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[Forum Game] Werewolf XIII: The Heaven Falls Upon Us!

Started by D'Espana, November 07, 2012, 12:18:12 AM

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Ten thousand years ago, the human world did not know peace. Legions of Angels from the Heaven and Demons from the Netherworld battled each other in an eternal war, turning into barren landscapes the territories in which their vast armies landed to fight between them. The humans could do little but flee from such destructive forces, praying for their lives to whatever deity they still believed in. Most times, though, they were just caught in the middle without time to move out, something that was equivalent to the death.

However, one day some humans, all of them wise old men that had seen a lot of suffering, decided that humanity had suffered enough at the hands of the battling entities. Once Angels and Demons retreated from their last carnage to refit, they performed a forbidden ritual gathering incredibly ancient spells and magic... at the cost of their own lives.

Their brave gesture sealed both the Heaven Gate and the Netherworld Portal, leaving most of the creatures trapped in their own dimensions, with no way to exit from there. A few Angel stragglers were still on the human world, but with their powers greatly diminished thanks to the ritual, they were easy prey for the much numerous (and angry) humans, and were killed without mercy.

There were also a few Demons still in the human world, but they were smarter than the Angels had been. With their profound knowledge of the human mind, they offered a deal to the angry mobs: if humans spared their lives, they would coexist pacifically with them, as well as grant them whatever wish they could have. The Demons laid only one condition: they would take the soul of the petitioning human to make his wish possible, as they needed it as fuel after the loss of most of their power.

The humans talked amongst them and reached an agreement: Demons would be spared. Who wanted something as stupid and worthless as a soul, when one could have power or beauty in exchange of it? Besides, the Demons were now mere shadows of what they used to be, and thus did not mean the slightest threat. Only a few humans disagreed with the verdict, but seeing that they were amply surpassed, they simply took their belongings and left in silence, to continue their lives apart from the rest.

Back into the present, Demons and humans coexist in complete harmony. Humans offer their souls to Demons in exchange for money and whatnot, and Demons grant humans everything they want. For the last thousand years, rituals have been done to try to remove the seal over the Netherworld, as the Demons have stated that should they have access to their full powers, they could serve humans in even a better way. And who doesn't want to become even more rich or powerful?

Guided by the Demons, many Demon Worshippers are now devoted to break the seal completely. These rituals have become increasingly common, though with the ancient knowledge lost, their progress is much slower than the one of the first ritual performed by the wise old men, now so much time ago. But still, the progress exists. And even there is a progress in something nobody even knows about...

As the magic weakens the seal of the Netherworld Portal, so does the seal of the Heaven Gate. The few humans who departed on their own way, which have kept worshipping the Angels, have sensed this change, and the most trained of them all – the so-called Church Inquisitors – have taken their sacred weapons and holy relics, and are now preparing for the impending doom.

Will the Netherworld Portal be opened, giving Demons their full strength? Will the Heaven Gate break its seal first, setting free the Angels trapped for ten thousand years? Will both of them be activated once again, thus condemning the human world to its end? Only you have the power to change history... but do you have the will?
D'Espana Family


    The Rules

    Werewolf is a game of paranoia, deception and betrayal. Hidden amongst the unknowing Demon Worshippers are The Angels, mythical creatures who seek to extend their power once more to the human world. The Demon Worshippers outnumber the Angels, but they don't know who to trust. The Angels want to kill enough Demon Worshippers so that they can reach parity and overthrow the Demon Worshippers openly, the Demon Worshippers want to destroy the Angels by uncovering their identity.

    If that wasn't a dire enough situation for the Demon Worshippers, even amongst the humans there are Church Inquisitors looking to eliminate the Demons and their acolytes, so as to reinstate the will of the Angels. Fortunately the Demon Worshippers have the aid of the Enhanced Demon Worshippers, who have sold their souls in exchange for special abilities that may help them in finding their enemies; and the assistance of the very same Demons, who have supernatural powers similar to those of the Angels. Apart from them all, there is also the Mythological Seer, a sage from the times of the ancient magic who may choose to side with whoever he wants. These characters must hide their identity just as much as the Angels must, as they are the greatest threat to the forces of Heaven and will surely be killed if revealed.

