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[Forum Game] The Thing: Survives!

Started by Fury, March 11, 2013, 03:15:42 PM

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Who is the Most Valuable Player in this game?

3 (25%)
1 (8.3%)
6 (50%)
0 (0%)
2 (16.7%)
1 (8.3%)
4 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: March 27, 2013, 03:28:33 AM


Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 24, 2013, 12:57:39 AM
I think to have faulty analysis is very pro-town. Which townie can post a sure thing especially in their early days? You tell me. Not posting any at all...that is, suspicious.
You seem to think that I am asking for all analysis to absolutely 100% name the baddy. Not what I'm saying at all. You can name the wrong person, but the process that led you to that person must be foolproof, like when my analysis led to D'espana who was innocent. Having deliberate faulty analysis is definitely anti town. And this is not the first time I had a problem with your analysis, I mentioned it multiple times before. 

Your vote against Telrunya, for instance. Telrunya cannot be the thing, as he was not even active when the ghost was going around killing people. I have further concrete evidence that he is innocent, and I said that I trust him completely as not being the thing (don't know about infection). Yet you vote him, as late as last turn. Now, when you realised no one was bandwagoning, you UNVOTED. Then later you say you aren't sure about anyone, and we shouldn't be voting anyone right now? You just voted yourself, until you released no one was voting with you.

Then, your early vote against Cren (which you led, btw), ironically saying that his disinclination to lynch was anti town. Then you started talking about how behavioural analysts get wrong results if a person didn't mean what he said, which apparently I hadn't when I said "I am not the Thing or foreign Agent". Which is BS. Analysts might be confused by deliberate word slurring, like what Dishman did, but "not meaning it" makes no sense at all.

Also, on the very first turn you cleverly accused me of being the foreign agent, poking Sonya to vote me, when there was no proof whatsoever, trying to plant the idea of me being a baddy in people's heads.

Finally, you were against the Sonya vote, when one of the analysts had confirmed she was a baddy. Furthermore, you were also against Dishman vote, saying you needed time for confirmation. Something doesn't add up here.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 24, 2013, 12:57:39 AM
You saying that i blamed someone. But did i even lead a vote whatsoever.
You did, against Cren day 3, I think.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 24, 2013, 12:57:39 AM
I was just suspicious. Not accusing someone for sure. And my trusted friends have all been informed - unless they are not so active. And i cleared people with proof. Ironically, you suspected me instead of Ketchum who has posted all the same results. Have you been turned???
Exactly. It's a very convenient alibi if you are the thing and claim to be the analyst, when you are actually the thing. That way you know who are the good guys, so you can clear them one by one. And the people you clear think you are innocent, because until you tell them they are clear, they are living under a cloud of doubt that anyone will vote them. It reassures people when they realise someone else believes them in this game. You were preying on that fear of being left out. They think of you as their "guardian". Case in point, Cren here who blindly votes with you, and bites Telrunya's ass in the night. And why not Ketchum, you ask? Because you are the one exhibiting baddy tells.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 24, 2013, 12:57:39 AM
Just another note, do you guys think a bad guy would even analyze if all things went quiet? He might as well blend in.
The best things always do. How better to blend in than to be so conspicuous. It's perfect. Besides, it fits into the Ghost RP. You are in our midst, going around, "clearing people", when you are the bad guy.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


UNVOTE LEFANIS.. And I didn't bite Telrunya's butt, I stumbled upon him.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Lefanis was attacked the night we lynched Dishman. . . By no way he can be the second Thing. I have slight faith on Telrunya that he too is a townie because he was wounded that night. Thomasgriff is out of the question. That leaves me, Penchant, Ketchum and Disturbedyang to be the second Thing. I proved myself by healing Ketchum and D'Espana (which was quite a bad choice because we lynched him thereafter). Ketchum, Penchant or Disturbedyang can be the second Thing.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Ok. On Deadline 3, there were 2 attacks.  One against me which failed, another against Ketchum, which was a success. If Ketchum was the thing, and was attacked by Dishman, (I am also clarifying if when a Thing attacks another thing whether it results in death of one of them or just a wounding) then Dishman would have known that Ketchum was his rival.

But this is what he had to say right after that assault.

Quote from: Dishman on March 19, 2013, 05:31:12 PM
Vote: Sonya

Given my suspicions (which haven't changed drastically), If Lefanis and Ketchum are my most trusted people (and they are voting one of my high suspicions) it seems logical to follow suit.

I think its a very reasonable assumption to clear Ketchum of all suspicion of being the Thing. That clears me, Telrunya, and Ketchum. I also think we can clear Cren of being the Thing, because if he was the Thing, he wouldn't bite Telrunya's ass, he'd do much worse, and certainly not on a day the Thing already made a hunt. So he may be infected, but ain't the thing.

Lefanis is cleared
Cren is cleared
Ketchum is cleared
Telrunya is cleared
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Lefanis is cleared
Cren is cleared
Ketchum is cleared
Telrunya is cleared
ThomasGriff is cleared

This leaves Penchant and Disturbedyang. IIRC, neither of them have been attacked by the Thing.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Holy Queen's €#*...

