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[Forum Game] Werewolf XI: The Thing Attacks

Started by Fury, October 16, 2012, 03:30:24 AM

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Stop fighting both of you, Lefanis and Richard. I think you are both cleared as much to me. Tryarguing using Scientists diplomatic ways of discussion, theories, analyses instead. We are not going anywhere if we keep bickering. Velax not talking at all, and many of us not talking. This not helping >:(
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


I'm not talking because I don't have much to say yet. Lots of people arguing but little evidence thus far.


What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell



The consciousness of the creature is yet another mystery, all that can be certain is that it retains an inherited survival instinct and enough of the facets of the assimilated creature to pass convincingly as the original. It can be deduced that once assimilated the new creature retains the memories, abilities, mannerisms and possibly the frailties of the host and uses them to sustain its survival. How much of its own consciousness and knowledge of previously assimilated creatures knowledge remain is unclear.

In one case a host was either incapacitated by a pre-existing condition leading to a heart attack or it mimicked the effect well enough to fool the station doctor. In another case a host was apparently knocked unconscious from a concussive blast which mere minutes later also led to a violent attack. It is unclear if this was a forced or planned reaction. Possibly it was intending to play dead in both cases but was forced into action by the defibrillator shocks and in the other case by an opportunity to attack a large group at once.

In another feat of reasoning a Thing destroyed a test that would have led to its exposure and demonstrated awareness of biology and medical practice that would have exposed it. Interestingly the second time this same method was proposed as a test the Thing had seemingly preempted the idea, this is despite the Thing that arrived at the second base was spawned long before the first test was thought of and was in a non-human form. This led to the theory of a shared consciousness between Things, especially as the 2nd sabotage was far harder to pull off covertly and while sowing seeds of misdirection it also exposed its presence.

Another interesting point is while the lack of a metal earring lead to an earlier Things exposure. It is mentioned that The Thing rejects non organic materials from it's host, hence the tooth fillings and earring missing. Conversely it could be proof of someone's humanity. This would have been more clear cut if one of the victims had been assimilated with his nose ring intact instead of killed outright.

It is not known whether the Thing is itself a technological species, whether the ship it arrived on was its own. It could be reasoned that it crashed because the original pilot was killed or sabotaged the craft, and the creature was unable to manage the controls. However, an assimilated human was able to manufacture a small saucer like craft from parts it found on the base, something that was obviously beyond his human understanding. Assimilated humans have been seen operating vehicles and equipment their human counterpart would have knowledge of.


VOTE Penchant - DK #118
VOTE Richard Leonecouer - Disturbedyang #121, Lefanis #127
Vote Lefanis - Richard Leonecouer #128

This is what I've got. If there are mistakes tell me before the Night Event is posted  ;)

Do many of you need the deadline to follow DST? Is DST now one hour after the previous BM sunset time?


Damn it, yesterday something big did happen, but I can't remember well what I saw... The feeling of having that Thing around did scare me more than enough. Though I still don't know well who to vote for, despite having cleared some people's names. I'll see what the night brings to us.

*Goes to the corner with Ketchum and starts whispering things at his ear*

EDIT: Indeed, the hour changes for BM as well. I, at least, am playing with new hour today.

EDIT 2: I'm not yet sure of nobody's guilt, and because of that I will try to disrupt lynchings until convinced otherwise. Because of that, I VOTE PENCHANT
D'Espana Family



VOTE Penchant - DK #118, D'Espana #140
VOTE Richard Leonecouer - Disturbedyang #121, Lefanis #127
Vote Lefanis - Richard Leonecouer #128

DK goes out into the snow again and drags Sonya's corpse into the furnace and burns it to a crisp. Satisfied, he goes off to the main hall where the lynching is to occur.

This time, there were lots of analyzing going on and even more arguing. Accusations were hurled back and forth. In particular there was a huge showdown between Richard Leonecouer and Lefanis who immediately voted each other but just when it seemed that Richard was losing the fight and going to be lynched, D'Espana steps in at the last minute and votes for Penchant and makes it a tie. Disappointed once more, they all turn in to bed cursing another wasted opportunity.

Later that night...

A scream is heard saying in the pitch blackness, "Get out of my bed, pervert!" followed by a kicking sound and then the slamming of a door. Then the same scream is heard again giving a surprised yelp, "Oh my God I'm going to die I'm going to die!" followed by the banging on a door yelling "Let me in let me in!"

The THING had once more attempted an attack! Unfortunately it's target although lonely was not as defenceless as he had first seemed and frustrated once more, the Thing silently escapes in the dark. Unfortunately, for the humans, the sheer terror brought by the Thing in the pitch darkness of the night and amidst the confusion, no one knew who was who or said what... or even remember what they themselves said...