    It may seem like a simple Demon Worshipper is powerless in this clash of good and evil, but they are not. Every day the Demon Worshippers get to choose one person to lynch in their efforts to kill the Angels and Church Inquisitors. The Demon Worshippers must vote to choose the person they think most likely to be an Angel or Church Inquisitor. With their vote, the Demon Worshippers can reveal much about the motives of others. But they must be cunning, or more than a little lucky, if they are to survive.

    Standard Big Rules

    All roles will be handed out after the last person signs up, with all players receiving a PM containing their role. The game will then proceed to a night deadline.

    The game is divided into two periods - night and day. For practical reasons these two periods are run concurrently, from one update till the next. Each update is 24 hours apart.

    Each day, all players vote to lynch one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be an Angel or a Church Inquisitor. Every two nights, the Angels and the Church Inquisitors decide who to kill, hunting in alternate nights. In each 24 hour period, the Demon Worshippers will lynch, and the baddies will hunt. The Demon Worshippers can also try to not lynch anyone by creating a glorious tie, and the baddies can also decide not to hunt anyone at all at night.

    The Angels and the Church Inquisitors win if they manage to reach parity with the Demon Worshippers, Enhanced Demon Worshippers and Demons. The Demon Worshippers, Enhanced Demon Worshippers and Demons win if they manage to destroy the Angels and the Church Inquisitors. The Mythological Seer wins simply by staying alive, as he has not devoted himself to any particular side, and flips his allegiance when he finds it necessary.

    Standard Werewolf Rules

    • §1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
      §1B - No new players will be admitted after the game has started, except to substitute for another player.
      §1C - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
      §1D - Failure to vote has NO consequences.
    • §2A – Players will vote or can decide not to. See Rule 1D.
      §2B – Votes are valid or invalid according to the situation.
      §2C – In the event of a tie NO ONE will be lynched. Lynching also requires a minimum of 2 votes for the to-be-lynched person.
      §2D - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline will be lynched (subject to other player actions). They will not reveal any inside information after the deadline. The presumed dead player(s) should post in a non-default colour until their true role is confirmed.
    • §3A - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are ignored.
      §3B - Orders (scans, hunts, et cetera) are sent to the Game Moderator via PM.
      §3C - Players are responsible for any Private Messages missed due to inbox being full.
      §3D - Orders take place in the DAY EVENTS and are determined in the NIGHT EVENTS (before lynchings) except for hunts which comes after lynchings in the NIGHT EVENTS.
    • §4A - Spectators may comment, but never suggest a course of action, reveal any new information, including vote counts, or discuss any details of their former character, in the case of ghosts. Preferably spectators will comment only in a manner tangential to the actual game.
      §4B - When doing spectator commentary, please use a non-default colour.
      §4C - Please don't use the same color of text as the GM is using (of course, we speak about orange)
    • §5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.
    • §6A – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
      §6B – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/scan orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be corrected or kept depending on the situation.
    • §7A – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
      §7B – Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged.
      §7C – Players may use PMs to coordinate their actions. Players are reminded to use the public thread where possible.
    • §8A – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in bold text.
      §8B - If you wish to un-vote someone, write "UNVOTE" and their name in bold text.
      §8C - In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote.
      §8D - Do not edit votes after posting them. If you make a mistake, un-vote and revote in a new post.
      §8E - Votes should be oversized or clear of other text to ensure they are not missed by the GM.
      §8F - We won't be super specific about how you must vote, but be a dear and hit at least two of these: bold, larger font, white/light colored text.
    • §9 - The GM can and will remove players if the GM believes that player is adversely affecting the game, for example through deliberate violation of the rules. This will be done through the use of killing the player's role, or using substitutes, if they are available. All such decisions are made solely at the discretion of the GM.
    • §10 - The game will start once an NPC dies. Orders can be sent by PM to the GM. Until then, life goes on as usual at the sanctuary.


    The deadline of this game is BM Sunset Time (forum time will be used).
    Votes and orders made on 17:59:59 will count, while those made on 18:00:00 WILL NOT.

