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Total area of each realm

Started by Velax, January 31, 2013, 02:04:11 PM

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I had some free time and thought I'd work out just how much of the Far East each realm covers, in square miles. Here's the list:

Arcaea: 83435 square miles (22.42%)
Cathay: 60276 square miles (16.20%)
Coralynth: 28672 square miles (7.70%)
Greater Aenilia: 43223 square miles (11.62%)
Kindara: 55809 square miles (15.00%)
Ohnar West: 34625 square miles (9.30%)
Principality of Zonasa: 41370 square miles (11.12%)
Sorraine: 24714 square miles (6.64%)
Total: 372124 square miles


Quote from: Velax on January 31, 2013, 02:04:11 PM
I had some free time and thought I'd work out just how much of the Far East each realm covers, in square miles. Here's the list:

Arcaea: 83435 square miles (22.42%)
Cathay: 60276 square miles (16.20%)
Coralynth: 28672 square miles (7.70%)
Greater Aenilia: 43223 square miles (11.62%)
Kindara: 55809 square miles (15.00%)
Ohnar West: 34625 square miles (9.30%)
Principality of Zonasa: 41370 square miles (11.12%)
Sorraine: 24714 square miles (6.64%)
Total: 372124 square miles

I asked the internet to give me this in convenient units instead, for fun.

Arcaea: Belarus
Cathay: Tunisia
Coralynth: Panama
Greater Aenilia: Honduras
Kindara: Nepal
Ohnar West: Serbia
Principality of Zonasa: Guatemala
Sorraine: Lithuania
Total: Egypt

After all it's a roleplaying game.


Nice. :)

And if the Far East were a single country in the real world, it would be the 31st largest in the world.


Hey! That's pretty cool. Having a real world counterpart for the size also puts things a bit more in perspective.

Draco Tanos

Aye, it does.  Makes me wonder what all the continents are like in that regard.


Woah. Interesting to think that Arcaea is only as big as Belarus. Now I feel a lot better about Sorraine being Lithuania sized :p


Quote from: Antonine on February 01, 2013, 03:38:31 AM
Woah. Interesting to think that Arcaea is only as big as Belarus. Now I feel a lot better about Sorraine being Lithuania sized :p

Big Nepal sized Kindara.


After much spreadsheet wrangling and math frustration by me and some PHP wizardry by Anaris, I present you with the areas of every realm and continent in BM (except FEI), along with their nearest real world counterpart. Enjoy!

Realm Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Comparable Country
Perdan: 47,993 124,301.39007 North Korea
Sirion: 98,429 254,930.12571 Gabon
Caligus: 69,068 178,885.42932 Cambodia
Obsidian Islands: 25,651 66,435.83349 Ireland
Westmoor: 28,941 74,956.90059 Panama
Nivemus: 47,373 122,695.59627 North Korea
Eponllyn: 30,186 78,181.43814 Czech Republic
Armonía: 27,226 70,515.06774 Sierra Leone
Continent: 374,867 970,901.78133 Egypt

(rogue) 11,613 30,077.55387 Belgium
Eston 40,293 104,358.46707 Guatemala
Talerium 43,957 113,848.19043 Honduras
Cagilan Empire 87,430 226,442.8257 Ghana
Darka 75,040 194,352.8496 Senegal
Barony of Makar 44,845 116,148.10155 Nicaragua
Tara 79,190 205,101.3081 Belarus
Minas Ithil 1,673 4,333.05327 Cape Verde
Carelia 14,790 38,305.9521 Bhutan
Caergoth 21,240 55,011.3876 Togo
Suville 47,913 124,094.19087 North Korea
Coria 39,954 103,480.46046 Eritrea
Strombran 30,706 79,528.23294 Czech Republic
Minas Leon 17,759 45,995.63241 Slovakia
Rieleston 10,702 27,718.07298 Haiti
Continent 567,105 1,468,796.27895 Iran

Melhed 31,323 81,126.25677 Austria
Enweil 65,362 169,286.92638 Uruguay
Old Grehk 42,818 110,898.19182 Benin
Riombara 61,131 158,328.67869 Suriname
Thalmarkin 57,698 149,437.24302 Nepal
Sint 71,552 185,318.96448 Syria
Fronen 33,998 88,054.48002 Serbia
Nothoi 50,884 131,789.05116 Greece
Continent 449,187 1,163,389.83813 Bolivia

(rogue) 68,048 176,243.63952 Cambodia
Zuma Coalition 37,740 97,746.2226 South Korea
Grand Duchy of Fissoa 30,622 79,310.67378 Czech Republic
Astrum 56,402 146,080.61598 Nepal
Terran 32,339 83,757.68661 United Arab Emirates
D'Hara 33,091 85,705.35909 United Arab Emirates
Corsanctum 25,129 65,083.85871 Sri Lanka
Morek Empire 62,633 162,218.84367 Suriname
Libero Empire 21,599 55,941.19401 Croatia
Asylon 30,483 78,950.66517 Czech Republic
Barca 21,092 54,628.06908 Togo
Luria Nova 53,974 139,792.12026 Tajikistan
Aurvandil 25,003 64,757.51997 Sri Lanka
Iashalur 34,680 89,820.8532 Hungary
Luria Vesperi 2,141 5,545.16859 Palestinian Territories
The Falkirkian Freestate 14,690 38,046.9531 Bhutan
Farronite Republic 26,276 68,054.57724 Ireland
Swordfell 20,399 52,833.20601 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Continent 596,341 1,544,517.22659 Iran


Some amusing observations:

  • Perdan and Suville are roughly each the size of North Korea. It certainly felt that way playing there.
  • BoM is roughly the size of Nicaragua. Both were, for a very long time, run by an unquestioned dictator with highly questionable taste.
  • Sint and Syria are comparable in size. Which is funny, because everyone else on BT seems to hope that Sint will tear itself apart in a similar fashion.
  • Nothoi is almost exactly the size of Greece. A realm created explicitly with a Greek theme. Name, position names, culture, etc. How can this be coincidence?
  • Terran and D'Hara are comparable in size fo the UAE. Perhaps that's what all this talk about "occidentalism" is!
  • Luria Vesperi is a) the size of the Palestinian Territories and b) totally surrounded and blockaded by Luria Nova. Heh.


Awesome work guys! Thanks for throwing that together.

Quoterun by an unquestioned dictator with highly questionable taste

I think that describes all of the Barony's rulers at any point in our history. Though Edda always seemed a bit less insane.


Quote from: Solari on February 01, 2013, 09:29:10 PM
Nothoi is almost exactly the size of Greece. A realm created explicitly with a Greek theme. Name, position names, culture, etc. How can this be coincidence?

Er, quite easily I suspect. Isn't that exactly what a coincidence is?


Quote from: Scarlett on February 02, 2013, 01:05:28 AM
Er, quite easily I suspect. Isn't that exactly what a coincidence is?

That was more for dramatic effect than anything else. ;-P


Poor Colonies gets forgotten. :(


What? Rogue on Atamara is comparable in size to Belgium? How could that much land ever function without a government... Oh yea, Belgium.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


All those lands are much smaller than I thought. I fully expected Dwilight to be the size of North America, not Iran.

Oh, and is it Solari or Anaris who translated the table in sq. km? I need to teach one of you about the meaning of significant digits.... :)
After all it's a roleplaying game.