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Great Dwilight War:Astrum defeats Asylon and Farronite forces.

Started by Frostwood, June 26, 2013, 08:09:43 PM

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Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on June 27, 2013, 11:02:01 AM
Yes, nothing wrong with beeing honest. Astrum did take Vyanar and Wallershire from us in a previous war. I think its very fitting to use "reconquest" as a Casus bellis, since Asylon dont fight over religion.
You can be honest if you want, but it seems bad to me. Your casus bellis is basically we lost the war last time, lets go for round 2 now that it should easier instead of going for the much more valid imo and your allies like to hear, we are going to war to help our allies.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


That kind of mentality is what leads to gang bangs. "My allies are going to war, so I will join them even if it doesn't benefit me in any way, shape or form." Asylon's is one of my preferred justifications for war, though my favourite is the grudge match between D'Hara and Luria. Those kinds of justifications represent a way of playing that is conductive for good fun, as they demonstrate an unabashed willingness for aggression amongst the participants.

Eduardo Almighty

Asylon is going to war to help our allies as well, we just don't need to lie about our intentions to recover lands we lost in the last war. Also, in the end everyone is fighting to avoid to see SA ruling Dwilight as they wish. While much people can enjoy the religion, and it's very good since it's the best religion BM have now, IG a lot of realms don't want to bow to the Elders and to realms like Morek and Astrum. This is not just about religion and Asylon is a realm of crazy warriors trying to fight a good war.

Personally, Henrich has good reason since Yeux (a parent) left Morek to found Averoth, a realm devoured by the theocracies.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


battle between Phantaria/Farronite vs Terran.   Terran wins!   how long can we hold out.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: dustole on June 28, 2013, 01:10:17 AM
battle between Phantaria/Farronite vs Terran.   Terran wins!   how long can we hold out.

I believe that was a small minority of our army there. (If I had been there, the Phantaria/Farronite side would have had about 33% more people.


I think for propaganda purposes Turin's gonna call this "Tyrant Leopold's War".


I'm getting mixed signals here. Is D'Hara declaring against the Magna Saecularibus Alliance?
The adherents of different religions in a realm should compete for power, influence, and fresh converts. They don't even have to be killing each other to do so. I wish people promoted the prosperity of their religions the same way they promoted the growth and prosperity of their realms. - Geronus

Eduardo Almighty

My suggestion:

The Glorious Liberation of the Theocratic Kingdoms by The Combined Forces of The United Western Territories of Dwilight.

As English is not my first lenguage, I don't know if it fits exactly with the intention. So, I will let you know from where I stole the idea so you can fix it:

Type O Negtive - The Glorious Liberation Of The People's Technocratic Republic Of Vinnland By The Combined Forces Of The United Territories Of Europa
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on June 28, 2013, 02:20:42 AM
My suggestion:

The Glorious Liberation of the Theocratic Kingdoms by The Combined Forces of The United Western Territories of Dwilight.

As English is not my first lenguage, I don't know if it fits exactly with the intention. So, I will let you know from where I stole the idea so you can fix it:

Type O Negtive - The Glorious Liberation Of The People's Technocratic Republic Of Vinnland By The Combined Forces Of The United Territories Of Europa
Yours is perfect, although too long to be the actual name IMO. Could be used as propaganda.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Eduardo Almighty

Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Niselurian troops enter Astrum, and start drinking in taverns.  Two Niselurian nobles seen drinking with locals.  Astrum forces nowhere to be seen.  Plot or poor mobilization?

Terran wins battle against Phantaria/Farronite Republic(battle details please).

Morek Grandmaster accused of trying to succeed duty when duchess. 
Public details of ruler channel:
QuoteLetter from Cadalh Jeffrey   (17 hours, 33 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (16 recipients)
That was actually quite hilarious. I believe a lot of you do not know who i am, but i was not long ago being banished by Morek because i was scheming with the current Grandmistress Eviera in the past to start a secession on her duchy. However, i was somehow betrayed by them and being sacrificed as a scape goat by Eviera when she sees the opportunity to takeover Morek after the previous Grandmaster fell ill. I would only think that poisoning the previous Grandmaster was also one of her doing.

Eviera is not a trustworthy leader for she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. In fact, the banishment of me was done with no proof given whatsoever to the public. Nobody knows why i was banished in the first place.

I urge even the current allies of Morek to not trust her or she will backstab you at every opportunity she can find.

Cadalh Jeffrey
Knight of Balance's Retreat

Letter from Alice Arundel   (17 hours, 15 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients) and to Cadalh Jeffrey
Sir Jeffrey,

I remember your letter well, inviting me to take part in your secession. I declined, believing that Morek was a good laisser-faire friend.

