Author Topic: Kabrinskia, Astrum, and other such stuff of the North Western Astroist states.  (Read 73961 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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That logic makes absolutely no sense to me.

To pacify a species, you would eliminate all of its predators? Let it grow out of control until it depletes its prey and begins to cannibalize its own kind? Eventually their ecosystems fall apart and *MAYBE* give the chance for a lesser species to rise in their place, though in the process of eliminating its predators you happened to destroy the most successful examples of competitive vitality that existed at its side? Perhaps my reasoning works a little differently but that's not a very efficient progression of events.

You'd figure the time-tested idea of allowing species to propagate within a dynamic ecosystem would function better than trying to cull a given species' competition. That will just lead it to stagnate and become pacified. I don't want a pacified SA, a boring SA, or a dead SA, I want an SA as interesting as it is now but more dynamic in terms of continental politics. A more active SA. Everyone just sees a wall of SA banners, there is no clear distinction between Astroist nations beside Kabrinskia, and who are we kidding, that's entirely because of Allison. Why? Because SA is a sleeping bear. I'd like to see a threatened SA that opens its jaws and fights back against its enemies, that feels threatened and retaliates, not an SA that slowly amasses power and slumbers.

The two options are SA fights others, which has thankfully come true thanks to Aurvandil, or it fights itself. Once Aurvandil is gone, what will SA do? Fight the Lurian Empire? Lay on its haunches, lick its wounds, and wait?

I'm just trying to figure out what's going to happen when the SA can no longer band against Aurvandil because there's nothing left to band against. Its already proven that the SA can come together to fight someone, now I want to see what else it can do. If the only way you can do that is by poking it then by the Gods will I encourage people to poke the sleeping bear, hehe.

To get rid of a species, getting rid of its FOOD sure could work. And this would be a better analogy. There are no predators to SA, just prey.

In agricultural pest management, this is done. If you get too much of a pest for some crop, then it's usually a good idea to change crops for a few years to starve the larvae out.
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