I'd like to BURN SNOTS BODY. Can it be a coincidence that one of the things been growling all the time? Plus we know the two things have a different nature...
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Lefanis, i am so tired of explaining to you. Every single turn you try to accuse me and then after i explained it, you accumulates it in the turn after. I will explain it to you one last time and try to reply all your doubts. The thing you have to understand is, there's always two ways of looking at it - but when you try to suspect and ingrain into yourself that that person is a bad guy - which started off on the first day i accused you of being an agent to Sonya, you were aiming at me.

You kept on insisting my analysis are faulty. If like you said, i am the bad guy, and i know everyone else, why would it be faulty? I tried to analyze every single thing, there's always chance of it contradicting, like for instance Telrunya. I did mentioned countless times that he was active the day before that happened - which i did not check the time, it was actually after the turn did happened. I was only looking at the day itself. And i unvoted quite early pardon you. I could always just leave my vote there because i needed only one other vote to get his lynch, why not bang on that? Also, if i would like to get rid of good guys, wouldn't you think the best way is to get the active ones? Furthermore, Telrunya is wounded! The thing needs only one attack to kill him. I must be really stupid then. The sole reason i voted him last turn was simply because i questioned who he protected but did not get his reply. I mentioned before who his protected can be a very good clue to who is the Thing. (Refer to Deadline 6 - he was trying to complete his objective, which i presume is to protect. The only "objective" i can think of)

When i said leading a vote, i am referring to recently. Because now is the critical point. To get the wrong guy means the end or almost...

And to lead them? Cren hasn't been liasing with me for quite some time now. You can ask him if you wants. I even asked him to heal Telrunya, which i do not know why he did not. So is he suspicious? Maybe. Or maybe he has turned? Or maybe he can only turn after the 2nd thing is dead.

"The best things always do. How better to blend in than to be so conspicuous. It's perfect. Besides, it fits into the Ghost RP. You are in our midst, going around, "clearing people", when you are the bad guy. "

And like i said, two sides of the coin. I established a "justice league" because i know townie can never win without doing it. I still am suspicious of everyone because i know Fury's game. Though we needed it. And like you said, me clearing people around. So why they hell am i that freaking stupid to clear everyone and not have a room to accuse anyone if i am the bad guy? I must be really lousy i think in your opinion if i become the bad guy....

Quote from: Lefanis on March 24, 2013, 08:09:10 AM
Ok. On Deadline 3, there were 2 attacks.  One against me which failed, another against Ketchum, which was a success. If Ketchum was the thing, and was attacked by Dishman, (I am also clarifying if when a Thing attacks another thing whether it results in death of one of them or just a wounding) then Dishman would have known that Ketchum was his rival.

But this is what he had to say right after that assault.

I think its a very reasonable assumption to clear Ketchum of all suspicion of being the Thing. That clears me, Telrunya, and Ketchum. I also think we can clear Cren of being the Thing, because if he was the Thing, he wouldn't bite Telrunya's ass, he'd do much worse, and certainly not on a day the Thing already made a hunt. So he may be infected, but ain't the thing.

Lefanis is cleared
Cren is cleared
Ketchum is cleared
Telrunya is cleared

I do not understand how that clears Ketchum. Because if you read my analysis, i did mentioned Fury gave us the hint that they work together. That actually means that Ketchum is VERY LIKELY to be the other Thing. And i have told everyone i suspected you and i was trying to find out. But thanks to you, i can't do it as discretely now. I did get my result finally, but i got the wrong one unfortunately. I sent the post #153(because i was also in a rush) and i got this result.

Quote from: Fury on March 24, 2013, 06:45:36 AM
Oops :-[

He is not saying he isn't the Thing. He is listing out people and their possible non-roles. You will need a post where he states it clearly.

The oops because Fury forgot to send me the result. And i had to pester Ketchum to say it. And if you look at post #160 and #162. It was on separate posts. I can't analyze that. And recently, he was quite strategic in saying he is not infected. And that's it. So there was no way i can analyze him. Moreover i did mentioned in my PMs with the others about how his results seem to be the same and on the guy that were already lynched or killed. I also questioned that will Fury give us two analysts? Maybe...maybe not. That was why i needed time to be sure.

And on Dishman, i just wanted to be sure. I told the rest of the guys i wanted to scan him before making the decision. As a matter of the fact, Ketchum said he will scan Dishman before Deadline 6. Which he conveniently "forgot" or went inactive. Until we lynched him, and then he came up with the result. Hence, the reason why i needed time to scan Dishman in the first place.

I think Penchant is clean. And so are you Lefanis - based on the pure fact you were attacked. Otherwise, i would had suspected your aggressive play like during the Angel's and something game..

And Cren, if it is true you said who you are, maybe you should start playing your role instead of biting Telrunya's ass.

