Author Topic: Great PvP rivalries in BattleMaster  (Read 25357 times)

Dante Silverfire

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Re: Great PvP rivalries in BattleMaster
« Reply #30: November 22, 2012, 01:31:30 AM »
Silverfire v Anaris used to be one from my point of view. However, Brom dropped it a while back after he decided that rivalries don't ever help him. (Background: Brom orchestrated about 5 rebellion/secession/assassination attempts on rulers of Pian en Luries primarily Alanna Anaris.)

The same can be asserted for Silverfire v Solari, however Brom dropped that a while back as well. (Background: Brom had a blood debt declared upon him by Malus Solari after Brom placed a bounty on Malus's head of 500 gold using family funds)

I doubt either of the above ever really considered the above to be true due to Brom's overall incompetence.

I believe I did make a family enemy though when Brom "caused" the suicide of the Queen of Luria. I'll let that player decide on that one though.

Silverfire v. Kabrinski might have just begun though. Brom's banning of Allison caused by his subsequent nullification of their marriage will probably start something. We'll see.
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