Times have certainly changed. Rest assured, your words do not fall on deaf ears: not this time.


Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova

Letter from Eviera Lanze   (16 hours, 20 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)
Rulers of Dwilight,

Cadalh Jeffrey was discovered to be intending to start a rebellion in the Morek Empire, and since he foolishly contacted me thinking I would rebel my duchy for his foolish objectives, it was decided that I would pretend to befriend him in the hopes of finding more of his traitorous ilk.

I am not surprised to see Queen Alice as part of his entourage.  A fitting place for the queen, I might say.

I wish I could say I was surprised to see the Lurian Queen's intent to quickly jump on the opportunity to gain some land for her empire.  It was made clear to me before I even became established as Grandmistress that the Lurians would stop at nothing to have war with anyone they could find who was weaker then they are.  At that time it was D'hara.  My attempt to step in and help broker a peace was fruitless, I knew this to be true, but I tried anyway, and the Queen showed her true colors - again, none to my surprise.  This is perfectly obvious giving the context of her declaration of war on the Morek Empire now that its back is seemingly turned to the poison laden dagger that is Luria Nova.  I am honestly surprised it took this long for the Queen to reveal her true intent to the world.

The Morek Empire and myself welcome this opportunity to act as the sword arm of justice so that we might make the Lurians pay for their sins and boundless treachery.  The Morek Empire is ready for you, Queen Alice, so rather than attempting to fight with your hollow words and baseless accusations, maybe you should show your true intent with iron and steel instead?

Allow me to help you in that regard, seeing as how your diplomats are apparently too busy writing a term of surrender disguised as a treaty for your country's next unfortunate victim.


Eviera Lanze
Grandmistress of Morek Empire
Letter from Alice Arundel   (15 hours, 18 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)
Rulers of Dwilight,

Perhaps the world decline has a different meaning to the Grandmistress because I refused to back Sir Jeffrey's plot. Luria Nova was set on keeping friendly relations with the Morek Empire, until its dark imposing tendrils were revealed from the shadows. Without its neighbors' knowing, the Morek Empire thought it was a good idea to formulate a secret - and by secret, I mean without notifying a single Lurian - defensive pact with Luria Nova and D'Hara, in the even that one should attack the other. That, my peers, is an example of blatant political interference brought on by a realm that thought it could get away with it. Never in my life have I head of such an overt attempt to curb the powers of others - especially when said others would never be a threat to Morek.

From today onwards, Luria Nova and D'Hara will no longer be puppeteered by the Morek Empire. If the former two ever go to war, with allies and the like in tow, they will do so without the Empire's conspicuous imperialism. Grandmistress Eviera, I will happily oblige your invitation and destroy your realm. Know, however, that Luria Nova seeks no territories from the Morek Empire or her allies. We only seek justice, for Niselur, for the Libero Empire, for Luria, and for those unfortunate enough to suffer your imperialism.

For the Golden Eagle,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova

Letter from Eviera Lanze   (15 hours, 10 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)
Queen Alice,

After this letter, I am done wasting words on you as you clearly only have words to offer and words to back up your as of yet, idle threats.

This so called 'defensive pact' you speak of and claim to be the reason behind your declaration of war, as was said to you at our summit in the Alley of Swords, was not a written document, signed and sealed by anyone.  It was merely a gentleman's agreement that I was told your realm was aware of.  So it seems you have been planning this for a far longer time than I initially thought.

You have no grounds for your war, you intend to attack the Morek Empire for 'harassing' the Libero Empire when you have done nothing but harass the D'harans for years.  I have had nothing but polite words with King Leopold and like you, he has suddenly decided to resort to words - nay, lies, to try to back his ambitions.

Save your words and meet my armies on the battlefield, like you so desired during our summit.

The Morek Empire will not be quick to forget your lies, aggression, or imperialism.


Eviera Lanze
Grandmistress of Morek Empire
Letter from Alice Arundel   (14 hours, 54 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)
Rulers of Dwilight,

I maintain, contrary to Grandmistress Eviera's beliefs, that Luria Nova has never infringed upon D'Hara, save offer the same rhetoric and insults extended to us by D'Hara. D'Hara, on the other hand, has broken a white peace, denounced Luria Nova's right to sovereignty, trespassed through her borders without notifying Luria Nova, and just today broke the sanctity of the hearth right as it arrested Duke Malus Solari, Light of the Austere Star in the Astroist faith, after having granted him permission to preach there.

Grandmistress Eviera, you are a very prone to personal affliction. You see a peer of yours get angry the way I did at our summit, and you immediately despise said peer for it. I hope the anger you feel right now helps you understand how I once felt, and again when the Morek Empire is destroyed.

