whats going on with the wars across the pond and not sift through this?

I'd say go to the Cases thread that is up, but it's horribly placed for a vitriol thread.

What are the Terran babies planning to do? How does Asylon fare? Does anyone care about Barca?

Asylon is doing very well and actually I wish I could say more but I want it to be a surprise... 8)
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Dishman on April 01, 2013, 03:36:37 AM
What are the Terran babies planning to do? How does Asylon fare? Does anyone care about Barca?

Asylon's winning. Look at the world news feed and see for yourselves; they recently defeated 50% of the nobles in Astrum army.


Quote from: Kwanstein on April 01, 2013, 04:18:07 AM
Asylon's winning. Look at the world news feed and see for yourselves; they recently defeated 50% of the nobles in Astrum army. 50% of the nobles of Astrum army was not defeated. They may have won the recent battles but Astrum obviously has much a much larger army. Are they perhaps not the most organized, maybe, but they have a bigger army then whats been shown.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on April 01, 2013, 04:31:14 AM 50% of the nobles of Astrum army was not defeated. They may have won the recent battles but Astrum obviously has much a much larger army. Are they perhaps not the most organized, maybe, but they have a bigger army then whats been shown.

But how much of their army is active, is the question.

Look at it this way.

Astrum has thirty nobles, of which I'm guessing that only two thirds of which are warriors (the rest being courtiers, diplomats, priests, that sort). So twenty warriors. Statistics indicate that only thirty percent of this game's players log in every day, so that is seventy percent of the Astrum army which is only sporadically active. That means that the Astrum army has less than ten players who log in every day to follow orders, and five of them were recently defeated.

That is how I do my math.


Meh, you're probably not too far off the mark.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Penchant on April 01, 2013, 04:31:14 AM 50% of the nobles of Astrum army was not defeated. They may have won the recent battles but Astrum obviously has much a much larger army. Are they perhaps not the most organized, maybe, but they have a bigger army then whats been shown.

Umm, Astrum has a large militia force. They do not have a large active army. This has always been the case. Astrum is a realm of gold collectors, they are fat and bored, complacent. Asylon is a realm of hungry sleek killing machines surrounded by hostile enemies, hated by all. We are the panther in the jungle. Astrum is a chubby little sow in its pen. Astrums allies are very far away and Asylon does not fear a living soul. We are ready to take on the entire world!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on April 01, 2013, 05:33:10 AM
Umm, Astrum has a large militia force. They do not have a large active army. This has always been the case. Astrum is a realm of gold collectors, they are fat and bored, complacent. Asylon is a realm of hungry sleek killing machines surrounded by hostile enemies, hated by all. We are the panther in the jungle. Astrum is a chubby little sow in its pen. Astrums allies are very far away and Asylon does not fear a living soul. We are ready to take on the entire world!
You forget the original bloodlusting barbarians on dwilight, the Toren, still live in Astrumese lands  ;)
Karibash will have a hell of a time when he meets you. Please don't try to duel him  ;D


Please keep all Mendicant cheating references to the new thread:,4085.0.html


Heh. It seems Astrum is becoming a bit more interesting these days though it doesn't seem like it is enough to make me unpause ;)


Does Astrum not care that it's lands are being looted?