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[Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion

Started by Ketchum, October 24, 2012, 04:05:18 AM

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Zaki/Ghoul, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal / Former Conman

Due to GM overpowering Conman trait to bad guys, the last surviving guys that affected by bad guys in the last day
are declared Winner as well.

Joint Winners:
Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Former Hunter / Formerly Blessed
Penchant, the Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed
Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Formerly Blessed
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)



Day 1:

They start discussion on who to lynch after Garfield the cat death.
3 votes mounted very fast on Norrel by Lefanis, Fury and D'Espana.
Fury even stated he wish to bandwagon, not a good choice by him really.
And 1 vote on Stabbity by Disturbedyang.
This not going well for Norrel and the village themselves as Norrel is Monsters (Villagers) / Leader.
Not the Human infiltrators (Werewolves) that they are looking for.

=Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader=
Fortunately for Norrel, he has Leader ability.
He PM me to change lynch him to D'Espana if he is lynched.
A smart move as he will kill D'Espana the Human infiltrators (Werewolves).
In a way, he will retain his Leader ability as he kills bad guy.

In last 1 hour before deadline.
Norrel and Stabbity tied at 4 votes each with both Werewolves voting for both of them.
Norrel only mentions he will save himself, not Stabbity.
So be it. Hehehe.

=DK/Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac=
DK the Egomaniac has not vote any of the 3 people in his must-kill list(D'Espana, Fury and Sonya).
Not that this matter anyway if this is his playing strategy.
As D'Espana will be leaderlynch by Norrel.
This will clear 1 person from his 3 persons list, leaving 2 more persons he must get them killed.
He need kill the 3 persons in his Egomaniac list or he will lose even if Village wins.
He vote on Norrel too, not a good choice.
And he changed his vote from Norrel to Stabbity, thus indirectly helping Zaki the Werewolf saved Zaki's packmate D'Espana.

Quote from: DK on November 07, 2012, 06:48:48 AM
Smeagol choose D'Espana, Fury and Sonya  >:(

=Lefanis Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Hunter / Blessed=
His Roleplay of Harvey Dent or Two Face is nice. Make the villagers mood cheer up somewhat.
Still Werewolf does not forget the past where Lefanis the Two Face tormenting Werewolf with his Nobel medal boast.
Not something to worry for Lefanis as he has Blessed to save himself from hunt one time.

Quote from: Lefanis on November 07, 2012, 08:48:36 AM

Standing at the door, Two face flips his coin.


Harvey smiles wickedly, and walks into the party.

=Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned=
Fury decide to become Casper the Ghost. Now this is my favorite Ghost from all Ghosts choices.
His vote on Norrel was not a good choice still.

Quote from: Fury on November 07, 2012, 04:35:35 PM

We have no clues and we don't know what everyone's character is yet. I'll just vote what
whichever character most likely wants a cat dead.  ::)

Penchant the Seer scan order is on Fury. And added with Fury being Spiritually Attuned, Fury know he being scanned.
I used a coin toss(Thanks to Lefanis Harvey Dent aka Two Faces) to determine Fury 50% chance to learn the scanner role. He got a Head, mean he know Seer scans him.
Now I need determine Fury 25% chance to learn the identity of the scanner. Coin toss will not do.
I used then. Fury failed to learn that Penchant is the Seer who scanned him.

=Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed=
His PMs asking questions, sound like he fishing for information or slip-up from GM.
GM gotta be careful with this young curious Padawan. Heh.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 12:20:11 PM

Errm, so you can be mummy and werewolves at the same time? lolz

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 01:25:51 PM

Yeah, i mean what about the bad guys? they wouldn't be say, roleplayed as mummy and is a
werewolf right? lolz

His RolePlay is a nice thing especially the toilet paper part.
He choose Ginger as his name, look like he has some interesting RolePlay up his sleeves.
Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 07, 2012, 12:25:46 PM

Stomps into the room and shout, "Who the hell named me Ginger???" while leaving trails of toilet
paper attached to my body. Oh, i do not do hopping..

=D'Espana and Zaki, Human infiltrators (Werewolves)=
D'Espana places a hunt order on Lefanis.
Zaki seems inactive or he just play along with D'Espana.
Werewolf Hunt on Lefanis is not really good, as Lefanis is Blessed.
GM curious to see D'Espana reaction if their hunt fails.

