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And a new realm lives!

Started by Woelfy, January 09, 2013, 11:04:32 PM

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Quote from: Woelfy on January 13, 2013, 12:36:22 AM
Sevastian has been backed into a corner, yeah, he's going to lash out at people being illogical. He hasn't insulted anyone but Bowie and Kiyth, who used the same weak poop jokes.

I prove that how? I am strengthening my duchy, and thereby strengthening the realm. That is simple logic. It isn't my job to care about your duchy, Pike.

Lessons from one Republic to another: In D'Hara, the order of importance is realm first, second, and last. Third is for the ally slot. Even D'Haran dukes, who like any other are notorious for jealously guarding what's theirs, follow this.

Buuut if you really must crack Swordfell in half, D'Hara could always use some new knights  8)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: Woelfy on January 13, 2013, 01:50:35 AM
Damn, is it really this hard to understand?

I confess that I find it very hard to understand. Please explain it again is though you are speaking to an elderly old woman.

Confronting a tyrant in a dramatic divisive way= maybe cost some public opinion
Creating irrevocable conflict so early= definitely worth the cost
Fanning the anger of an enemy with a noose around his neck= priceless!
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Quote from: Ironsides on January 13, 2013, 05:57:39 AM
I confess that I find it very hard to understand. Please explain it again is though you are speaking to an elderly old woman.

Confronting a tyrant in a dramatic divisive way= maybe cost some public opinion
Creating irrevocable conflict so early= definitely worth the cost
Fanning the anger of an enemy with a noose around his neck= priceless!



Let's take a moment to remember all the other realms who have been brought down by simple forgery.

Then laff.


Apparently the price of being imbecilic and covering up your selfishness (for lack of a better, more evident term) with trolling is not all the !@#$s you could've given.

I was excited about being a part of all of this but this sort of self-indulgence and not even letting the realm rest for a moment before stirring up a !@#$storm is not only selfish, but has been executed poorly at best, and has left me wanting and concerned. Concerned because this was not my impression of how people handled things in BM. My impression was that people can handle their characters having a disagreement without going overboard at the flick of a wrist and ruining not only an interesting event but what could've been an interesting controversy with nothing more than immaturity and a seeming lack of respect for the rest of the player community.

I don't know... I'm new. Maybe my standards are too high.

I don't want anyone else to get the wrong idea, this is largely directed at Bowie. From what I've witnessed Woelfy has been largely reactionary and Pike's been trying to salvage the mess.


Quote from: Thalryn on January 13, 2013, 08:48:11 AM
...I don't want anyone else to get the wrong idea, this is largely directed at Bowie. From what I've witnessed Woelfy has been largely reactionary and Pike's been trying to salvage the mess.

Buddy you have a really warped view of what's happening. Besides, do you know anything about Bowie? He's the Champion Insulteer of Dwilight. But nevermind, you and your fearless leader will have to find another realm to usurp!

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I found a way to protest Sevastian! He'll be deposed in short order! I'm going to throw the largest liberation party Dwilight has ever seen. Everyone is invited (except for you know who). Even the theocrats!
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


One of the challenges of BattleMaster is finding a realm that matches your desired play style. There are a lot of realms across the islands. If the one you're in isn't right, try another one.

Bowie is definitely not typical. The character is played very over-the-top. Pretty much a charicature of a noble, I think. Definitely not a style that appeals to everyone. (Not my cup of tea, either.)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on January 13, 2013, 02:14:06 PM
One of the challenges of BattleMaster is finding a realm that matches your desired play style. There are a lot of realms across the islands. If the one you're in isn't right, try another one.

Bowie is definitely not typical. The character is played very over-the-top. Pretty much a charicature of a noble, I think. Definitely not a style that appeals to everyone. (Not my cup of tea, either.)
After your first noble I think it best to talk to someone when joining another continent so that you can find a realm beforehand that fits you and not guess (or a bit of an educated guess by checking wiki but talking to a player about how a realm is, is much better than wiki.) I spoke to someone before joining Dwilight and my character fits in perfectly in D'hara IMO.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Thalryn on January 13, 2013, 08:48:11 AM
Apparently the price of being imbecilic and covering up your selfishness (for lack of a better, more evident term) with trolling is not all the !@#$s you could've given.

I was excited about being a part of all of this but this sort of self-indulgence and not even letting the realm rest for a moment before stirring up a !@#$storm is not only selfish, but has been executed poorly at best, and has left me wanting and concerned. Concerned because this was not my impression of how people handled things in BM. My impression was that people can handle their characters having a disagreement without going overboard at the flick of a wrist and ruining not only an interesting event but what could've been an interesting controversy with nothing more than immaturity and a seeming lack of respect for the rest of the player community.

I don't know... I'm new. Maybe my standards are too high.

I don't want anyone else to get the wrong idea, this is largely directed at Bowie. From what I've witnessed Woelfy has been largely reactionary and Pike's been trying to salvage the mess.

