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The Death and Funeral of Zaknafien Entreri

Started by Azerax, October 29, 2012, 02:46:54 AM

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The following posts are taken from in-game and are posted with permission.

Public Execution   (6 days, 5 hours ago)
Messengers bring news of a public execution in Cagil earlier today.
Zaknafien, a noble of Eston, had been banned from Cagilan Empire as a traitor on 2012-10-16. When he was later imprisoned, the judge of Cagilan Empire decided to make him pay for his treason.

Daphne read the news about Zak.  "No!..."  She became very pale, weak, and started to weep.  Wiping her tears, she immediately grabbed some parchment and a quill from her scribes with the intent of penning a personal letter to Zak's family.  After staring at the paper for a while, the tears started to fall again and she knew her heart could not find the words.

Elroy learned of his friend's death at the hands of the CE executioner and fought back his rage.  This is not how things were supposed to and promises had been made at great risk to ensure Zak's survival.  Elroy had little choice but to engage in those discussions with life-long enemies after using the last of his "blood favors" to ensure that Duchess Athena would not suffer at the hands of the other great infiltrators on Atamara.  Where to go from here?  Deals had been made and things had been said that could not be undone...the wheels were in motion and Elroy knew what he had to do as he headed for Barad Riel.

Arturius sat on his horse making his way into Bara dLacirith, rubbing his should where he caught an arrow just a few days before. As he moved through the gates the peasants and nobles alike were staring at him and moving out of his way.

Arturius went to the estate that he stayed at when in the field and sat down to rest.

After a couple of hours messengers came to the after another. There had been reports of an execution in Cagil. Arturius' face went white. All he could think of was which one of the Eston nobles were executed. HE read farther and realized that it was his own son that had been executed. Zak....forever following in his brother Artemis' shadows. His youngest, executed doing his duty. Rage engulfed Arturius, Zak just became a martyr. A martyr of a war he no longer understood. So much death, so much deceit, so much dishonor.

Arturius fades away for about three days, no one hears or sees anything from him.

Present time:

A knock comes on his bed chamber's door, it was Morik, his lifelong servant of the family. Tears in his eyes and a look a horror on his face.

"Sir, you must come quickly" said Morik.
"I told you I dont want to be bothered, ever again" yelled Arturius.
"Your Grace, you really need to come see this" stated Morik.

Arturius reluctantly got out of his chair and went to the courtyard to see what the problem was. As he stepped outside he face went pale. Laying in a cart that had most likely been dropped off during the night was his beheaded son. Zak had clearly underwent many days of torture, for his body was twisted and broken and his head was in a burlap bag beside the body.

Arturius wept as he hooked his horse up to the cart and made his way to Mount Moramroth.

Murdo groaned after yet another training session with the troops.

He dismounted and took the black, horse-haired plumed helmet, revealing iron gray hair which once had been a lustrous brown.

His eyes looked old beyond reckoning as he saw his reflection. "Gray I may be but at least I didn't go bald."

The tent flap was pushed back. Murdo's servant came in. "Sorry sir but it seems Duke Arturius will be taking his son to Moramroth."

"Of course" Murdo muttered. More loudly he said. "Better rouse the men."

"Yes sir"

Vasilios was at Anost, overseeing the last of the earthworks for the fortification of his unit's camp. It was his first cavalry unit, so he had spent the last few days recruiting and training with his men, with little attention to the outside world, except from the scout reports about the enemy movements.
But now he was looking forward to his brother's arrival at Anost, since he hadn't seen him since his capture by CE.

As soon as Alexios arrived, he invited him in his tent.
As soon as they started talking about his captivity, Alexios mentioned how sorry he was about Zak.
Zak? What happened to Zaknafien?
Haven't you heard? He was executed 3 days ago in Cagil .
GODS! I do not believe it!
And you know the worst part brother? I I'm fairly certain he was tortured wile in prison. I could hear them doing it to some poor soul, and I'm almost certain it was Zak.
BAS****S! Alexios, I fear that Zak's blood is on my hands.
On your hands? Why brother?
I asked him about a week ago to scout from Eagles Glen, if he was willing. And he was captured while going from Anost to Nazia.... Do the math. Thank you for the news brother. I must pen a note to his father immediately.

Elroy paced as he awaited letters from his shadow brothers in response to Zak's execution.  A storm was brewing on Atamara, and Elroy smiled in anticipation as he sharpened his sword.  Zak's death would not be in vain.