In the last 1 hour before deadline for today lynch voting.
Zaki vote for Stabbity, this brought Stabbity to 4 votes and Norrel also on 4 votes earlier too.
His action kind of changing the game.
Now if 1 more person vote Stabbity, Zaki action has indirectly saved Norrel from lynching.
And if Norrel is saved from lynching, Norrel wont leaderlynch D'Espana the Werewolf.
Now that would be a masterpiece move by Zaki if he does save his packmate D'Espana.
Deadline reached, DK changed his vote at last minute to Stabbity.
And so Zaki saved his packmate D'Espana.
I am happy because D'Espana's Conman trait has not been used at all yet.
It will be interesting to see D'Espana use his Conman trait.

Analyse Day 1 vote.
Zaki Werewolf votes Stabbity and D'Espana Werewolf votes Norrel.
This way nobody among Village can analyse the voting pattern of Werewolves.
Future Werewolves are encouraged to learn from these experienced Werewolves.

Quote from: D'Espana on November 08, 2012, 12:32:09 AM

We'll hunt Lefanis tonight. Death to the medal boaster!  :P

=Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer)=
Last but not least, nothing complete GM AAR if there is no report on their Village Seer.
Hmm, no scan order from their Seer yet.
Penchant also same just like Zaki, he acts in last 1 hour.
This is a good gameplay by him as he monitors who is the most likely person for him to scan.
Oh well, he choose Fury the Spiritually Attuned. This may get interesting when he find out Fury is good guy.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)



Day 2:

=Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Hunter / Formerly Blessed=
When he realize he was hunted last night but failed due to his Blessed trait.
He throw his Harvey Dent coin and he realize Sonya should have break the lynch ties between Norrel and Stabbity last night.
So he places his vote on Sonya. Godo reasoning but the quiet ones are not really good choice.
As seen in Stabbity the good Villager, and soon Sonya.

=Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed=
After Lefanis place vote on Sonya, he votes Sonya for the second vote.
In a sudden move, he changed his vote from Sonya to Lefanis.
He say real life thingie and he wont return till next night 3.

=Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer)=
His Day 1 scan on Fury returns good Villager result for him.
Now the Justice League has Fury and him in it.
I wonder if they both start chatting without GM in the loop. Hehe.

=D'Espana and Zaki, Human infiltrators (Werewolves)=
What word best describe Werewolves? They have the best partnership.
Day 1 lynch voting where Zaki started to vote on Stabbity the Villager and other Villagers follow him.
In the end, Zaki saved his packmate D'Espana from being leaderlynch by Norrel.
Such interesting Day 1 activity. Hope Day 2 also has same thing.
After Fury votes Sonya, Zaki moves early to vote on Sonya.
Zaki "under the radar" strategy works very well. It is commendable too.
Next, what will be Werewolves hunt order for Night 2?
They select DK the Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac.

=Sonya/Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command=
She was very quiet. Probably real life took sometime out of her.
Her quiet presence and did not vote during Day 1 lynch voting, caught many people attention.
Hope she can convince her fellow Villagers. After all, she is innocent.

=Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Blessed=
Fury is so happy to be scanned by the Seer.
His post on forum hinting for someone(Of course he hints to Seer, he doesnt know Penchant is Seer) to contact him with proof, sound very open.
Werewolf may sniff him out if he keep this up further.
He places his vote on Sonya to test out Lefanis Two Face's theory.
Later he changed his vote from Sonya to Norrel.
It would be interesting if everyone make Norrel use Norrel leaderlynch.

=DK/Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac=
DK is waiting and observe more before voting. Wise choice.
1 of his 3 people Egomaniac list, Sonya is leading in the lynch vote.
He could have D'Espana ticked off his list if he did not change his Day 1 lynch vote.
Oh well. What is done, is done.
I realize DK 3 persons must-die list consists of 2 Villagers and 1 Werewolf.
2 Villagers: Fury and Sonya
1 Werewolf: D'Espana
Look like DK vote is the trump card that could make or break the Village.
Well, good news is nobody accuse him of being Egomaniac.
Bad news is GM want see more blood, as in false Egomaniac allegation in the forum.
This is so that someone falsely accuse other, has to bear 50% chance to die under "unclear" circumstances.
Unluckily for him, Werewolves hunt him tonight.
And the funny thing is he almost got all 3 persons in his must-kill list killed.

=Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader=
He is lucky to survive Day 1 lynch. Or could it be unlucky since he would have leaderlynch D'Espana the Werewolf instead?
Only time will tell.
Interesting to see Day 2 he votes on Zaki the Werewolf.
Seems he always get his first guesses right on every werewolf out there.
If he keep this up, he will bring some pressure on Werewolf hunt choice tonight.
First day he set his leaderlynch on D'Espana the Werewolf if he got lynched.
Second day he votes to lynch Zaki the Werewolf.
I wont be surprise to see Werewolf hunt him tonight.
Of course Werewolf does not know his first day leaderlynch order.
Or I wait how he convince the rest of Villagers to vote together with him.
Maybe not, since I see he gave no reason when he vote Zaki.

=GM Own Note=
3 Blessed trait given to good guys Villager side.
Now left only 2, after Lefanis was hunted in Night 1.
If Werewolf keep hunt him second time, they will succeed this Night 2.
Doubt Werewolf will do this, as some better hunt targets have pop out: Norrel who vote Zaki the Werewolf.
Come deadline, Lefanis the Hunter used his Hunter Trait on Fury. Fury lost his Blessed trait due to it.

Make GM announcement to avoid misunderstanding.
And seeing I determine in Day 1 that DK change vote at 6:00:08AM was counted,
for this game ONLY, changing vote up until 6:00:59AM is counted.
6:01AM change vote will not COUNT.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)



Day 3 and Day 4:

=Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer)=
Now he has scanned and cleared Lefanis.
Who's next up for his scan? Ah, it is Norrel.

=Zaki, Human infiltrators (Werewolves)=
Zaki No Hunt night 3 is proving costly to Werewolf win.

=Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Blessed=
He keeps saying Garfield who give him clue about Sonya not being possible bad guys.
Of course he has a hard time to convince Disturbedyang.
So with his thought of Norrel and Disturbedyang being Human(Bad guy),

=Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader=
His continued voting on Zaki has returned a good result.
He was scanned by Seer in Day 3.

=GM Own Note=
QuotePenchant the Seer Scans:-
Day 1: Fury
Day 2: Lefanis
Day 3: Norrel
Day 4: No send scan order

Werewolf Hunts:-
QuoteNight 1: No Hunt, Lefanis(His Blessed saved him)
Night 2: DK
Night 3: No Hunt
Night 4: Zaki set Hunt on Norrel, then change to Penchant

5 players left: Penchant, Zaki, Fury, Lefanis and Norrel.

Zaki is the only unscanned left.
Not a surprise all of them vote Zaki.
It looks like Zaki missed hunt on Night 3 is proving costly to Werewolf win.
Zaki Hunt order on Norrel for Night 4 maybe too late.

Advice for Werewolf that not going to tell Werewolf anyway
This gonna be interesting ending. If Zaki change their Votes using Zaki Conman and save himself.

Then convince them that someone use Conman trait to accuse Zaki.
Then have a theory about someone inside their scanned people being turned Werewolf, who sympathize.
Zaki can use back my GM last Day Update 8)

Then Zaki cut down their Seer or Zaki cut down their Leader namely Norrel. Since second, third in command are dead, Zaki can become Leader.
And Zaki use the Leader ability and KO the village. Wow, voila :P

Disturbedyang suggestion about no PM game rule sound good for game balance.
As the Seer establish Justice League full of scanned people quite fast.
Werewolf bad luck at hunting Seer, missed Hunt and hitting Blessed(Lefanis) proved too much for them to recover.

GM was surprised greatly when Zaki put in these below PMs.
This Conman trait is overpowering and give too much of the game power to Werewolf.
GM is stumped... Have to decide to give the good guys win as they have figure out who is the last Werewolf :)
The last Werewolf should be given Win as well, because he has figure out creatively and innovatively how to use Conman.
Conman trait should only be use 1 time per game, not 3 times per game. GM wrong Trait PM to Werewolf has imba the game :(

Quote from: Zaki on November 10, 2012, 08:15:10 AM

Totally forgot to send you an attack order rofl.