<----D'Hara lies that way  8)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: Ironsides on January 13, 2013, 09:21:45 AM
Buddy you have a really warped view of what's happening. Besides, do you know anything about Bowie? He's the Champion Insulteer of Dwilight. But nevermind, you and your fearless leader will have to find another realm to usurp!

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I found a way to protest Sevastian! He'll be deposed in short order! I'm going to throw the largest liberation party Dwilight has ever seen. Everyone is invited (except for you know who). Even the theocrats!

Self-proclaimed champion insulted of Dwilight. Be clear on that Ironsides. You have not shown a single bit of the depth of character that I've always heard Bowie had. I'm seriously disappointed.

A way to protest Sevastian? Interesting.


Quote from: Woelfy on January 13, 2013, 06:00:56 PMSelf-proclaimed champion insulted of Dwilight. Be clear on that Ironsides. You have not shown a single bit of the depth of character that I've always heard Bowie had. I'm seriously disappointed.
Bowie always appeared to me to be one of those people that intentionally was as blatantly insulting as he could possibly be, in order to try and publicly humiliate people in such a way that they had no choice but to duel him. It's like he's purposely trying to get as many people as possible to challenge him to a death duel as he can. And he makes it so blindingly obvious, and public enough, that he thinks that the target could not possibly refuse.

But at least he's not one of those morons who accompanies such insults with an OOC letter saying "I've insulted you, you *have* to duel me to the death OR YOU'RE A BAD PLAYER!"
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on January 13, 2013, 06:33:41 PM
Bowie always appeared to me to be one of those people that intentionally was as blatantly insulting as he could possibly be, in order to try and publicly humiliate people in such a way that they had no choice but to duel him. It's like he's purposely trying to get as many people as possible to challenge him to a death duel as he can. And he makes it so blindingly obvious, and public enough, that he thinks that the target could not possibly refuse.

But at least he's not one of those morons who accompanies such insults with an OOC letter saying "I've insulted you, you *have* to duel me to the death OR YOU'RE A BAD PLAYER!"

It's funny, because he started in with the insults quickly, but the content of them was poor beyond belief. The funny part is that there is a law in Swordfell prohibiting personal insults and demanding of proper hierarchal respect.

We all see how /that/ went.


Quote from: Ironsides on January 13, 2013, 09:21:45 AM
Buddy you have a really warped view of what's happening. Besides, do you know anything about Bowie? He's the Champion Insulteer of Dwilight.

I don't care if you call yourself the Champion Insulteer. I haven't witnessed any oration that's beyond elementary.

As for finding a realm that suits you, I don't know that caricatures belong on Dwilight. I joined it for the serious medieval environment after discussing what that entailed on the IRC server.



While plotics like this are some what normal.  How ugly they get depends on the people involved.  I will admit that Bowie's character is outspoke and enjoys insulting and just about everything to make things a bit more colorful.  Yes it does backfire often and this most recent case is one of the few times things have not simply blown over because BOTH sides will not let matters drop.  Also while yes Wolfe/Sevastian has been playing a reactive game he has still been just as bad and stubborn about listing to other plans.  Sevastian has pretty much gone against any attempt of Abbigals to bring peace to the realm.

I hope you do stick around more.  This was not the road that any of the people involved in creating the new realm had planed for it.   Overall Sevastian and Bowie I think are proving themselves to be people who are calm enough to be a ruler.  Though more calm rulers are more boring so....

For Wolfe,

If Abbigal is the las you are talking about you have things mixed up a bit.  Yes she is against Bowie and his vulgar Insults and Bowie has agreed to be punished should we ever get a judge again.  As to hierarchal respect.   That is not the case Sevastian does deserve to be respected as a noble and member of Swordfell.   Him being duke does not get him in more respect as it has been stated that Swordfell believes in being able to voice your opinion ignoring rank as long as its respectfull.  Which has failed misserable by quite a few people at this point.  Also why should he Sevastian as Ruler when he does not belong in that position and Sevastian is not his Duke.   You have already stated that Sevastian basically has the view each duchy is on their own.  Sevastain can not complain because some outside his duchy does not agree to his views.



For Wolfe,

If Abbigal is the las you are talking about you have things mixed up a bit.  Yes she is against Bowie and his vulgar Insults and Bowie has agreed to be punished should we ever get a judge again.  As to hierarchal respect.   That is not the case Sevastian does deserve to be respected as a noble and member of Swordfell.   Him being duke does not get him in more respect as it has been stated that Swordfell believes in being able to voice your opinion ignoring rank as long as its respectfull.  Which has failed misserable by quite a few people at this point.  Also why should he Sevastian as Ruler when he does not belong in that position and Sevastian is not his Duke.   You have already stated that Sevastian basically has the view each duchy is on their own.  Sevastain can not complain because some outside his duchy does not agree to his views.

That was a typo, I was trying to refer to the /law/ that prohibits insults or disrespect. Sorry for the confusion.

You are seriously trying to say that the position of Duke has no more importance and is worthy of no more respect than a regular Noble? I am flabbergasted at the mere thought.

This is an SMA island, not some cuddly rp place. If you want cuddly friends of all ages and status in life, I'd recommend the Sims.