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And a new realm lives!

Started by Woelfy, January 09, 2013, 11:04:32 PM

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How childish must you be Ironsides? I can get my crayons out if it'd help you understand the situation better.

My character came to Swordfell, was promised his ducal independence, and then immediately had that promise broken. In that, yes, Sevastian became a victim. Trusting you was an obvious mistake... But who has royal status and the creation of a realm on his family page? Oh right...

Sevastian got screwed over, and has been doing nothing but trying to ensure that the promises made to him are fulfilled, no matter if it's a popular move or not. Abbigal moving against him was her own damn fault. She could have very easily gained an ally instead of a foe.


Go Abbigail, you can do it! Outlast his miserable Lurian ass! :P
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on February 06, 2013, 04:21:55 AM
Go Abbigail, you can do it! Outlast his miserable Lurian ass! :P
He never has to leave while she already has lower h/p and elections. She loses by default.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on February 06, 2013, 04:43:43 AM
He never has to leave while she already has lower h/p and elections. She loses by default.



Quote from: Penchant on February 06, 2013, 04:43:43 AM
He never has to leave while she already has lower h/p and elections. She loses by default.

The Exile option is not for republics :p
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Woelfy on February 06, 2013, 03:58:05 AM
Facts don't change. That's why they are called facts, Pike. Your character is a mindless tyrant. You might not like it, but that's what you've turned her into. Welcome to my Hell.

And that last bit is just laughable. Skiarxon didn't do anything against the realm, he went against Creed. Sevastian hasn't done anything against the realm since he got protested out of office, he went against Abbigal.

Sounds like you are full of !@#$, and the facts prove it.

You are correct the facts to not change.  Though your story and mine are two different interpretation of the facts.   Seveastian and you are the only ones to call Abbigal a mindless tyrant.  I am sorry if this has turned into hell for you.  You are more then welcome to remove Sevastian from Sordfell when ever you like.

I still maintain that Skiarxon also attacked Lord Elroth.  He was the only infiltrator in the region when it happened and at least in Abbigails mind admitted it in the same letter when he admitted to attacking Creed.  Honestly if it where just the attack on Creed I do not think it would have been as bad.

As for Sevastian.  Once again Sevastians letters prove otherwise.   Also once again how can Sevastian go against the ruler of a realm as well the Chancalr and a few other people and say that he is not working against the realm.  I think that is just more of Sevastians Lurian Logic.

Once again or view on the facts obviously differ.

Quote from: Penchant on February 06, 2013, 04:43:43 AM
He never has to leave while she already has lower h/p and elections. She loses by default.

Correct me if I am wrong.  As long as Abbigal still has 10 prestige and 20 honor she can run again.  Then there is still the election.  Which Abbigal might win and might not.  Either way I doubt Sevastian would win so it would still be a victory for Swordfell and Sevastian would be the next rulers problem.


Mine isn't an interpretation of fact, unlike your bit Pike. Mine is a clear iteration of the facts. My characters cause controversy no matter what, that is what I meant by welcome to my Hell. Actions have reactions. Not always pleasant. It seems you are finally learning that lesson.

There is no proof that Skiarxon stabbed Elroth, and your conjecture on the matter is noted and duly dismissed.

Nor do you have proof that Sevastian actually wrote any of the letters you used as 'proof' to his rebellion. Had you used the options available to you, you would have learned that Sevastian was never a part of the underground.

Abbigal has moved against the Courts of Stone just as Bowie did. Sevastian has acted the same towards her as he has towards Bowie for the exact same threats. Abbigal is the one working against the realm, Sevastian has legitimately been content to develop his sandbox since getting protested out of office. Your character refused to accept that anyone might have ideas worth listening to, and only push your own private agenda. You knew full well what would happen to anyone moving against Sevastian's Ducal seat, as it is what led to the whole 'stewardship' issue. Bowie threatened that seat and ended up losing his rulership post. You continuing his battle was a foolish mistake. You should have learned from Bowie's mistake instead of just following the same line of thought as him.


Quote from: Woelfy on February 06, 2013, 05:38:31 AM
Mine isn't an interpretation of fact, unlike your bit Pike. Mine is a clear iteration of the facts. My characters cause controversy no matter what, that is what I meant by welcome to my Hell. Actions have reactions. Not always pleasant. It seems you are finally learning that lesson.

