Author Topic: Recruitment Centers - Whos got the best?  (Read 22510 times)


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Re: Recruitment Centers - Whos got the best?
« Reply #30: May 30, 2013, 10:14:38 AM »
Still, to see Tom giggle feverishly, completey blow my theory out of the water, then make us wonder why there's things like "against Undead" and "of Daemon-slaying" will just make the game more fun.

Never-the-less, if you are a noble, then for crying out loud, repair that item. Even if it does have an Engrish name on it. I got that shield at +4 presitge value, the last I saw it, it was +6 or +7. Repair them, and they'll serve you well. Even if you do need to pay off the commoners.

Damn blind Queen, she's got my beat-stick shield still. Probably. Bugger.

:back to the normal "Who has the best recruitment centres thread:   :) 

Ps. I doubt things like magic items are limited to things like combat. I think it may have to do with the noble involved and the strength of the item. Thing's like "of Dreams" may do little in a Knight's hand, but a lot in a Duke's. Prosperous Belt of Soldiers? Definitely grab it. I bet there's an entire raft of things we'll never know about on Dwilight, or why they happened, but you can probably be odds-on correct that we nobles did it. Luria Nova hasn't had an decent undead breakout in ages, but we've got a fur-trade from our monsters. Thanks to our horrible, horrible items.

I may be wrong, but it's a nice theory. It gives our lands flavour. Tasty monsters sprinkled with kick-arse flavour in the case of Luria.   
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 11:40:08 PM by Samboji »