Author Topic: And the award for best heroic death goes to....  (Read 7002 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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When most heroes die, you're lucky to see many comments about it from other characters. The world just keeps turning. So which heroic deaths do you feel actually meant something? Either became it was a fitting end for the character or because there was some actual weight to it through roleplays or other things.

My two contenders for the best heroic death award are Alpha and Rhidhana.

When Alpha just died on FEI, there was a real sense of shock and loss (Velax OOC comment: "holy s**t"). One of the great personalities, and commanders, on the island was dead. Added to this were the roleplays of other characters expressing their shock at the news, and Alpha's Arcaean son crossing the frontlines to attend the funeral pyre with the Kindarans.

Rhidhana gets my second vote because I've never seen a hero die at a more fitting moment. Her death during the final defence of Krimml was the perfect end for the character. She embodied Fontan, and dying at the same moment the realm died was verging on the poetic.