There is no proof that Skiarxon stabbed Elroth, and your conjecture on the matter is noted and duly dismissed.

Nor do you have proof that Sevastian actually wrote any of the letters you used as 'proof' to his rebellion. Had you used the options available to you, you would have learned that Sevastian was never a part of the underground.

Abbigal has moved against the Courts of Stone just as Bowie did. Sevastian has acted the same towards her as he has towards Bowie for the exact same threats. Abbigal is the one working against the realm, Sevastian has legitimately been content to develop his sandbox since getting protested out of office. Your character refused to accept that anyone might have ideas worth listening to, and only push your own private agenda. You knew full well what would happen to anyone moving against Sevastian's Ducal seat, as it is what led to the whole 'stewardship' issue. Bowie threatened that seat and ended up losing his rulership post. You continuing his battle was a foolish mistake. You should have learned from Bowie's mistake instead of just following the same line of thought as him.
Yes yours is an interpretation as there are obvious opinions interlaced which are not facts.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on February 06, 2013, 05:47:32 AM
Yes yours is an interpretation as there are obvious opinions interlaced which are not facts.

Alright, the use of the term 'mindless' is an opinion. My bad.

But the fact remains that she has lied about the legal system and done precisely what she attacked Sevastian for. She is maintaining a tyrannical rulership and only seeks to surround herself with sycophants.

The promise of fair trial and proper legal procedures is one that the Fellians held quite close, but has has been dismissed.

The Skiarxon issue is clear. Abbigal broke her own word regarding legal issues, with both charges leveled against him.

The same happened to Sevastian with his exile.

The outcome of the exile does not bother me, the fact that Abbigal and thus the player of Pike, is trying to defend what is obviously a breach of trust and faith...does bother me.


I have already explained my proof about the infiltrator.  Which are hard facts just as much as yours are. 

Honestly the only issue I have with any of the way things have turned out is yours and devastions warped views of the facts the rest I just roll with.

Once again if you can claim that sevastian only attacked abbigail then I can just as easily argue that abbigal has fone after Sevastian and not the court of stone.  With the exception of the infiltrator can you name any other member of the court of stone that abbigal has gone after like she has with sevastian?  Once again abbigals agenda is not private it is known and held by most of the realm.  Also abbigial has listend to other ideas.  Why was the capital not moved? Why is abbigal working on laws about infiltars with Lady Malovia?  Sevastians tyranical ideas are the only ones that are constantly ignored.


If abbigal is only surronding herseld with her suplicants why does she work so hard to talk to everyone in the court of stone and ask their opinion.


Because you are trying to undermine Sevastian. Hence the requests to have the infils go after him, or to have all of his vassals spy on him.

Don't play coy with me Pike, that's !@#$ing stupid.

And tyrannical ideas? Right, because fighting for your lands and domain is so tyrannical. Ffs. Do you even know what a Duke is? Seriously, do you understand what a Duke does and what it typically means to the person who gets that title? I'm starting to think you don't understand hierarchy at all.

And to clarify: attacking Sevastian is attacking the Courts of Stone. He has been Duke since before Swordfell was even a duchy within Morek. Sevastian wants Abbigal out of office, ending his exile and her tyranny. He doesn't want her to flee.


A bit of an aside here,

When my character on the other side of the continent gets a peer-review about a message from a controversial character that is 100% tame, it looks really bad to me as a player. To me, it looks like someone is deliberately flagging all messages for vulgarity in hopes that enough of their buddies will get reviews and downvote them. This isn't reddit guys, grow up. Don't like what someone is saying? Wage war and destroy them.

Soooooo cut it out serious Karibash has better stuff to do.


Karibash is getting messages from this situation now?

Are you !@#$ing kidding me? Seriously, there are some thin skinned people in Swordfell if they feel the need to resort to this !@#$.


Gee, and I thought you did not swear.

I have seen been playing this for a while now.  Admitidy not as long as you have.   I think I have an idea what a dke dies.  The way sevastian acts as a duke though I have only seen one time and that is when I had my other account in Morek and was part of Allisons duchy.  Big surprise I had issues with her also.  Yes I understand the hirearchy do you?  The way sevastian treats his ruler I think not.

I would like to know what some of these messages are.  I know I am not submiting them and would like to know who is.   I agree that the messages have not been vulgur.