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If you could change or remove or add 1 thing...

Started by Azerax, October 18, 2012, 02:28:20 AM

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Blue Star

What about removing the login button for the game for a hr after turn change? wait nvm. How about changing...nvm we won't get archery skill.

Okay last try change the general layout or add things to the pages of BM. I'm talking about seasonal themes and such maybe even dare I say it Holidays. I particularly think Tom's birthday should be a day of celebration around the BM world where the commoners(including adventurers) have the chance to beat up nobles, and they refuse to do anything that whole day. Now that would be a fun and interesting day. Hopefully it would only be revealed after the fact to throw most of us into confusion.

@Foundation, you'd enjoy if Tom got rid of bugtracker wouldn't you ;D.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


After all it's a roleplaying game.


I would remove the new provision system. I hate that mother!



Quote from: Telrunya on October 18, 2012, 04:57:30 PM
And have all your units starving immediately?

Remove the system, not just the provisions.


Quote from: Uzamaki on October 18, 2012, 05:46:50 PM
Remove the system, not just the provisions.
The starving mechanics have been there for years, so I would just like to clarify the provision's system is a benefit though the starving mechanics might not be to your liking.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Unwin on October 18, 2012, 06:07:33 AM
I read somewhere an idea about a marshals (or vice marshal - whoever is present for the battle) leadership skill giving a bonus to their army if the army fewer than X nobles in it with X being based on his leadership skill and Generals giving multiple armies a bonus based on his leadership skill if present during the battle. I think that this is one of my favorites!

I can only agree!!! ... as it was me the one to make this Feature Request!  ;D

...although I never know what happened to it... It was accepted? rejected? forgotten? killed?  :P


Quote from: Poliorketes on October 18, 2012, 07:23:23 PM
I can only agree!!! ... as it was me the one to make this Feature Request!  ;D

...although I never know what happened to it... It was accepted? rejected? forgotten? killed?  :P

If the thread isn't marked approved, it's not.  Go through your posts (through profile) and find it.


Quite a few things were added to give VMs more ways to assist the M.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Dante Silverfire

I'd remove the CE-Tara Federation from Atamara.

Bam, 500 people more interested in BM again.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on October 22, 2012, 05:52:41 AM
I'd remove the CE-Tara Federation from Atamara.

Bam, 500 people more interested in BM again.

If 500 people really think that way, it should be the easiest thing in the world to accomplish this.


Death from wounds for all characters. That would be nice.