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OG/Sint: WTF?!

Started by Nosferatus, October 17, 2012, 03:24:48 PM

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I always said Sint was the devil. But nobody wanted to help the Hetmanate against them. :(
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Draco Tanos

I think you saying that just encouraged people to side with Sint. 
One daimon worshiper calling another evil after all. =P


Quote from: Lorgan on October 28, 2012, 08:57:47 PM

I yelled at Sint for being utterly useless and for irritating the hell out of me. Sint didn't do anything useful from the time they lost Firbalt to the time I yelled at them. And when Overlord was genociding Unger, they went to reclaim Firbalt. Speaking of the last drop...
Realms came to Pomatim, to Jedinchel, to Winifael and to Unger because it was the smartest thing to do, not because we played the damsel in distress. Damsels usually don't have 27K of mobile CS already at their service (right before Overlord's siege of Unger).
Considering how horrible our coordination was, we wouldn't have been much help. Arriving to the battle one unit at a time is no very useful. Retaking Firbalt was one good thing we managed to do. Killing north bligh daimon after he conveniently charged Kefa was another.
I remember when we marched south towards Wudeking. Half of our troops where nowhere close to the rally point.
There was talk about punishing those that do not obey orders. But can you? They were just inactive and could thus smack us in the face with violation of inalienable rights thing. The play at your face thing.

Tan dSerrai

Regarding Riombara:
We haven't been a powerhouse. Throughout the invasion there were realms with higher CS (sometimes considerably higher) than Riombara. We just utilised what we had very effectively. So 'powerhouse' is a nice compliment but not quite true.

As to number of daimonlords: We had several visiting us during and after the heavy allied fighting in Enweil. One tore through all our lands from Fwuvoghor in the north via Grehk and out twoards the west /while/ our full army was fighting near Fengen. We lost around 15000 peasants that way. And while it is true that we only had to confront one single daimon lord after north and south were sundered, he did command the single strongest army after Overlord...he did destroy IVF, Enweil and near all of Rio with that single army. And we had to confront him alone, with an economic base of a third of Thalmarkin, OG and Melhed combined. And confront him at distances that meant marching across half a continent, then fight him as one cohesive army in the beginning.

I think the best way to look at things is to judge economic base, then achievements in relation to that base. Thalmarkin certainly scores very, very high in that regard - and I loved their unconditional, suicidal taunting of Overlord. Sint did well in the beginning, marching at least one army south to aid Enweil and fighting will in that theater...however, after that...well. Melhed was invisible at the beginning but did certainly get going near the middle - it is a shame they were so unlucky in their battles...with a bit more luck on their part Beluaterra would have most of Enweil, a good part of Fronen and a land bridge between Fwuvoghor and the center still above water. I do not remember the exact details, but OG did fight staunchly in most battles in the north if I recall correctly.


The multirealm blob was centered around Tharlmakin because Overlord was giving them so much attention. After taking Firbalt, Overlord completely ignored us for the rest o the invasion.


Regarding Gethsemene, I was there, and yes, we did attack it with hastur back then, also Keffa to get rid of Ashborn with the god that came before hastur, cant remember which. (But Shhhhh... you only heard it here) I have to admit, we only broke with the Netherworld because they wanted us to destroy Heen next, which was simply out of the question, lost a lot of nobles and land because of that. (that was the third invasion) Regarding the destruction of Ashborn and taking Geths we (or I) assure ourselves today that we had every right to do so as we hated Ashborn, and OG (much larger than it is even today) helped them the day we conquered Keffa without outside help, despite the fact we had a deal with King Lorgan, I think, that OG would never interfere in this 'civil war' before the invasion (Once upon a time Sint was an Ashborn colony) Also, the daimons were actually named after our gods, how cool is that!

But man, that's old history, then came the war between Old Grehk vs Neo Grehk, with us on the side of NG, then the reunification of the two and us helping the very reluctant OG, with key players from NG to help our cause, against Fronen that turned on OG the minute NG and OG reunited. I remember how brutal that 'civil war' became in the later stages, and how Purple Recluse (ruler of Melhed) helped broker a deal between me and Zog? when OG basically was just Ossmat and one or two regions. Then came Stephen (former ruler of NG), then Skye Uceek and I think two more, but cant remember. All of which Sint and Heen and much later Mesh were helped against the big powerhouse of Thalmarkin, Melhed, Avalon, Enweil and Fronen which more or less gave OG the choice between 'give up everything you lost already and help us against Sint or die' not the best of proposals, well in the end I can't complain because Sint gained an ally. By then, we had helped against Fronen in three very important battles, so favor was already more on our side. BTW I think I have at least three assurances of OG kings and queens that they will 'never' reclaim Gethsemene, but I guess that part of history never made it into the books.

In the fourth invasion we did only ally with the daimons because we knew it to be a matter of survival. I had constant reports from the north with up to three daimon leaders in a region with stacks of up to 30k each, and we knew we were only poking at the outer shells of that onion. I knew we had to bide our time or get eradicated, even tried brokering a deal to get Heen and Mesh out of the doghouse, but they just wouldn't listen. Well, so we waited, didn't lift a finger to help the daimons in any way and sided with the 'light' the minute they appeared on our borders. Oh man, Prudent was MAD. I think it even went so far that he was mad at me personally for betraying his trust...

