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Started by Glaumring the Fox, April 06, 2013, 04:45:38 PM

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Anaris far as I can tell, there wasn't a single inaccurate statement in Chénier's last post.

Don't get me wrong, from where I sit you can only believe two-thirds of what he says—but that post was entirely in that two-thirds. (And hey, that's up from half not too long ago! ;D )

You may object to the characterization of Asylon as "having allied with a realm that was led by cheaters," but it is a factually true statement. And...yeah, there's not a lot that Luria has done (or not done) for fear of SA. Obviously I can't speak authoritatively for what's gone on inside the Véinsørmoot, but I never really got the impression that they were terrified of SA. More like they were a bunch of relatively small realms (at the beginning) who needed to band together to survive in the hostile, semi-wild environment that the Occidens was back then.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: 米酒 on April 09, 2013, 12:45:43 AM
So does that make Asylon cheaters?

Do I really have to even dignify that with a response?

Of course it doesn't. I didn't say it did and neither did Chénier. Yes, it's a somewhat unpleasant implication, but if that was all you objected to, you could just as easily have responded to Chénier with something like, "Asylon are not cheaters. None of us knew that Aurvandil held cheaters, and allying with them doesn't make us cheaters any more than being allied with Irombrozia back in the day makes you a cheater because Twinblade had multis there." (Actually, you might not have been able to come up with the Irombrozia reference off the top of your head, but kudos to you if you could! ;D )

The point is, not a single thing Chénier said was false, so repeatedly calling him a liar makes you sound a bit crazy.

What he did was insult you, and one of the best ways to respond to guilt-by-association insults is to calmly and rationally show how obviously faulty they are.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Anaris on April 09, 2013, 01:03:11 AM
Do I really have to even dignify that with a response?

Of course it doesn't. I didn't say it did and neither did Chénier. Yes, it's a somewhat unpleasant implication, but if that was all you objected to, you could just as easily have responded to Chénier with something like, "Asylon are not cheaters. None of us knew that Aurvandil held cheaters, and allying with them doesn't make us cheaters any more than being allied with Irombrozia back in the day makes you a cheater because Twinblade had multis there." (Actually, you might not have been able to come up with the Irombrozia reference off the top of your head, but kudos to you if you could! ;D )

The point is, not a single thing Chénier said was false, so repeatedly calling him a liar makes you sound a bit crazy.

What he did was insult you, and one of the best ways to respond to guilt-by-association insults is to calmly and rationally show how obviously faulty they are.

What does any of this have to do with the Messociddens? I am going to ask to have Chenier removed from the conversation. I was calling him a lair regarding my past dealings with him over the last while. The main thing is is that he is using the cheating thing as a way to attack who we are OOG  because his other rants regarding Aurvandiil didn't work to get the reaction he desired he is now turning to attack Asylons image and or (lol) reputation. Knowing very well that Asylon is not popular at all on the forums and that he can drive people away from us OOG/IG by spreading these types of rumours or accusations. Like Anaris said and I will rephrase it in my own way  ' Asylon doesn't condone cheating nor has any cheaters, nor knew that Aurvandiil was cheating' So piss off! Chenier.

Upon reading what you posted once more made me realize my error, you make perfect sense. I was expecting an attack so hastily read over it. I would like to retract my call to the moderators to remove you and instead just remove Chenier.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: 米酒 on April 08, 2013, 11:49:20 PM

Well thanks for admitting to the forum what I've said all along about you being a two-faced snake and a flake.
QuoteChenier I'm going to be polite today to you and ask that you not parttake this conversation you are a troll.
How is the the first statement at all being polite?
QuoteIf everything I say has to be nitpicked down to its basic levels and everything I say totally ignored because my version of events means !@#$ all to you or anyone on dwilight, well I'm sorry but this is how I have experienced the game and this is how I saw the history around me, you have a problem with everything I say anyways. And right now your hatred of Aurvandiil and your insinuation that Asylon is a supporter of cheaters is not needed. I have reported you to the moderators and I hope that they can either remove you from my forum concersations or politely tell you to back off , either way I'm sick of your lies and bull!@#$ and I dont want to have anything to do with you IG and OOG.