    The Roles

    • Demon Worshippers (Villagers): Followers of the Demons and everything they can give to the human race, a Demon Worshipper knows nothing for sure, but can use the power of his vote to help lynch others. Demon Worshippers win when the Angels and Church Inquisitors are killed.
    • Enhanced Demon Worshippers: Having sold their soul in exchange for power, the Enhanced Demon Worshippers have abilities far beyond the simple humans. There are different classes of enhancements, but all of them win when the Angels and Church Inquisitors are killed.
      o Physically Enhanced Demon Worshippers (Bodyguards): Mostly concerned about their body, these Demon Worshippers sold their souls in exchange for improved physical abilities. Faster, more resistant and way stronger than any normal human, it is said they can even match a supernatural entity in close range combat. They may protect someone each night from being hunted AND scanned, though they can't protect anyone two times in a row. They also can't protect themselves, as they can be taken down by surprise when they are alone.
      o Mentally Enhanced Demon Worshippers (Pseudo-Seers): Mostly concerned about their mind, these Demon Worshippers sold their souls in exchange for improved mental abilities. Smarter, more observant and way wiser than any normal human, it is said that they can notice patterns where others are not even aware of them, as well as work out discordant elements from a general picture. They may scan someone each night, and will know from their observations if their target is a Church Inquisitor. Every other role will show as a Demon Worshipper.
    • Demons (Pseudo-Seers): The natives of the Netherworld, lords of chaos and eternal enemies of the Angels. These supernatural entities have powers far beyond the reach of human imagination, but the seal of the Netherworld Portal has left them without most of their strength and abilities, also making them to look like mere humans. Now seeking at all cost to open again the way to their plane, the few Demons remaining in the human world take the souls of the Enhanced Demon Worshippers as their source of energy, granting them minor wishes in exchange. They have managed to gather faithful amongst the human race, and now direct them in the many rituals to weaken the seal of the Netherworld Portal. They may scan someone each night, and will recognize the aura of their hated enemies: the Angels. Every other role will show as a Demon Worshipper. Demons win when the Angels and Church Inquisitors are killed.
    • Mythological Seer (Super-Seer): One of the extremely few remaining of his kind, the Mythological Seer is a sage from the times of the ancient magic. His knowledge is vast and his powers mysterious, and his experience in life makes him a living relic, almost an encyclopedia of the events of the last thousand years. He has stood aside from everything, watching the world from the shadows and never intervening, no matter the situation. Thus, he cares little for allegiances and siding with anyone, and will consider only his own safety (and the one of his investigations) as important. He may scan someone each night, and with the proper spell learn the role of his target, no matter the situation. His magic is too strong for anything to remain hidden, and he will even bypass the protection of the Physically Enhanced Demon Worshipper. He may also cast a spell which will make him invulnerable for a whole day, though it consumes so much energy that it can be used only one time. The Mythological Seer wins just by remaining alive, and thus may side (or not side at all) with whoever he likes the most.
    • Angels (Werewolves/Pseudo-Seers): The natives of the Heaven, lords of order and eternal enemies of the Demons. These supernatural entities have powers far beyond the reach of human imagination, but the seal of the Heaven Gate has left them trapped inside their plane, unable to exit it to battle the hordes from the Netherworld. Now seeking at all cost to open again the way to the human world, the Angels await for the seal to be removed, knowing from long time ago that it was being unintentionally weakened by the rituals of the Demon Worshippers. They still have a few loyal followers in the human world, gathered in a secret organization called the Church. They may kill someone every two nights in an attempt to purge the world from the creatures of the Netherworld, as well as those who follow the path of chaos. They also may scan someone each night, and will recognize the aura of their hated enemies: the Demons. Every other role will show as a Demon Worshipper. Angels win when the Demon Worshippers, the Enhanced Demon Worshippers and the Demons are killed.
    • Church Inquisitors (Werewolves/Pseudo-Seers): Descendants to those that did not agree with sparing the lives of the Demons, they have been always apart from the rest of humanity, and indoctrinated in the beliefs of the forbidden Church. Disenchanted with the current world situation and how the Demons have taken control, they praise for the return of the Angels, in the hope that they will make from the human plane a place of order and discipline. Because of this, they have been taught advanced martial combat and various assassination techniques, something that mixed with their sacred weapons and holy relics makes them extremely lethal and dangerous. They are also incredibly intuitive and clever, and have the best discipline in the whole human world. They may kill someone every two nights in an attempt to purge the world from the creatures of the Netherworld, as well as those who follow the path of chaos. They also may scan someone each night, and will know from their observations if their target is an Enhanced Demon Worshipper. Every other role will show as a Demon Worshipper. Church Inquisitors win when the Demon Worshippers, the Enhanced Demon Worshippers and the Demons are killed.


