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Barony of Makar these days?

Started by Kain, May 09, 2013, 12:48:00 PM

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Quote from: Bael on May 10, 2013, 08:22:32 AM
You'd actually be surprised to hear that Tara sometimes disagrees, quite vehemently, with the Empire. Not every day, but on occasion. Tara certainly isn't the pushover that people imagine it to be.

I sometimes disagree vehemently with my family members, too. That doesn't mean I would ever get up from the table and punch them in the face.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on May 10, 2013, 01:41:29 AM

Rieleston is a toxic pit of OOC friends who all empower each other and make no attempt to play the game IC.

Yes, our OOC connection all dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya.

Sour grapes Perth, sour grapes...give it a rest, as I think only a few vocal (and at least one who MANY consider toxic) people actually agree with you on this point.


Quote from: Ender on May 09, 2013, 10:41:25 PM
I still don't buy that reason. Were all of the realms currently destroying Heorot planning to attack the Barony? Considering how much time he spent in the Barony just before the split, it didn't seem such a pressing issue for everyone before Heorot was formed. Or was someone making plans to kick Kerwin out of BoM?

Actually, I'm pretty sure all the realms currently involved were willing to attack BoM except Talerium. Caergoth just wanted some action, Minas Leon wanted Brackhead, Rieleston wanted to help the CE, and Lyonesse... I think was going to take a small segment of lands? Might be wrong on Lyonesse.

As ironic as it is, Heorot may have saved the Barony. We'll see...

Quote from: Perth on May 10, 2013, 09:15:50 AM
I sometimes disagree vehemently with my family members, too. That doesn't mean I would ever get up from the table and punch them in the face.
It's almost come to that once or twice, actually. I don't think the open threats have come from Tara, but CE (very rarely) threatens to put them back in line.


QuoteActually, I'm pretty sure all the realms currently involved were willing to attack BoM except Talerium. Caergoth just wanted some action, Minas Leon wanted Brackhead, Rieleston wanted to help the CE, and Lyonesse... I think was going to take a small segment of lands? Might be wrong on Lyonesse.

As ironic as it is, Heorot may have saved the Barony. We'll see...

All those reasons make more sense then they wanted Kerwin dead. They all wanted something, obviously, but it wasnt Kerwin or war with BoM should've happened sooner.

I'd be surprised if BoM lasts much longer after Heorot falls given how easy it would be for all parties currently involved just to shift their focus and go after BoM after Heorot is done with. Given that I have no idea who Arnor is trying to negotiate with, though, I can't say for sure.


Quote from: Bael on May 10, 2013, 08:22:32 AM
You'd actually be surprised to hear that Tara sometimes disagrees, quite vehemently, with the Empire. Not every day, but on occasion. Tara certainly isn't the pushover that people imagine it to be.

All I know is that Zadar (who rules Tara) also has a character with 3,829 days in the Cagilan Empire who is not only a sitting Cagilan Senator but is a Royal on top of that.

I don't disbelieve you that there are disagreements between him and the Cagilan leadership from time to time, but the day he moves from disagreement and/or noncooperation to directly opposing their aims is the day I eat my hat (still waiting for that, by the way).


There were a few behind the scenes reasons why Rieleston did not declare war on the Barony over Kerwin, but the only one I will divulge is there was a long-standing relationship between a couple of nobles that delayed the war...which would have happened had Heorot not been formed and Kerwin got swept away when regions left.  At the time, Rieleston wanted nothing more than Kerwin's head.  One of my characters has been on the realm council since the beginning, so this is not conjecture.


Quote from: Bael on May 10, 2013, 08:22:32 AM
You'd actually be surprised to hear that Tara sometimes disagrees, quite vehemently, with the Empire. Not every day, but on occasion. Tara certainly isn't the pushover that people imagine it to be.
Certainly. Let's look at Suville and Carelia. That was almost a war by proxy there.
QuoteI don't disbelieve you that there are disagreements between him and the Cagilan leadership from time to time, but the day he moves from disagreement and/or noncooperation to directly opposing their aims is the day I eat my hat (still waiting for that, by the way).
Well Tara has kind of done that already with, like I said, Carelia and Suville. CE doesn't like Carelia for obvious reasons and they liked Suville as Suville has accomplished all they can except for maybe take Carelia out, which they need CE for, thus they work for CE so as to maintain their power instead of ever have CE decide to attack them. Tara was directly funding Carelia andselling food to Carelia (towards the end even lending troops) to aid Carelia against Suville whose claims were obviously bull!@#$, and it came extremely close to CE getting involved. (They claimed they needed food yet would loot our bordering regions rogue which obviously isn't going to help them foodwise. )
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on May 11, 2013, 07:33:16 AM
Certainly. Let's look at Suville and Carelia. That was almost a war by proxy there. Well Tara has kind of done that already with, like I said, Carelia and Suville. CE doesn't like Carelia for obvious reasons and they liked Suville as Suville has accomplished all they can except for maybe take Carelia out, which they need CE for, thus they work for CE so as to maintain their power instead of ever have CE decide to attack them. Tara was directly funding Carelia andselling food to Carelia (towards the end even lending troops) to aid Carelia against Suville whose claims were obviously bull!@#$, and it came extremely close to CE getting involved. (They claimed they needed food yet would loot our bordering regions rogue which obviously isn't going to help them foodwise. )

Interesting. Much closer to conflict than I would have expected, but I'd be very surprised (and extremely pleased) to see them break the federation over that.


I really hope that one day I can give you more information what was really going on between Lions . Yes we had some small disagreement but finally CE did understand what has to be done.

A plan without a goal, is just a wish .


I disagree, Tara didnt understand what had to be done :D

~Violence is always an option!~


So after all you are on CE's side.     ;)
A plan without a goal, is just a wish .


Whats up with BoM?
There is no council at all?  :o
~Violence is always an option!~


The Veder Saga family was 3/4 of the council last I checked, so if something happened to them that pretty much wipes out the entire Barony council. They're still region lords, though, so I would think if anything happened it's just a round of autopausing for inactivity.

I can't remember who the other guy was, so I don't know what would have happened there.


First the judge lost his position due to inactivity, and in the election for a new one, not a single noble stepped forward so no judge was elected. Then the Veder Saga family lost their positions due to inactivity and they held rulership, generalship, bankership as well as dukeship and margraveship of the two cities (they haven't lost the dukeship and the lordships yet).

It is unfortunate but the realm is completely dead as evidenced by the fact that no one ran for judge. No one. The Barony is at war with so many realms yet they just sit in their lands doing nothing, almost losing Makar city out of negligence.
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


That is why Heorot was formed. The Barony of Makar had become the definition of stagnation and the Veder Saga's are one of the most frequently autopaused families I've ever seen in this game.

There was a reason Ender stopped giving them lordships back in the Barony. Having them in nearly every important position, this was, sadly, bound to happen.