And what fear of SA???? I was in SA I was an Consul in SA when Vellos was worshiping his Truins, I was a founder of a theocracy, I speak with the prophet even to this day, I have built temples and I led my armies into battle under the stars. I have no fear of SA. We in Asylon fear Astrum that is all. And Asylons hatred of Terran went way beyond my supposed betrayal. I was the one that kept Asylon friendly to the Moot, and constantly had to sway my fellow nobles from wanting to attack Terran for ages... Im done talking to you Chenier. You are a troll and have just come here to start trouble.

This song perfectly exemplifies the pain and lonliness in my heart and the sadness that Indirik and I have never been friends, this one is for you Indirik...
QuoteAnd what fear of SA????
QuoteWeren't ever any intentions? So when Asylon is attacked by the huge SA alliance it was never intended to destroy us? Just like now? You just want to whittle us down to little bits right? If Asylon ever even managed to grab one piece of land from Astrum it'd be our death knell... Dont you see it is SA that has created this fight to the death, massive alliances , alliances that make no sense like Asylon and Aurvandiil, or the Moot so scared they wont even fight eachother. SA hasnt attacked SA in years, your huge federation/alliance  has created  this fear. When Asylon attacked Kabrinskia it was out of complete fear, our choices were made out of complete fear, fear because Astrum the killer of Caerwyn, of Averoth of Everguard and slayer of Saxon Thulsoma, Virovene I think was setting up a realm next to us that from day one was threatening us and setting up to kill us, to wipe us out and you try to twist this around that Asylon is out to kill all of you? All I have heard since day one of these conflicts is ' oh we will take Itau and let wimpy king turin rule it, Chenier boasting of setting up kingdoms in Kosht, talk of giving Itau to FR... And then you wonder when a kingdom on the edge of the world with no allies acts bellicose and says tough things. If we didnt at least put on a tough face you'd !@#$ all over us. Who is Asylon going to call to help , Terran? What a waste of time that was. D'Hara? They couldnt even be bothered to help the Moot, the Zuma? Oh c'mon there is so many rules involved to get their help its painful. Asylon stands alone against Astrum, Iashular, Corsanctum and Morek... And you say you want small border wars and smaller conflicts... Astrum, come at us alone you cowards. We'll drop our alliances. You wouldnt dare drop yours because you cant stand on your own two feet.
Btw, just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a troll.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Glaumring the Fox

Penchant, Anaris, Chenier, Indirik... Any others stopping by for usual feeding frenzy? I am aware that I do not have a single friend on this forum. You win. Now can we please go back to talking about the Messocidens?

I quit, im done with this.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Anaris on April 09, 2013, 01:03:11 AM
Do I really have to even dignify that with a response?

Of course it doesn't. I didn't say it did and neither did Chénier. Yes, it's a somewhat unpleasant implication, but if that was all you objected to, you could just as easily have responded to Chénier with something like, "Asylon are not cheaters. None of us knew that Aurvandil held cheaters, and allying with them doesn't make us cheaters any more than being allied with Irombrozia back in the day makes you a cheater because Twinblade had multis there." (Actually, you might not have been able to come up with the Irombrozia reference off the top of your head, but kudos to you if you could! ;D )

The point is, not a single thing Chénier said was false, so repeatedly calling him a liar makes you sound a bit crazy.

What he did was insult you, and one of the best ways to respond to guilt-by-association insults is to calmly and rationally show how obviously faulty they are.

I never even said that Asylon was guilty by association. Any association to Aurvandil is to demonstrate Asylon's own hypocritical double-standards as to what is fine and what isn't. Obvious cheaters were glorified, while a coalition of small struggling realms was vilified. All with a discourse of large realms being bad (Asylon and Aurvandil both being large realms) and small realms (like those Aurvandil and Asylon attacked) are good.

I was rather commenting the fact that Glaumring likes to villify SA by saying how unfun the bloc is and how it ruins Dwi, or just about. That you were once a member of it doesn't contradict this statement in any way. And yet, the only people SA bores is its own, and the only outsiders they bother are those who go out of their way to stir up trouble with them. If Asylon couldn't become friends with Terran, with D'Hara, with Kabrinskia, or with Astrum... ever thought that maybe that just goes to say a lot more about Asylon than any of these other realms?

And yea, my one dwi character is flexible when it comes to diplomacy. Should I be ashamed of this? Unlike you, I am not the same as my characters. I also played a dude who thought it was totally cool to rip the hearts out of living victims. Do you believe I seriously think we should do more of this IRL to please the gods? Machiavel walks his path. If you walk in the same direction, he'll walk with you regardless of what he thinks of you (for most cases). Walk a different path, and he'll let you walk it alone regardless of prior relations. Doesn't mean he's honorless or that he'll ditch allies for no reason. Just means you can't make him do things he didn't already plan to do.

