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[Forum Game] The Thing: Survives!

Started by Fury, March 11, 2013, 03:15:42 PM

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Who is the Most Valuable Player in this game?

3 (25%)
1 (8.3%)
6 (50%)
0 (0%)
2 (16.7%)
1 (8.3%)
4 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: March 27, 2013, 03:28:33 AM


There is something not right with you Dishman, and I can feel that. You have been acting rather fishy.. Trusting others then going at their throat and vice versa. Furthermore, I haven't seen any logical explanation from you as why you are not a Thing. . .
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


I am not the Thing because I am neither attacked to have a chance to be infected with the A1N6 virus nor I have gone near the dead Thing we brought to study without protective suits. That leaves me human.. As much human as a MI6 covert operative can be.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Quote from: Cren on March 22, 2013, 05:08:03 AM
There is something not right with you Dishman, and I can feel that. You have been acting rather fishy.. Trusting others then going at their throat and vice versa. Furthermore, I haven't seen any logical explanation from you as why you are not a Thing. . .

I fish for responses, which helps te townies, is why I smell fishy. There were a few I trusted, but trust changes with new information. Stabbity, Sonya, and Penchant have been my most stable suspicions and I have not deterred from dat.

As to logically explaininang I am not the thing...I did the behavioralist analisisisis check. Said it out loud and with no room for hedgings. I've put forward analysis, although that is part self preservation to make sure I am not targetted. More talk means less bleedings!

Quote from: Cren on March 22, 2013, 05:12:27 AM
I am not the Thing because I am neither attacked to have a chance to be infected with the A1N6 virus nor I have gone near the dead Thing we brought to study without protective suits. That leaves me human.. As much human as a MI6 covert operative can be.

Covert operator, eh? Tis a way to test dat, ya know? Havin an active clear would go a long ways, even though I already think ya clear ya sexy yous. Would you be willing to take a lynch vote to prove your innoosense?
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)



VOTE Dishman - Penchant #177, Cren #178
One invalid vote - no such word

Deadline 1 - clue on number of
Deadline 2 - clue on shot
Deadline 3 - clue on number of
Deadline 4 - clue on different nature
Deadline 5 - the Ghost and the Darkness
Deadline 6 - clue on (eh what?)


Ahem, Vote: Penchant

Falls down drunk
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Fury on March 22, 2013, 05:56:42 AM

VOTE Dishman - Penchant #177, Cren #178
One invalid vote - no such word

Deadline 1 - clue on number of
Deadline 2 - clue on shot
Deadline 3 - clue on number of
Deadline 4 - clue on different nature
Deadline 5 - the Ghost and the Darkness
Deadline 6 - clue on (eh what?)

I am going to try to analyze Fury's hints.
But before i start, i think all of us are open to infection. As "Infect" is an order as posted on the first page. Hence i will be wary of you all, still.
On another note, everyone has stated what they needed to. I hope the analysts will scan and come back to us. I will refrain from voting this turn to preserve our number as by lynching, we get a guy in a turn. If the Thing attacks, he needs two.

p/s - i will try to post it after i have my dinner. I am starving now. lolz


Deadline 1 - clue on number of...

Analysis - I can find nothing here....

Deadline 2 - clue on shot
D'Espana was heard talking about planting a bomb in someone's donkey. It didn't make sense and everyone thought he was bonkers but it wasn't right the way he was cut up by what seemed to be razor sharp claws. "Where was security?" someone yelled.
There were only one attack...

Anaylsis - So what does planting a bomb in someone's donkey means? I can't relate any character to it. Perhaps a foreign agent? And clue on shot...what shot? There are no shots at that time...

Deadline 3 - clue on number of...
"I am surprised M still hired you as their..." to Ketchum
There were two attacks. Only the one on Ketchum was succesful. The one on D'Espana failed.

Analysis - Sounds to me like a good guy character, as if he is hired by M.

Deadline 4 - clue on different nature...
The only thing i can see during this deadline is this...
"Send my regards to M or is it your other..." to Thomasgriff
Same thing, two attacks. The one on D'Espana failed. But the one on Thomasgriff success. Fury also gave hint to the Thing to attack someone that is less active.

Analysis - It seems that this might mean Thomasgriff is a foreign agent. M or your other boss i believe... is what the hint is trying to tell.

Deadline 5 - the Ghost and the Darkness - the movie...
D'Espana say "... ABUSE ... POWER ...!"
Panting from their exertion, the question now was - did they get the Thing? Or maybe another Foreign Intelligence?
"Guess who I am" drawn in Arrandal's blood right beside him
With the first alien kill and two others lynched, they were down one-third of their original members and there was now real fear in the Pit as it seemed the Ghost and the Darkness were unstoppable.
There were only one attack but an attack that kills Arrandal. Hence i can be quite sure both have found each other and targeted the same guy.

Analysis - what abuse power is he talking about there? hmm.
IMPT NOTE: Arrandal was killed with one attack, hence most likely both Thing attacked him at the same time.
Further confirms now that there are TWO Things! Fury tends to give hints when one side are near to winning. It seems that way because we are unable to find the Things.

Deadline 6 - clue on (eh what?)
"Agent Telrunya, let's play the claw game"
...but first he had to complete his objective and he sets out to accomplish it and comes face to face with... danger. What was the saying now? Away from the Ghost and into the Darkness...

