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Remove mercenary distance limits

Started by Lefanis, October 23, 2012, 08:29:28 AM

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Quote from: Indirik on October 29, 2012, 05:21:13 PM
You must be reading a different forum than me. The dev team's answer to the troops morale problem was: "Too bad for you, fight closer to home." You'll notice that no code change was made in response.

Sorry if I say something that was already mentioned, as I didn't really read the entire post and I am quoting you just because it is the last useful line I could find.

Without going into the details of whether the distance based penalties are rightly tuned, I just believe either there was a bug before which was fixed or there is some sort of bug now. Or if not a bug there was a tweak in the code which calculates the morale problems depending on the distance.

Some months ago (I would say around 3-4) I travelled on dwilight with my Morekian char up to Vakreno Heaps with a 60men mercenary unit without any morale trouble, at all. Now, as soon as I landed in Chesland with another 60men mercenary unit I immediately started to get reports of heavy morale problems, around a 30% loss each turn. I would guess Chesland-Morek and Vakreno Heaps-Morek is roughly the same distance, and actually 3-4 months ago Morek didn't really go all the way down to Shyussei so it was even farer.

I believe what one should reflect on is that before sea travel to get to Vakreno Heaps from Morek it was painfully long, can't say exactly but easily more than a week of travel. Now, with sea travel, it's a matter of some days. Was this perhaps the ratio behind tweaking the morale/distance code?


As far as I know, there was no change to the unit morale code. Certainly none was discussed. It's always possible Tom may have slipped it in with the sea travel code, but I don't see why. Anaris could check easier than I could.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


The ease of sea travel is simply because we don't currently calculate distance between sea zones and realms, so it's temporarily just a fixed constant distance while you're on the seas.  Sea zones are no different than land and they will eventually receive the same amount of morale penalty based on distance.

The morale code itself has not changed to my knowledge.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


The ease of travel I was mentioning is time-wise, not about morale.

Anyway clearly one single example is not that relevant for a game based on probabilities like bm, but I know for a fact that what I used to do does not seem to be allowed anymore. That is why I mentioned there might be a bug somewhere.


Quote from: DamnTaffer on October 29, 2012, 02:00:57 PM
At its height Aurvandil raised close to 60k cs. Aurvandil has allies to protect it.

60kcs mobile? BS and Aurvandil's allies don't do squat.

Quote from: DamnTaffer on October 29, 2012, 02:00:57 PM
No, its not awesome it would be terrible. Any realm being able to attack any other realm would be a disaster, It would also change the entire structure of how the game is played massively supporting power blocks of allies warring at afar over anything else. Expecially now with sea travel where you can travel at massive speed this is even more true.

Its only terrible if its too easy. Being able to occasionally pull off a risky, daring and audacious battle strategy in game would be great. If its found to be as easy as you say to launch an attack by sea then the answer is to make it harder to move troops by sea (not a fixed 16 hours which makes it easier to coordinate), make it harder to claim beach heads, and make sure there is a way to see a fleet amassing on your shores.


Quote from: Indirik on October 29, 2012, 05:21:13 PM

You must be reading a different forum than me. The dev team's answer to the troops morale problem was: "Too bad for you, fight closer to home." You'll notice that no code change was made in response.

Actually it was more like

Devs: "Too bad for you, fight closer to home"
Players: "30 points per round!"
Tom: "Too ba- did you say 30? Maybe this is worth looking into..."


how's that different from tim looking things up?