    Do I have to roleplay? No. It's fun and helpful to do it, but it's not required. Some players don't really roleplay at all, and instead simply post votes and accusations, and that's okay too.

    What do I post?/I don't understand! You can post anything you like, but preferably in an IC POINT OF VIEW. Typically Demon Worshippers will post accusations. "I think he did it, just because!" or "I think she did it, because last turn she voted against the guy who turned out to be an Angel" Accusations work better when you can back them up with some reason. Trash talking is allowed and encouraged.

    I'm an Angel/Church Inquisitor. What do I do? You pretend to be a Demon Worshipper and do and say WHATEVER IT TAKES to survive and kill all your opponents.

    I'm a Pseudo-Seer. What do I do? You try to scan everyone in order to learn their role and help your team. Discover who's who in this game of paranoia and deception!

    I'm a Bodyguard. What do I do? Protect the Demons and the Demon Worshippers from the followers of Heaven. Be careful, though: your ability makes you an interesting target for them, and you can't protect yourself.

    I'm the Mythological Seer. What do I do? Watch everyone's efforts from your comfortable position of superior knowledge. Aid one side, trick the other or better yet, fool everyone around for your particular amusement. Be wary of being killed by mistake, it would sure be a pity to not survive to watch the end of the world!

    I'm still confused/I don't know who to vote for. Either watch other players in action and see how they're doing it, or jump right in yourself. This game is both deadly serious and quite comical, where people will accuse others for the slightest and most vague of clues, or just in retaliation for voting against them! The first round of voting is difficult, as the only way to try to tell who's a werewolf and who's not is to listen to what people are saying. In later rounds you can try to identify patterns, or look for groups that vote together, or people who changed their votes to keep the baddies from being lynched.

    Are votes private or do they go in the main thread? Very definitely public!

    Do the Angels/Church Inquisitors vote with the Demon Worshippers? Absolutely. You want to do everything you can to keep the naive Demon Worshippers from suspecting that you're a baddie. If the Demon Worshippers think you're not one of them, they'll vote to lynch you! So your job is not only to kill the Demon Worshippers, but also to convince them that you're actually one of them as well!

    Aw man, I'm just a Demon Worshipper. We can't all be the Angels/Church Inquisitors. Have fun being a Demon Worshipper. Root out the followers of Heaven! Try not to be confused for them and be lynched by your own fellows!

    How does a substitute work? If a player cannot continue to play, another player may jump into that role. Subs may be players who were previously killed in the current game (though there are caveats, a Bad Guy is often not a good sub because he knows things) or a late signup. In either case, when someone subs in, they assume the identity of that slot. Thus if someone who was playing and was a Demon, if he gets subbed, the player who comes in is a Demon, and pretends that he's been there the whole time.

    How long does a game last? Depends on setup and what happens in the game. Could be as short as 2-3 days, or as long as 10 days!


    • Jasmine (NPC) - Jasmine (NPC) the Demon Worshipper (Villager) and hot young virgin lady has been nailed against the entrance door.
    • Fury - Fury the Angel (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!
    • Lefanis - Lefanis the Physically Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Bodyguard) has been sucked dry.
    • Ketchum - Ketchum the Church Inquisitor (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!
    • Disturbedyang - Disturbedyang the Physically Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Bodyguard) has been stabbed repeatedly to death.
    • DK - DK the Mythological Seer (Super-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!
    • Sonya - Sonya the Mentally Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Pseudo-Seer) has lost her heart in a precise and single hit.
    • Stabbity - Stabbity the Church Inquisitor (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!
    • Coquard - Coquard the Demon Worshipper (Villager) has a beautiful bloody mess where he once had a head.
    • egamma - Egamma the Angel (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!
    • Penchant - Penchant the Demon (Pseudo-Seer) has received a blessed bullet in his chest.
    • Kai - Kai the Demon Worshipper (Villager) has broken his neck after a forced jump.
    • Tandaros - Tandaros the Mentally Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Pseudo-Seer) has been reduced to a half man.
    • Elegant - Elegant the Demon (Pseudo-Seer) has been turned to dust.
    D'Espana Family


