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Unwarranted OOC insult

Started by BattleMaster Server, February 16, 2013, 07:47:36 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on February 17, 2013, 03:02:09 AM
So, who's gonna be the bigger man, and just let all this OOC crap go? Dwilight is supposed to be the "Serious" island, not the "Seriously OOC" island. People have been bolted in the past for excessive OOC messaging. If you're getting more than one a week, you're getting way too many.

I agree. I think Tom should send an OOC notice to all players of Swordfell, that if anyone continues these OOC disputes IG, they'll be bolted, and that OOC messages will be monitered for a month and are strongly discouraged.

Sending individual warnings to a problem that seems to concern so many people just doesn't seem like the proper way of dealing with the problems of Swordfell. People should just cut out the OOC.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


I checked my message history, and it seems like I was guilty of about a dozen OOC messages. Mostly relating to working with people on the Spring Opener realm RP and getting it on the wiki. Granted, I'm still getting my feet wet with RP, but if there aren't supposed to be more than 1 OOC a week then I'm not too sure how to coordinate a 5/6 person RP festival.

I knew insults and such were a no-no, but I honestly didn't pay much attention to the OOC part of the SMA wiki (so I would probably have joined in the chatter if I had a reason to). It was a good reminder to check the SMA wiki after the reprimand. Hopefully we all move past this and Swordfell becomes a lesson for Dwilight to not repeat these kinds of shenanigans.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Do you *need* OOC coordination? Can't you coordinate IC? Can you do it via personal messages with those involved? Damn near *anything* can be handled via IC messages.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 17, 2013, 05:23:36 AM
Do you *need* OOC coordination? Can't you coordinate IC? Can you do it via personal messages with those involved? Damn near *anything* can be handled via IC messages.

I used OOC personal messages to avoid powergaming certain scenes and to figure out updates on the wiki. I've only had a few realm-wide OOC's (at least in my message history), those relating to mechanics or RP etiquette. There were probably more when the realm first started, but those have been buried in IC stuff and lost.

I know the reprimand wasn't focused at me, per se (at least I hope not). I'm just saying it's easy to lose focus on SMA. I just want everyone to learn and move on. I think there is a lot of potential in Swordfell, and I'd hate to see everyone jump ship because of hurt feelings and slips of judgement.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


I agree with Chenier. This all seems extremely childish and immature. If you're playing a game with friends, and things get a bit heated and one of them calls you a douche, do you run to the police to tell them? Your parents? Their parents? The manager of the game store you're playing in? Or do you deal with it and move the hell on?


Quote from: Velax on February 17, 2013, 06:11:11 AM
I agree with Chenier. This all seems extremely childish and immature. If you're playing a game with friends, and things get a bit heated and one of them calls you a douche, do you run to the police to tell them? Your parents? Their parents? The manager of the game store you're playing in? Or do you deal with it and move the hell on?

I have to agree as well. The atmosphere in Swordfell seems to be downright poisonous. This is the second case we've gotten concerning Swordfell, and then there was the locked Q&A thread about OOC messages threatening Titan reports. Basically this is the third time in a month we've had something come up from Swordfell.

If you ask me, this is a problem that warrants Titan scrutiny. We can't go through the realm's message history. They can, and beyond that they can post warnings to the entire realm, which to my mind is entirely appropriate at this point; these people need a major wake up call.

The Knight of Ni

The magistrates or titans or someone has posted a message to Swordfell, we will try to improve as will I. Let's just drop this and move on.


Can we see what the Titans posted? We can at least put it here "for future reference." All too often Titan judgements are just lost.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on February 17, 2013, 01:59:54 AM

To me, from what I have heard from many sources, it looks like the players in Swordfell cannot, collectively, behave like adults concerning their disputes.

This is ABSOLUTELY true. It is the most frustrating realm i 've joined in BM.The ammount of OOC is so high that ending in ooc insults as well was simply expected.

There are days that the new messages are 20 ooc ones VS 1 IG. I can't hide you i was happy to see that the Titans gave the whole realm a reprimand for that.

It has to stop one way or another , insults and sarcastic ooc messages fly all over the realm and it seems to me that this realm has absolutely no future in changing as long as the same players are in it without showing the minimum effort to solve this situation.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Woelfy on February 16, 2013, 09:16:07 PM
My 'harassments' are retaliation for assaults already received. I have not insulted any player directly at all, regardless of how I feel towards them OOC. I have made statements relating my disgust with this !@#$ situation, but I have not been so rude as to call someone that I hardly speak to 'a douche'.
Yet you have traded insults and name calling by questiong peoples since of logic and intelligence both IC and OOC.  I have some messages in here which show you being quite unkind.  To call you "a Douche" is just another persons opinion of the same problem.  You keep on saying how all your actions are retaliation yet when people retalliate against you you call foul.

Quote from: Lavigna on February 17, 2013, 02:08:10 PM

There are days that the new messages are 20 ooc ones VS 1 IG. I can't hide you i was happy to see that the Titans gave the whole realm a reprimand for that.
I did a search on my browser and only had 100 hits for Out-of-Character(first line of OOC meeage) in the past 30 days.
So how do you get the 20 vs 1 ratio?
I will not argue that Swordfell has its issue.  I will not argue that Sevastian/Woefly has gotten some harassment for the way he plays.  Though I would say he dishes out as much as he gets.

I think the realm has had 2 or possible 3 people that have taken the OOC business to a all time high.  That are the character of Bowie, Sevastaian, and Kiyth and I am sure Abbigial will get tossed in here as well.  All of it centers around one major issue and problem though and that is the differeince between Sevastian and others points of view.  While this disagreement is enjoyable at times when it resorts to name calling either IC or OOC it starts going bad plain and simple.  Sevastian is a jerk of a character to work with and I have accepted that and do my best to deal with it IC as we all should.  Yet when he complains about him being "harrased" IC I am confused be cause he can not accept that he is being retaliated against just like he is doing.

*Moderator note: Please keep IC and OOC conflicts separate and refrain from personal attacks.


I'm not going to bother responding to all of that, because it's purely your opinion. My character is a rude, power hungry, Lurian duke. Yeah, he's going to insult people who act like idiots. Deal with it IG. There are very effective ways to deal with a nasty duke. You and the remainder of your cronies just haven't found them yet.

Yeah, I am an !@#$%^& of a person, especially if i dont like you. !@#$, I threaten my friends regularly with a balcony and a rope. I freely admit that I'm a jerk before anyone can accuse me of it. Bringing it up on here or irc is totally fine by me.

But keep it out of the game.



I have been dealing with Sevastian IC and Woefly OOC.

I have seperated it.  Abbigal is dealing with Sevasitan in Swordfell and I am doing it here with you here.

I have not been whining nonstop.  Just every time you try and play the victim.

Sevastian deserves what he is getting IC for what he does IC. 

You are being called names OOC as that is how you are acting OOC



Yeah OK, that's quite enough of that. Your posts will be moderated. Don't make me do it again.

Keep this discussion on topic. The topic, right now, should be "how can we patch things up and improve the atmosphere of Swordfell for everyone?" Because seriously, the defendant is not the only one in this thread in danger of getting his or her account locked if things continue this way.


Apologies for my quip. I'm pretty livid, and couldn't help it. Now my post seems unfounded, can we just have this last tangent deleted? It's like you said Geronus, it's irrelevant to where the conversation should be.