Analysis - I would like to assume that Telrunya might be a bodyguard. What other objective there is? Or perhaps he is the second thing. If it is true he is the bodyguard, we need him to come forward and tell us who he protected! Because the person that he was trying to protect was probably the Thing! It also says away from the ghost and into the darkness, as if potraying he avoided one but jump straight into another(seems that he chose to protect another Thing)

I went and google and wiki-ed, as that's what Fury likes to do too and found "The ghost and the darkness" as the movie. The movie tells a story about two lions working together to attack and kill a group of people. Initially though, it also said that the group of people thought they killed the lion that were hunting them, but were wrong. Google it to get the full story.

I can't figure a lot of things really....haha. But all i know was that i don't think there are anymore foreign agents left. But there are TWO things left. Somehow the way i know how Fury plays it was that he will give us hints when we are desperate. And it also seems that if we get another one or two wrong ones, we are more or less dead. So i urge all of you to not vote to lynch for another turn. Let the analysts another turn to work themselves out.

All i can tell from all these was Ketchum and Telrunya are good guys - period. But Telrunya, tell us now or we are doomed!


As said earlier, I do believe Ketchum is a good guy. I can only agree that Dishman is suspicious. Something is not right there, I bet he's the one I can thank for being in pain now.


We'll know tonight.


As of now, as I said earlier, Penchant and Dishman are my number one suspects. If I was to vote, it would be one of them. Unfortunately I've had a very busy day and been unable to do any analysis after what I did last night, nor check out the hints from Fury. However, I caution against not voting to lynch. Every day we delay brings us closer to defeat. Keep in mind we are not just dealing with the things, but those who will get infected as well. I'm doing a little catch up, if anything hits my eye before sunset, I'll vote.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell




VOTE Dishman - Penchant #177, Cren #178, Telrunya #187
VOTE Penchant - Dishman #184

Agent Dishman's sudden drunken behaviour fooled no one. If anything, it made him even more suspicious. Agents Penchant, Cren and even Telrunya stick the muzzles of their Walter PPKs into his belly and fire, causing him to topple over but not like how a normal person would fall over. Instead Dishman sort of tore himself backwards and sprouted alien-looking appendages. As the intrepid trio bend over him to get a closer look, a spurt of goo bursts out of his cavity and cover them with a sickly-greenish substance. Though the darkness has been lifted, in terror, they fled their separate ways.

In another part of the Pit, Agent Lefanis is busy taking a break and cleaning the Walter PPK he took from Agent D'Espana, which explains the extra gun shot on Sonya and Stabbity. "M is sure disappointed with your analysis, Lefanis - all of you", a ghostly whisper suddenly springs up from behind him. True to form, Lefanis does the 100m dash again and the Thing roars in anger as it had thought it had now had enough experience to hunt with free claws. It was close - the Ghost just needed one more successful attack. Lefanis was never in any danger though as a hidden hand with a Walter PPK fired shots from a dark corridor and made the Thing do its ghostly act and disappear.

Dishman is lynched.
Telrunya is still wounded.


Thank you to my bodyguard. I guess I'm cleared from being the thing. If you can get in touch with me, we can create a real MI6 group and root out Ghost.

Penchant, Cren, and Telrunya are one of the infected... Glad I didn't join in on that lynch... Loved the prisoners dilemma presented.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Ok. I deeply suspect only the lynchers of Dishman could be infected. But to get more data on this, we should all say we aren't infected.

I am not infected.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Lefanis on March 22, 2013, 07:17:46 PM
Ok. I deeply suspect only the lynchers of Dishman could be infected. But to get more data on this, we should all say we aren't infected.

I am not infected.

Yes, i agree. Like i said, there was "infect" as an order. So anyone can be infected even before this happened. Good job guys for lynching Dishman and not following what i said. I wasn't trying to protect him but was trying to protect everyone just before someone comes jumping in. Otherwise, i wouldn't waste so much time analyzing.

Regardless, i think we should rephrase it.

"I am not infected and I did not transform into the Thing." said Disturbedyang.

And also, there is still one of us that is the Thing that are there even before the infections. The question is who. The only one i am suspecting now is, Telrunya. Hence, VOTE: Telrunya.


So what did you want to do? Give The Thing another day to attack and infect us? I guess I am no good at this game, but we got one, from your analysis, that sounds good to me. If we didn't kill him now, we had to kill him today. I believe we already said we had double attacks earlier that would disprove me from being the Thing due being away and you have your analysis as well that pointed out I'm a townie. I'm not the Thing, neither have I been infected, I know that much. We can narrow down the infected to Cren or Penchant (From my point of view at least). That leaves us with:

Cren > I think he's a townie, but possibly infected.
Lefanis > Cleared, I believe. Has not been wounded.
Telrunya > Townie, not infected from the lynch.
Ketchum > I believe he's safe. Was wounded once though, but early on.
Penchant > Possibly infected. Might be the Thing, though he lynched the other Thing.
Thomasgriff > Inactive, I think there's little suspicion for him. He's been wounded before though.
Disturbedyang > Got us to the first Thing at least. Has not been wounded.

There was high suspicion towards Penchant already and I narrow down onto him as well. I believe we should VOTE PENCHANT, but I'll check in later to change votes if needed.



VOTE Telrunya - Disturbedyang #192
VOTE Penchant - Telrunya #193