Arturius made his way up the mountain. He gets off his horse that was pulling the cart with his beheaded son. He looks up and sees the Shrine of Maroune, looks to his right and sees the Kane burial plots, then the Despinas, and the Anderbliss...ahhh Dennis....what fond memories of watching Artemis and him practical joke each other. He remembered how he used to laugh so hard his belly hurt watching those two go at it.

He looked to the center walked to the Temple where his beloved King lay. Walked in and knelt at the alter, "Andrew...", he stated, "I am in such need of your guidance now more than ever. Things are not as they seem and the tide has changed. I know not what to do. I am fighting a war I no longer understand. Weakness has been exploited. Dishonor has been brought down upon us like a storm at sea, and now I have lost my son, for what cause? I beg of you guide me."

Arturius knelt and wept.

He looked to Morik and nodded. Tears uncontrollably running down his face. "Please inform Murdo that I have arrived."

Arturius walked to his family plot. A shrine to his lost son Artemis. He had heard rumors of Artemis popping up somewhere on Bealuterra but have not heard anything since. His sword that was plucked from a impaled dog in a tavern in Anost, laying on the casket where Artemis' body mysteriously disappeared, made him smile. Lady Tonja, oh how Artemis feuded and loved her. She went on to do very good things. Stephan deserved her and her him.

He looked to a corner of the chamber, one that cast more shadows than normal, and saw a familiar figure, his face riddled with guilt when he saw his Lord walk into the chamber, he looked down to the floor. Elroy nodded as if starting to say something, but just looked at him and one tear rolled down his face and looked down to the floor again.

Arturius walked outside to retrieve the broken body of Zak, he looked around and saw scribes of several different families walking to the shrine...followed by many nobles.
"My lord!" Yelled the servant as the lathered hours thundered into Murdo's camp.

"Duke Arturius is in Moramroth to bury his son!".

"When is the funeral boy?". Murdo asked quietly.

"Sunrise, my lord."

Murdo smashed his fist into the man's face. "You wait until now to tell me?" He thundered.

"Mount up" he screamed at his men. "Where are we going my lord?"


The rain started to fall on the unconscious servant.

"Captain Albrecht, the camp is yours.", Kealan stated matter-of-factly, as he left the campfire.

Albrecht followed, and having anticipated his Lord's actions said, "Tirian is packed and ready to join you my lord."

"I have an escourt Albrecht and I don't want to take our best scrapper from the front line."

"Who are you taking?", Albrecht asked.

Kealan eased himself up onto his horse and started to trott out of the camp. "A guest," he said over his shoulder.

Out of the gloom, Kealan's white stallion came into view. Luka signalled her brother and joined him on his trott out of Anost, "I'll let you lead brother, it's been a long time since I've been to Moramroth. I think the last time we were both there at the same time, you were governing the region."

"Quite possibly Liluka. My first role of significance. I even miss the fresh north winds. It would be nice to go there under better circumstances though."

"True brother, true. We'd better get a shift on as well to get there in time." Luka tightened her grip on the reins and jabbed two heals into her horse, sparking it into life.

A few hours later, the pair were passing Barad Lacirith with no signs of stopping off in the great city. Only shared words of Zaknafien's deeds through the years passed their lips.


Azreal sat in his tent, the gentle wind causing the structure to beat in a slow rythmic beat which reminded him of the drums of war.  The setting sun was visible through the entrance of the tent and Azreal watched the light bathe the mud outside.

Azreal leaned back in his chair and stretched his right arm out across the table to grab his wooden mug of ale.  He raised the cup to his nose and inhaled, savoring the scent.  This was his first drink since being release from the prison inside the Cagilan Empire.  A figure appears at the entrance of the tent and speaks "My Lord, I have news."  Stepping inside, the figure lowers his hood, it's his captain.

Azreal puts down his drink and speaks, "News, Captain?".

"Duke Entreri's son executed." the Captain says.

The words hit Azreal like a wall, stopping his breath and forcing his eyes closed.  "Zak.." Azreal whispers, remembering that he was brought into the prison while he was there.  Azreal stands, "Take me to the Duke immediately" Azreal orders, not looking at the Captain but heads straight for the door.

"He's already left sir." says the Captain moving out of the way.

"Left?" Azreal asks.

"The funeral is tomorrow, he's left to make the arrangements."

"We leave immediately and we do not stop!" Azreal orders darting out of the tent towards his horse.  "My soul cries for you Arturius." he thinks to himself as he utters a small prayer while mounting his horse and begings to ride to Moramroth .

