Author Topic: This should not happen  (Read 19111 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: This should not happen
« Reply #15: December 15, 2012, 08:05:35 PM »
If you think that a feature needs to be adjusted or you think there is a bug with the system then you had best go and put in a feature request to have things changed (as you have done) or place a bug report rather than being an ass on the forums. Posting childish youtube links is basically the behaviour of a troll.

I was doing just that before Dracos derailed the discussion with his repetitive mischaracterization of my complaints despite multiple posters and my self correcting him. So lets get back on track.

Let me reiterate what I suggest:

-When a realm loses its last region it should default all diplomatic stances to neutral because it's pointless to have peasants mad about foreign policy with a realm that doesn't exist. It would be like people protesting the Vietnam war in 1980 or demanding we nuke the Soviet Union. It would be even more ridiculous to ask players to spend time on diplomacy with non existent realms, that would be like present day United States having an ambassador to Yugoslavia

-The federation broken indicators should be more clear. I believe in learning by playing, not by consulting the wiki every time I do something. Many in game actions have "War will most likely commence" should be "war will automatically commence". If that's what it reads now then that's my mistake, I do however remember the former being what it says (side note I didn't get a "war breaking out" message when the federation broke.

-There should be an "are you sure page" or at least a parenthetical next to the "Withdraw from federation link" warning that it will result in an automatic war. Most other big decisions in game have such a warning page. Again, learn by playing is the goal here. Many actions in the game interface are self explanatory and feature descriptions of just what that action does. An action with the widespread effects of breaking a federation should not be the exception to this rule. Accidental war isn't fun for anyone. It's a waste of time.

I also suggested a way to expel a realm from a federation by consensus of the other realms but that's already been rejected.