But really, all I had said for you to call me a troll is that you should have considered your relations with Caerwyn to, just maybe, have impacts on your relations with others? Caerwyn had sympathizers abroad, and you obviously never considered that pissing off Caerwyn could also result in pissing off their sympathizers. Just as you apparently can't comprehend how your relations with Fiorenza and Aurvandil screwed Asylon's relations with others like Astum and Corsanctum... You play the poor underdog that was forced into isolation by mean bullies next to you, but Asylon is a realm nobody really cares about that dug its own hole to isolate itself in. And I find your self-victimization to be quite tiring.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


hey, rather than all this spiteful garbage, can we please get off the forums and dump some cool RPs in the game, mmk? better use of everyone's time and energy. this thread is dead in the water and makes me want to hurl.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Tandaros on April 09, 2013, 02:50:17 AM
hey, rather than all this spiteful garbage, can we please get off the forums and dump some cool RPs in the game, mmk? better use of everyone's time and energy. this thread is dead in the water and makes me want to hurl.

Agreed!  ;D
We live lives in beautiful lies...



Hireshmont is in the Mesoccidens.

ipso facto: mesoccidens is awesome.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2013, 05:00:32 AM

Hireshmont is in the Mesoccidens.

ipso facto: mesoccidens is awesome.

You were the person who taught me the region names back in the day.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: 米酒 on April 09, 2013, 05:35:33 AM
You were the person who taught me the region names back in the day.

The widely known and accepted geographic names/areas are one of the best things about Dwilight that set it apart from the other islands.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on April 09, 2013, 07:01:57 AM
The widely known and accepted geographic names/areas are on the best things about Dwilight that set it apart from the other islands.
Dwilight has areas that are easier to define than most continets. Also, the size of Dwilight matters with that too.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on April 09, 2013, 07:20:35 AM
Dwilight has areas that are easier to define than most continets. Also, the size of Dwilight matters with that too.

Sort of. Even things like mountain ranges, forests, or lakes lack widely used or recognized names on most islands, though.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I have something named after me. D'awww :)
Also, I switched allegiance after Glaumring took Via Duchy right after the last Duchess abdicated, even though the agreed procedure was that the lords/ladies of the Duchy could choose who would be next in line (in the absence of an 'heir' as appointed by the last duke/duchess).

With that said, it was a very calculated move of mine. I had been diplomacy praising Kabrinskia for a week prior. Switching Uppervia split Asylon into two, which provided a reprieve for Kabrinskia for the war. It was very serendipity that the Long Winter came right after, and that GF had enough(ish) food while Asylon didn't.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Feylonis on April 09, 2013, 02:06:41 PM
I have something named after me. D'awww :)
Also, I switched allegiance after Glaumring took Via Duchy right after the last Duchess abdicated, even though the agreed procedure was that the lords/ladies of the Duchy could choose who would be next in line (in the absence of an 'heir' as appointed by the last duke/duchess).

With that said, it was a very calculated move of mine. I had been diplomacy praising Kabrinskia for a week prior. Switching Uppervia split Asylon into two, which provided a reprieve for Kabrinskia for the war. It was very serendipity that the Long Winter came right after, and that GF had enough(ish) food while Asylon didn't.

There is no way in hell you were going to get the Via duchy, you were known to be trouble for quite some time in Asylon. Our private talks were about the fact you had way too many titles for a new noble and that you would sit in Kabrinskian lands for weeks at a time. It was then that I changed our lords election laws back to the old ones that I had installed, for some reason one of our previous rulers had negated monthly elections for judge and banker, I cant remember which one but we decided you couldnt be trusted so all of a sudden elections started and you lost to Heinrich , who I had asked to run against you. You think that your traitor ways caught us by surprise? We knew for a long long time, there is very little information that the king doesnt know, the problem with the information was there was a lot of OOG and IG gut feeling that didnt quite warrant outright banning your character. I knew you were going to eventually go rogue I just didnt know when and my character couldnt act on the information until it was too late. I do know that part pf the reason you went rogue was because of our bickering on these forums. Your OOG hatred formed your IG opinion of a war you knew nothing about.
We live lives in beautiful lies...