Regarding the latest invasion, the blighting of Firbalt broke our backs, morale was so low, we couldn't gather our army anywhere, people just wouldn't log on regularly enough so that of the 20 nobles in our main army only 4 made it to the rally point in time. Not only that, but we simply did not have enough money to support a decent army. Keffa is actually rather poor and Gethsemene was sacked once or twice with only half its normal population. Don't forget Fianik was a portal and a quarter of Overlords troops came from there, committing genocide on their way south and east.

As for Gethsemene today, I think it would be very hard for OG to convince Sint to give it up. By now we regard it as a core region of our realm, and given how OG was able to expand before the invasion and reclaim nearly all its lost territory including four townsland regions, I think it's safe to say, OG will be stronger than Sint for quite some time (given that Fianik has less than a thousand pop at the moment). Once we reach parity I think negotiations are indeed much more in favor of OG but given how time and chaos will play a factor, who knows how the map looks by then.


a good war brewing or not likley?

Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


I forgot to include Hetland, as for a war brewing between Sint and OG, personally I think it's highly unlikely, we've had much too good a standing for the past years helping each other out of very miserable situations. But I'm not as prominent in politics as I used to be, I don't know what all these 'new' kings and queens are up to  :P

EDIT: Yeah, Rio too.

btw: if you haven't seen this:

you ought to, Tom, my heartfelt thanks, this is awesome. A lot of the things I explained can be seen quite clearly.


If Sint were actually playing as a theocracy in something more than name, there would definitely be war with Old Grehk. They harbor two religions that Hemaism considers evil, and they are quick to spread their own religion as well. Hemaism priests often get beaten by peasants in our own realm, but no one ever seems to care.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Aelradir on November 23, 2012, 12:29:13 PM
Regarding the destruction of Ashborn and taking Geths we (or I) assure ourselves today that we had every right to do so as we hated Ashborn, and OG (much larger than it is even today) helped them the day we conquered Keffa without outside help, despite the fact we had a deal with King Lorgan, I think, that OG would never interfere in this 'civil war' before the invasion (Once upon a time Sint was an Ashborn colony)

Well, the day the war broke out, OG talked to Ashborn offering them our help, they rejected so we stayed neutral and kept our alliance with Sint, finding other stuff to do around the continent. But Ashborn got overrun by Sint which was the first time in BM I think we saw the freshly introduced religions used as a very successful weapon in war and they changed their minds on our neutrality. Since we were wrapped up in multiple other wars by that time, it took a while for us to respond but at literally the last moment, we did. :)
Of course the damn invasion messed everything up like it does so often... :P

Quote from: Aelradir on November 23, 2012, 12:29:13 PM
Also, the daimons were actually named after our gods, how cool is that!

That is pretty cool. :)
I also still suspect that the invasion began when it did because Sint was getting in trouble and it was pretty much themed around you guys... :P

Quote from: Aelradir on November 23, 2012, 12:29:13 PM
All of which Sint and Heen and much later Mesh were helped against the big powerhouse of Thalmarkin, Melhed, Avalon, Enweil and Fronen which more or less gave OG the choice between 'give up everything you lost already and help us against Sint or die' not the best of proposals, well in the end I can't complain because Sint gained an ally.

I don't remember Avalon and Enweil being a part of that, the war was pretty much Northern business afaik and what drove Thalmarkin (and Melhed but they didn't do anything) to Fronen's side was OG cozying up to Sint.


@ Indirik: I miss our zealot times... nowadays breaking with the daimons introducing a 'good' side to our concept of the destroyer things just aren't as they used to be. As for two evil religions, I think it's the other way around, they consider us evil. Don't know why no one in OG bothered changing that.

@ Lorgan: I'm pretty sure Avalon was a great pain in the ass I distinctly remember a few battles with them and Enweil sent us two or three expeditionary forces, but considering we are so far up north, they were mostly entangled with Mesh and Hetland.

As for the third invasion, I'm pretty sure it started because they had it planned. As for why they chose us to build around, I have no idea, maybe they liked our concept of a 'destroyer' god

I actually really like the relations between OG and Sint, from former allies to hated enemies back to strong allies, not many realms had that many change of hearts and live to tell the tale. Also having played a central part both in it's near destruction and the regaining of an alliance between us was my major feat in my BM career.

Draco Tanos

He's right, Lorgan.  It became a continental war.  It was something like OG, Rio, Sint, Heen, Hetland, and Mesh against Fronen, Thalmarkin, BK, Enweil, and Avalon.  Melhed was neutral as always and I can't recall what Alluran was at the time. 


Quote from: Draco Tanos on November 23, 2012, 06:48:26 PM
He's right, Lorgan.  It became a continental war.  It was something like OG, Rio, Sint, Heen, Hetland, and Mesh against Fronen, Thalmarkin, BK, Enweil, and Avalon.  Melhed was neutral as always and I can't recall what Alluran was at the time.

Oh yea, that time.

The fronts were pretty split, though. Enweil and Avalon were mostly focused on Rio, whereas Hetland mostly focused on BK, and Fronen mostly focused on OG.

More or less.
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Draco Tanos

Every now and then, Avalon forces would attempt to wander north to help out against us as well (I knew because I tended to torture every enemy noble that ended up in OG's prisons).  But that split was on purpose.


Quote from: Draco Tanos on November 23, 2012, 07:08:41 PM
Every now and then, Avalon forces would attempt to wander north to help out against us as well (I knew because I tended to torture every enemy noble that ended up in OG's prisons).  But that split was on purpose.

Really, it was a continental alignment of a bunch of regional wars.
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