Daphne saw the throng of people meeting to pay their respects to Zak, who was recently murdered.  She made her way slowly, thanking those who made a path for her.  Holding some fresh cut flowers, she lingered at Atalanta's grave, wiped away a tear and sighed.  "You are still missed..."  Daphne placed the flowers on her sister's grave and looked in the direction of where her beloved King Andrew was buried.  It was a very sad time and feeling vulnerable, Daphne decided to mourn Zak from a distance.
Christofers sleep had been light and troubled since the news that Zak had been murdered. More than once he had dreamed of his father standing in front of him with a scowl, he knew he must go to the funeral as the Kane family representative, but deep in his heart he felt there was more his father wanted. He made his way up the mountain past the monuments and shrines to the families, and took his rest next to the Kane family shrine. His sleep was no less troubled than before. His father standing in front of him and spoke, when he had finished speaking Christofer woke with a start and went immeadiatly to the duke of Barad Reil  Arturius himself, and presented himself to aid the Duke with the funeral and anything else needed.

Arturius sat in front of Andrews shine while the servants took care of the final arrangements for Zak. So far he had heard from the Kanes, the Despinas, Murdo stopped in for a moment, he had even heard that Luka, Kealan and Azreal were on their way. He is sure other would soon follow.

Arturis fell to his knees again begging Andrew for guidance. He took the time to run his hands over the sword that layed beside Andrew. The gems in the hilt seemed to gleam in the light that irradiated from the hilt. Arturius stood up looking straight to the sky, never ending tears streaming down his face, screamed out to the Gods "WHY? WHy did Zak have to die for such a lost cause?"

THen a pale beam of light came down from the top of the temple, enough to make him close his eyes for a second. WHen he opened them again he couldnt believe what he saw. On the left he saw Mauroune, the right he saw Christofer, in the background he saw all of the fallen heros of Eston, right in the middle was Andrew himself, standing proud looking at him and smiling. Arturius dropped to his knees once again, "My King, I have failed you." screamed Arturius. "I have tried to keep your visions alive throughout Eston, I have tried to keep your visions alive and all I see is death, deceit and dishonor. I have neither succeeded or shared their fate."

Andrews smile faded and spoke to him as if a knife penetrated his body. "Eston has weakened," Andrew stated, "The nobles do not see things the same anymore, Arturius. Eston is not and never will be the same again. The Caligan Bloc is not listening nor honoring their treaties, as if they ever did. You must start anew. It is time now to begin thinking about self-preservation for your people and all of those within your reach. Teach them what we all have learned and you will rebuild."

Arturius then knew what he must do. He did not like the thought of it, but he knew it was something that must be done.

Marshal Randor walked into his captain´s tent with his head facing to the floor and with a lost look in his face never seen before. He has just received the notice of Duke Arturius son Zak had been executed, and the funeral will be in Moramoth.

"Captain Dagmar, i just receive word of Zak Entreri's execution by the hand of CE, i want to pay my respect to Zak's body and the entire Entreri family on this hard moment. I will be attendng Zak´s funeral. Keep the men training and aware of any possible treath from Nazia" Count Randor knows Zak's death is a big loss but Eston needs to be protected.Eston didnt received any information from CE about a cease fire for Zak's funeral.

"Marshal Randor, please let the Entreri family know i am sorry for their loss" Captain Dagmar told Randor as he exits the tent.

Randor gets in his horse and starts his trip to Mount Moramoth he knows it is a long way and he has enough time to think what he will be saying to Duke Arturius, but he doesnt find the appropiate words because he knows nothing he says will ease the pain Duke Arturius is feeling, but he continues thinking about it as his shape fades away.

Vasilios and Alexios had been riding constantly for a day, and it appeared that they would barely make it in time for Zak's funeral at Moramoth.

Alexios was thinking during most of ride of the torture and the screams he had heard during his stay in the CE dungeons.
A headless body. What a disgrace.
"We must find a way to make sure this doesn't happen again" he stated to his brother.

"We will try", answered Vasilios.
"But now brother it is time to mourn, and pay our respects to the Duke. Come, let us change into some clean clothes and find some flowers, before we pay our respects."

For the first time in a long while, Elroy felt...old.  The death of his friend and shadow brother Zak weighed heavily on his mind and heart.  Standing in the corner of the hall where the funeral proceeding were taking place, Elroy watched as esteemed and honored members of Eston filed in to pay their respects to one who had paid the ultimate price for their loyalty to Eston.  Even those who openly disrespected the infiltrator profession like Duke Kealan were present.