I don't care what happened, if you guys want to lynch me after all this explanation or what. But get Ketchum next. Penchant is clear, i am sure for that - like i said unless he is infected.



Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 24, 2013, 12:20:23 PM
I do not understand how that clears Ketchum. Because if you read my analysis, i did mentioned Fury gave us the hint that they work together. That actually means that Ketchum is VERY LIKELY to be the other Thing. And i have told everyone i suspected him and i was trying to find out. But thanks to you, i can't do it as discretely now. I did get my result finally, but i got the wrong one unfortunately. I sent the post #153(because i was also in a rush) and i got this result.

Since i can't edit the post. Prone to lots of errors cause i just came back and very tired.


Quote from: Dishman on March 22, 2013, 05:19:15 AM
As to logically explaininang I am not the thing...I did the behavioralist analisisisis check. Said it out loud and with no room for hedgings. I've put forward analysis, although that is part self preservation to make sure I am not targetted. More talk means less bleedings!

And on another note, that might just be pure coincidence, or might be what they told each other - to tell others they are analysis. Dishman said he was, and i actually sent him a PM to ask for the reports. Somehow Ketchum might be the one who suggested if he is the Thing, because he was filled with reports when he approached us. Yes, that puts me into perspective too. Like i said, I provided my analysis. If i do get lynch, i am a willing sacrifice to get the 2nd thing.


Quote from: Ketchum on March 20, 2013, 11:43:06 AM
How I know Sonya is the Highly Suspected? See her forum post that I analyse ;D
From there, I deduce that she is lying that our task is to kill the Thing when in fact, she want to protect the Thing.

My role is Behavioural Analyst.
Scans a person's speech (thread post) and analyzes it (truths, lies, fears, motives, etc).
She is not telling the truth about the last part.

Quote from: Ketchum on March 24, 2013, 01:11:44 PM
Lefanis is good guy. I checked my scan results on him 2 times to confirm it.

These below are my scan results on Lefanis. Coupled with the recent attack on him, he was as good as cleared to me.

He speaks as though it is the truth. There could be something else.
He speaks as though it is the truth. There could be something else.
This forum post below is Lefanis reaction from Dishman forum post, I thank you for that.

I am sorry Ketchum for leaking it out to everyone but it will serve as a proof that you are a townie.

Ketchum has posted good analysis and correctly deduced that Sonya and Dishman were bad guys.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


So it becomes:

Lefanis- Clear
Cren- Clear
Ketchum- Clear
Disturbedyang- High Suspicion
Penchant- High Suspicion
Telrunya- Suspected


And I am not healing Telrunya because he still is suspicious and I don't want a fully healed Thing running around. I already got the return of being nice from D'Espana.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Quote from: Cren on March 24, 2013, 01:25:54 PM
I am sorry Ketchum for leaking it out to everyone but it will serve as a proof that you are a townie.

Ketchum has posted good analysis and correctly deduced that Sonya and Dishman were bad guys.

Cren - i got the same message just in case you haven't realized it. The question is, when did he sent you those? After or before Sonya and Dishman were lynched. That was the question there. And noticed the results? It's all the same. "He speaks as though it is the truth. There could be something else."

This is what i got for Dishman's scan from him.

Quote from: Ketchum on March 23, 2013, 05:42:56 AM
Hi guys. Sorry, I was away whole day yesterday. I scanned Dishman as suggested by Disturbedyang earlier last 2 days.
Last night I did not put in my scan.
I will try my best to scan this weekend. Any idea who to scan?
He not speaks as though it is the truth. There is something else.

His earlier post is not there and missing in Forum post no.84 that he referenced. I suspect him is the Thing.

And yes, i got this yesterday which is way after Dishman was lynched.

Quote from: Fury on March 22, 2013, 06:11:42 PM
With Dishman slurring his words every which way, there is no way to analyze it.

That was what i got from Fury's reply on Dishman's scan.

And Cren - i told you previously why you should heal Telrunya. Firstly, he might be a bodyguard. Secondly, Being healed saves him from the Thing at least for another attack. Because if he gets lynched, it's irregardless of his status. Not saving that doesn't make sense. Because the heal actually helps townie. If you are really the medic like you said, perhaps he should be healed next turn regardless of what happen this turn. Otherwise, guys, pay heed to Cren as well.

I am tired of explaining. You guys chose to expel whatever analysis AND scan results i posted and PMed. And Cren uses Ketchum one instead. So like i said, i will leave it to you guys. Just do the right thing, or i will come back at the end of the game and say - i told you so. And Lefanis, if i see you in real life, i will even give you a punch for giving me such a hard time to explain.(Just kidding :p) Regardless, i did what i have to do and i did my best. Good luck.


And Lefanis, think of this. Why would i try to clear you off when Cren accuses you initially? Like i said over and over again, you guys are looking at only one side of the coin and you guys chose the bad one.

Okay, i should stop spamming now.



VOTE Ketchum - Disturbedyang #216
VOTE Disturbedyang - Cren #220


Cren, no problem. Sooner or later everyone will know.

Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)