Author Topic: This should not happen  (Read 19087 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: This should not happen
« Reply #15: December 15, 2012, 09:56:52 AM »
So you make a FEDERATION (not an alliance) with a realm your peasants hate, which hurts MORALE (not moral), and lack the intellectual fortitude to have diplomats correct the issue even before that realm is destroyed... 

I'll be honest I didn't know diplomats could do that, I started playing this game well before diplomats existed. That is however irrelevant since through most of my realm's existence we've had between one and zero diplomats.

You have problems after it's been wiped out because you had that Federation.  And still refuse to use diplomats.   

I'll get all of my diplomats right on it! Lets see...

However, you don't want the peasants angry at you for entering your realm in a federation with a realm they hated.   

False. I have no problem with the fact that the peasants can dislike a realm you're allied with. That's a fun challenge, balancing public opinion with foreign policy, something countries have struggled with throughout history.

I have a problem with them complaining about our relations with a realm that doesn't exist. This has been explained to you at least twice by me and by two other poster yet you keep going back to square one as if we just bashed our heads against the keyboard. At this point I think you either like to argue, hate to be wrong or both.

Yet you want a magic turn-off switch?   

To make relations with a dead realm revert to neutral? Yeah that would be nice. That way I wont have to waste the time of all zero of my diplomats fixing the moral penalties caused by an alliance with a nonexistent realm until such time as the realm is manually deleted.

Hell, I think Tom should tweak it that they remain angry for a few months after that realm is destroyed for the simple reason that you apparently don't think things through when making diplomatic decisions.   

How much should one have to think about not having any treaties with a realm that doesn't exist? I in fact think pretty darn carefully about treaties when they pertain to realms that still exist. If you have to think hard about your diplomatic stance with a dead realm, there's something wrong with game mechanics.

You know what you should do, you should go to the UN and protest the UN membership of Czechoslovakia, see how much support you get. I'm sure a lot of men in white coats will show up to join your protest with a nice warm jacket for you.

It'd be like Old Grehk entering into a federation with Fronen or Perdan entering into a federation with Ibladesh and then complaining that the peasants are throwing a fit!
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 10:04:51 AM by pcw27 »