Elroy had devoted much of his life to protecting and serving the Entreri family, but he did not save Zak from the executioner's axe, so when he saw Duke Arturius approach, Elroy was unable to mutter a word and merely looked to the floor, racked with guilt.  Elroy wanted to tell his lord the truth about what happened, but now was not the time; there were more important issues than a clear conscience.

After all were seated, Elroy approached the seated Duke Arturius, placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear, "I loved Zak, so I shall revenge his foul and most unnatural murder."  What Elroy did not divulge was upon whom the revenge would be taken.  He then walked briskly down the aisle and sent an icy stare at Duke Kealan...then showed a quick smirk as he passed by the Duke of Hawthorne.

Elroy pushed through the closed doors of the hall, and as he quickly exited the building, he muttered under his breath, "When I die I hope they just burn my body to ash.  We should pay our respects while one lives, not after they are dead."

Those who watched Elroy leave may have assumed that he was so overwhelmed with sadness that he could not remain at the funeral, but the time for sadness was over...there was work to be done.


Murdo was exhausted ... he had left his troops all the way behind in Amdor as he took two mounts and rode them to death on the way up the mountain.

His second mount stumbled as he approached the temple. He got off and went inside.

He stood behind the kneeling Arturius and placed his hand upon the duke's shoulder. "Whatever you want to do now ... I am with you." He whispered.

He quickly left and went refresh himself. Once he had washed and changed his clothes he returned to the temple with a jug of brandy.

"Time to eat, drink and plan my friend." He said as he offered the jug to Arturius.

As the nobles gathered on top of Mount Moramroth Arturius forced a smile to all that attended.

He stood up, cleared his throat.

"Nobles of Eston. We are here to celebrate the life of my son, Zaknafien Entreri. Zak stood forever in the shadows of his brother Artemis, which is what drove him to the shadows. Zak was very well aware of the consequences of his actions each and every time he stepped out of the realm. He preformed his duties as described to him from Stephan, always keeping Eston first and foremost. He soon became one of the most feared infiltrators on the island. The very smell of the sickly sweet cigars made a man look behind him for he knew he was about to die. "

Arturius paused for a bit in order to reflect on the deeds.

"Zak fathered no children, that we know of, and concentrated on his love for ideals set by his first King. Continually watching, absorbing the events taking place, the hypocrisies."

Arturius stopped again thinking to himself, Zak died for ideals that no longer exist. His deeds forever to be forgotten and for what.

"My son, your memory of the ideals set many years ago will not die with you. I will continue your quest to protect the innocents and the weak and will continue to follow the visions of King Andrew. This is why I pray you forgive me for what I must do."

Arturius sat down head in his hands. As the funeral pyre started to get set up Arturius looked at the nobles that have formed around him. He gave a nod to Christofer, Murdo, and Elmira. He smiled fondly at the other nobles and Dukes/ Duchesses that were in attendance. Some didnt knnow what to say while others didnt need to say anything.

Arturius stood up again and said, "I do regret will follow, for I do not relish what is in store."

Arturius nodded to Morik, who bowed and went to inform Elroy to prepare.

Artuius again sat down allowing the Nobles to pass by the pyre to pay their final respects.

The nobles of Eston were gathered together to pay their respects to Duke Arturius. There was a presence outside the door that most would not recognize, however a few would.

The old man reached into his cloak, withdrew a cigar and lit it. A sickly sweet smell emerged with the smoke as it drifted into the meeting making most nobles of Eston uneasy with the memories of Zak and his cigar smoking.

As a uneasy murmurer made its way through the crowd the door opened and the old man entered, lit cigar in hand. Two guards at the door started to block his passage but the old man was more agile that most of his age and the closer of the two found himself with the edge of a dagger held to his throat.

"Lad, I suggest that unless you wish to shake hands with Zak today, you allow me to pass."

The guards stood down and the old man continued to the front where the casket draped with the flag of Eston was presented.

The old man knelt, paid his respects to his fallen student, crushed the cigar out on the floor and spread the tobacco and ashes over the top of the casket. He then made his way to Arturius shook hands in a way that shows old friendships that run deep and family bonds.

"Hello old friend, I needed to be here even though Lady Tonja argued against it, something about my advanced years. I reminded her that I taught Zak everything he knew even the cigar. I did fail him though..." Stephen Kane knelt in front of Arturius, the back of his neck exposed. "...I forgot to teach him that it is honorable to retire, and for this I must ask for either your forgiveness or offer you my head to replace that of your son, my student, Zak."