Kill Norrel

Quote from: Zaki on November 10, 2012, 08:44:25 AM

That was a hunt order.

For Brutal - Lefanis

Quote from: Zaki on November 11, 2012, 04:48:57 AM

KILL Penchant

MOVE 2 Votes to Lefanis

Move 1 Vote to Norrel
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


It's always good to read the GM notes. I agree with most of it, especially with Norrel's good sense of baddies. You don't have a radar under the bed, don't you?  :P
D'Espana Family


Quote from: D'Espana on November 12, 2012, 03:00:00 AM
It's always good to read the GM notes. I agree with most of it, especially with Norrel's good sense of baddies. You don't have a radar under the bed, don't you?  :P

I've played this game probably thousands of times more than anyone else here, so it's just practice paying off I guess, as well as some luck.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Leader: Good guy
Second in command: Bad guy
Third in command: Good guy
Fourth in command: Bad guy
Fifth in command: Good guy
Sixth in command: Bad guy
Spiritually Attuned

Egomaniac is Neutral Trait and can make or break the Villagers.

Due to Velax pullout, Conman originally given to him, now given to Werewolves for game balance.
While left 1 Cursed only due to Velax was originally Villager/Cursed. Originally 2 Cursed given.

QuoteVelax Supposed Role
Velax/Chucky, Monsters (Villagers) / Conman / Cursed

=====Roles and Traits Distribution
QuoteMonsters (Villagers) / Leader
Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command
Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command
Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed
Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Blessed
Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac
Monsters (Villagers) / Hunter / Blessed
Head witch(Seer) / Blessed

Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman
Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal
10 Players:

Norrel/Frankenstein, Monsters (Villagers) / Leader
Sonya/Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command
Stabbity/Goblin, Monsters (Villagers) / Fifth in command
Disturbedyang/Mummy, Monsters (Villagers) / Sixth in command / Cursed
Fury/Ghost, Monsters (Villagers) / Spiritually Attuned / Formerly Blessed
DK/Gollum aka Smeagol, Monsters (Villagers) / Egomaniac
Lefanis/Harvey Dent aka Two Face Monsters, (Villagers) / Former Hunter / Formerly Blessed
Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed
D'Espana/Werewolf, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Second in command / Conman
Zaki/Ghoul, Human infiltrators (Werewolves) / Fourth in command / Brutal / Conman
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Norrel on November 12, 2012, 03:13:11 AM
I've played this game probably thousands of times more than anyone else here, so it's just practice paying off I guess, as well as some luck.
Norrel, you are correct when you say you know Leader trait wont be given to bad guy.
Of course I cannot answer you on the suppose GM setting used 8)

You also have an uncanningly ability to guess who is the Werewolf.

The only mistake I done is probably giving Conman trait (3 times per game instead of 1 time per game) to Werewolf :(

Another mistake I done is in Last Day Update. Penchant/Headless Horseman, Head witch(Seer) / Blessed still has Blessed and would have survive Werewolf hunt that night. Thus Penchant and Fury against Zaki, and a win for Village ;)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)




Quote from: Ketchum on November 12, 2012, 01:51:13 AM

Day 2:

=Sonya/Phantom of the Opera, Monsters (Villagers) / Third in command=
She was very quiet. Probably real life took sometime out of her.
Her quiet presence and did not vote during Day 1 lynch voting, caught many people attention.
Hope she can convince her fellow Villagers. After all, she is innocent.

There is something called Time Zone

I didn't knew voting was at 1:00 AM. and of course if you are a townie not voting is something good on first day, i always reserve the first day's vote. One thing is quiet people, another thing is those who no vote, Only Villagers won't vote.

Villain/werewolf will always vote, they will try to kill twice if they can, with the hunt, and with the lynch.

Stares at Zaki's Victory Banner for a while....



Quote from: Sonya on November 12, 2012, 01:49:58 PM
and of course if you are a townie not voting is something good on first day, i always reserve the first day's vote. One thing is quiet people, another thing is those who no vote, Only Villagers won't vote.

This is wrong.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Quote from: Norrel on November 12, 2012, 03:13:11 AM
I've played this game probably thousands of times more than anyone else here, so it's just practice paying off I guess, as well as some luck.

That's possibly helping, then. I must recognise that I've played this game online only with you guys.
D'Espana Family