Author Topic: Multiplying war options without introducing (too much) new code  (Read 2264 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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  • Posts: 1762
  • House Bedwyr
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Very first thing: The idea is to come up with something that would be as easy as possible to code that would help combat require more thought.  This is absolutely not the place to add "ooh, wouldn't it be cool if we could have sea battles?" or "man, we should totally be able to upgrade the armour and weapons of our troops!", this is the place to say "yes, that would be awesome, but it would still be pretty good if we did this, and that would be a much smaller change."

Now, I have a few ideas that I think could work.  I may well be wrong, as my coding knowledge is seriously limited, and I know the combat code is a snarled mess in places, but I think these will work.  I am going to create specific threads for each idea, and use this thread as a master list and for people to suggest other simple things that would work, which we can then actually discuss in their own thread.

Current list:

1. Maximum battle width depends on region type,3934.0.html

2. Make overkill count for more,3935.0.html

3. All main classes having abilities to help takeovers,3936.0.html
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 10:06:54 PM by Bedwyr »
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"