Author Topic: Request for an Inalienable Rights judgement  (Read 17578 times)

Draco Tanos

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Re: Request for an Inalienable Rights judgement
« Reply #15: December 03, 2012, 10:33:55 AM »
No. A hundred times no. This is exactly the kind of attitude that's the problem.
What?  People taking gold to shove into family accounts so they can use it on other continents instead of a realm at war that needs every coin for the war effort?
Or wanting to purge those wastes of space?  Because I'd rather see an estate empty and the gold going to a lord that will use it (either directly or by issuing it to other nobles) than someone who sits there and does nothing for the good of the realm.  Not even RP?  Please.


If he was only looking for income, you don't think actually managing to please his Lord was the easiest way to do so?

If he really wants to spy, don't you think participating in the army would have been the smart move?
It's an example, yes.  And one I've not only seen happen, but I've had people take advantage of.  Greed is a motivator when people don't think they're getting what they want.

Why should he please his lord when just sitting there gets him his gold.  And he can keep retaking the estate too.  Or just wait until right before taxes to do so.  Lords cannot prohibit people from taking estates back.

You're under the impression that moochers are always smart.  They are not. On the contrary, when Westmoor was warring the Saxons in Fontan, we fed the moochers we had with false info...  Which Fontan attempted to use.   But yes, eventually we got tired of having to be too careful of what we said.  They were banished after continually refusing to follow orders to recruit units or march towards the front.  I've seen people banished from other realms for less and far more quickly.  But we're a tolerant lot that gets tired of our tolerance being abused. :)
The only plus side is that many of them ended up being gold sponges in Nivemus and Fontan.  I DID warn Nivemus about them though.

Sure, it's inevitable now that you've banished him. It's your own damn fault though.
No, they can go to allied realms.  Or neutral realms.  However, if a banishment is what it takes to give them a kick in the pants to actually play the game?  It's a banishment well deserved.

Is that your goal, executing characters you don't deem active enough for your taste? How nice.
Nope, my goal is to execute people with no loyalties to their lords, their ruler, or anyone but themselves.  At least PRETEND to have loyalties.  But that pretending would require actually doing something other than sitting there and acquiring gold.