      My express thanks to Fury, as I have taken his last game's rules as a model for setting everything (translation: I have copy-pasted everything and later on made the needed changes to fit my own background) Fury, if you want me to change something, you just have to let me know it.


      Night 0

      Jasmine (NPC) the Demon Worshipper (Villager) and hot young virgin lady has been nailed against the entrance door.

      Day 1

      Kai the Demon Worshipper (Villager) has broken his neck after a forced jump.

      Night 1

      Sonya the Mentally Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Pseudo-Seer) has lost her heart in a precise and single hit.

      Day 2

      Coquard the Demon Worshipper (Villager) has a beautiful bloody mess where he once had a head.

      Night 2

      Nobody was killed this night.

      Day 3

      Penchant the Demon (Pseudo-Seer) has received a blessed bullet in his chest.

      Night 3

      Lefanis the Physically Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Bodyguard) has been sucked dry.

      Day 4

      Parity reached.

      Tandaros the Mentally Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Pseudo-Seer) has been reduced to a half man.

      Disturbedyang the Physically Enhanced Demon Worshipper (Bodyguard) has been stabbed repeatedly to death.

      Elegant the Demon (Pseudo-Seer) has been turned to dust.

      Night 4

      Heaven Gate opened.

      Fury the Angel (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!

      Egamma the Angel (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!

      DK the Mythological Seer (Super-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!

      Ketchum the Church Inquisitor (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!

      Stabbity the Church Inquisitor (Werewolf/Pseudo-Seer) has accomplished his mission and won the game!
      D'Espana Family


      No problem, looks good  :D

      Since you're Spanish, am I right in thinking this has a similar feel to Pan's Labyrinth where the Underworld and strange eerie weird creatures are the good guys like in this game where the demons are the 'good guys'?



      What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

      T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


      Quote from: Fury on November 08, 2012, 04:15:58 PM
      No problem, looks good  :D

      Since you're Spanish, am I right in thinking this has a similar feel to Pan's Labyrinth where the Underworld and strange eerie weird creatures are the good guys like in this game where the demons are the 'good guys'?


      Now that I think about it, yeah, possibly has some similarities, but I was not thinking on it when I made this. In fact, I would say that the main basis is one of the RP games I have set up with some friends, being the setting of it somehow similar to this. The rest comes just for the "I don't want to do the classic Angels vs Demons... so I'll switch them instead!"
      D'Espana Family


      Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
      Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
      BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


      D'Espana, you may want to consider revise your Deadline Time rule a bit.

      There is some complication which is settled by GM decision in my game.
      As our Battlemaster Forum Time has Second behind.

      QuoteAnd seeing I determine in Day 1 that DK change vote at 6:00:08AM was counted,
      for this game ONLY, changing vote up until 6:00:59AM is counted.
      6:01AM change vote will not COUNT.
      Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
      Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
      BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)



      Smeagol becomes a demon... eh, i thought you already are? haha


      Here i am.

      I hope we return to the coherent gameplay of voting.


      Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 09, 2012, 10:14:34 AM
      Smeagol becomes a demon... eh, i thought you already are? haha

      "Preciousssss can do many thingsss...... Preciousssssss can make you demon........ Preciousssssss......."


      Quote from: Ketchum on November 09, 2012, 04:09:14 AM
      D'Espana, you may want to consider revise your Deadline Time rule a bit.

      There is some complication which is settled by GM decision in my game.
      As our Battlemaster Forum Time has Second behind.

      So, would you suggest making a more precise Deadline, or am I mistaking you?
      D'Espana Family


      Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.