What fury? Is that the only roleplay you can come up with? Haha.

Anyway, i think we should just follow the BM turn time. It would be less confusing :) Which is also 1800 forum time i believe?

Richard Leonecoeur

Now, can we please have a better discussion this time around? Lefanis, I highly doubt that you are the thing. You know that I, by the same logic could not be either. I think you might be an agent, but I cannot confirm that, and I know you won't. However, you should consider playing your cards right in regards to that. Keep trying to assault me, and I don't think that plays into your favor. Yet, to lynch you could be waste of time.

So... Let us all think for a moment.

I think Ketchum is safe. Disturbedyang is probably safe. I do not suspect D'espana is the thing. I do not suspect that you are the thing. I am not the thing.

That leaves:

I do not know enough about any of those to justify one way or another.


Quote from: Disturbedyang on October 28, 2012, 07:06:01 PM
What fury? Is that the only roleplay you can come up with? Haha.

Anyway, i think we should just follow the BM turn time. It would be less confusing :) Which is also 1800 forum time i believe?

Sorry, I logged in late today after a whole day of travelling  :) Yes, deadline will now be BM Sunset + DST.


"The Thing: May kill one person per day until it reaches parity and will then openly kill everyone. The Thing's special ability (ONE TIME USE only) can only be discovered through research and even past research from other scientific outposts (may or may not be relevant) Only research can narrow it down. Any infected host will NOT count towards parity and will not be active until the original Thing dies and it takes over. Has a more successful attack against the quieter humans who don't speak much and keep to themselves. After several successful attacks can then attack anyone successfully. The Thing wins when it reaches parity and kills everyone."

It seems to me from this description it proves two things - There is only ONE Thing until he dies of course. And secondly, it seems that the Thing was trying to kill one of us that was talking a lot, hence did not manage to get us - despite not protected by a mercenary.

And from what i found out, D'Espana is an agent. I can be 100% sure about that.

So the question now is, D'Espana protected Richard, just like how Velax did on Zaki.
I said that Zaki anaylze too much to be the Thing, but reading back the description of the Thing on top, i think he might be the Thing afterall. He needs to research enough and probably post it out to be successful in using his special ability. Noticed he also did post some things regarding the other scientific outpost!

So now I have DK(yes, you are still in the list), Richard and Zaki.

Velax and Penchant seems out to just thwart the whole thing. Not sure what they are up to.....


I'm going to retain my vote for Penchant (VOTE PENCHANT) but I'm very sceptical at this point and can be convinced otherwise.

I'm seeing a trend here. There's interrogator and mercenary which would be chosen as agents. And researchers as The Thing. I'm aiming for The Thing cause at this point, I don't really care what the agents does. They can be handled some other time. But be wary agents, what you are protecting would end up loose again (OOC: Which is good cause there will be more games to play =D ).

Honestly, blocking lynching won't help at all. The Thing is not showing any sign of behaviour tallied with our researches. I'm BURNING ARUNDEL just as I did to Sonya. I don't want the corpse being any chance of getting infected.



People were beginning to notice that after 2 nights in a row of failed attacks by the Thing, people were claiming amnesia. At least one was admitting it publicly but the others just clamped up. Was there a conspiracy? Was there more to the nightly bedroom shenanigans than people were letting on? Was it really amnesia or was there a cover up? And who were these people who were yelling in the night? Would they confess? What were the real clues and what were the red herrings?

Stranger things have been known to happen...


As of now I am very suspicious of D'espana. Only reason I'm not voting him yet, is because Penchant is also suspicious.

Three reasons.

  • Quote from: D'Espana on October 28, 2012, 05:40:36 PM
    Damn it, yesterday something big did happen, but I can't remember well what I saw... The feeling of having that Thing around did scare me more than enough. Though I still don't know well who to vote for, despite having cleared some people's names. I'll see what the night brings to us.
    Funny this scientist forgot to observe... Isn't it? Just when we needed him to be more observant.
  • He disrupted lynching yesterday, snipe voting Penchant. If we want to win, we have to lynch. Lynch is always better than no lynch, for we at least retain a outside chance of catching the baddy, as usually one townie is always killed at sunset.
  • Why did he protect Richard with the snipe vote? There is also another reason which I cannot disclose in public. But I have shared it with some in private. This wasn't his first tryst with Richard, that's all ill say.

Will wait for D'espana's response before deciding my vote.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Richard Leonecoeur

I'll wait for as long as I can. More time to think is better... But we need to try something today.