Like you said, the battlefield awaits.

For the Golden Eagle,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova

Letter from Khari Kye   (13 hours, 31 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)
Today the Farronite Republic takes steps to make good on our promise to support our western allies. Unfortunately in doing so a long standing alliance needed to come to an end.

We are all in this for different reasons, but the destruction of Sanguis Astroism as some claim will be the result, is not one of the Farronites objectives.

Khari Kye
Governor General of Farronite Republic
Characters:Lain Frostwood, Ghostfire Frostwood, Talia(commoner)


Quote from: dustole on June 28, 2013, 01:10:17 AM
battle between Phantaria/Farronite vs Terran.   Terran wins!   how long can we hold out.

Depends. How long does it take to go from Saffalore to Shokalom and back? :P
Sarwell Family - Alna (Phantaria), Rosnan (Ohnar West), Julian (Strombran)
Quote from: dustole on July 09, 2013, 02:20:33 PM
New female characters start with an extra 10% skill in cooking and in cleaning.


King Leopold Excommunicated


Details as always:
QuoteOrders from Constantine Meneldur   (34 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (152 recipients)
By order of the Elders Council, I hereby excommunicate King Leopold of Niselur for the crime of attempting to dissolve the holy theocracy of Niselur and replace it with a secular monarchy, as well as bringing the Holy City of Darfix outside of theocratic rule.

The Elders view such an action as a violation of his duties as a theocratic ruler, an attack on the theocracy of Niselur itself, as well as the overthrowing of a legitimate theocratic government system. As such we find that this action violates the Charter of the Church and so warrants excommunication.

The Open Hand has been extended to Leopold in the form of an offer of re-admittance into the Elders Council with significant concessions, however this was refused and responded to with a declaration of war against the Federation of Theocracies. We are therefore left with no other choice but to resort to excommunication.
Constantine Meneldur
Baron of Desert of Silhouettes
Priest of Sanguis Astroism
Luminary of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Mordaunt Lefanis   (21 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (151 recipients)

Today is a fateful day- King Leopold of Niselur has betrayed this church, its theocracies, and all the faithful assembled in these halls.

When King Leopold rebelled against King Turin in Niselur seizing the throne in a bloody rebellion, I asked him whether he intending on staying true to the theocratic ways of Niselur- he swore an oath then to stand by the church and the faithful, preserving the same government created by King Turin, and on his word, I vouched for him to the elder council, appointing him as an Archon, representing a theocracy of the Stars.

Unfortunately, my trust in this man was misplaced. King Leopold never participated in the elder council, never once calling for charter reforms, or voicing his concerns when the matter of defending Terran was raised for the first time. When the Prophet himself gave his blessing for the crusade in Terran, this man openly defied the the will of His Holiness, naming it a criminal act, refusing to offer aid to the crusade, even though bound as he was to act in defense of the church and faithful, as a member of this church and a ruler of a theocracy of the stars. The same man later had the gall to claim that he was always against the crusade, speaking up only after it had been declared, when he refused to speak against it when he could.

Yet the church attempted to compromise, and tried to reason with King Leopold, even as he openly persecuted those who stood by His Holiness. Yet power is a dangerous drug, and it has corrupted a once noble man- He proceeded to declare Niselur his own personal fief, discarding the theocratic government, spurning the church which played a key role in the formation of Niselur, breaking his holy oath, and casting aside our oldest traditions and ways. Even after this slap in the face, the church offered Leopold the open hand, asking him to air his grievances and calling for a return to amicable terms in the relationship, and a restoration of the theocratic government.

I believe you ought to read King Leopold's response to the peaceful offer extended to him yourselves-

Letter from Leopold Arrakis   (11 hours, 19 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)

Rulers of the world,

On this day, the Kingdom of Niselur rises to meet the challenge of the theocracies. The failure of any of these to acknowledge the rightful Niselurian proclamation of a monarchy and a preparation of a crusade against my Kingdom has alienated our relations to a point of war. The continuing support of the theocracies for the craven politics of the Church Elders, failure to muster courage to defy the chains of artificialities of the Charter, bullying and oppression are the charges I put forward against my enemies. From the perspective of the monarchic government of Niselur, this is a dangerous position we find ourselves in and as such we are compelled to act.

For the Golden Rider,
Leopold Arrakis
King of Niselur

This man is a traitor, he has betrayed this church and its theocracies, and even now tries to build a coalition to bring war to our theocracies, having usurped power in one of our realms. He is driven by nothing but his own personal ambition and lust for power, who would trample upon anything, betray any oath, and sacrifice any friend to reach his goals. Thus the elder council has decided that there is no place in these halls for such a man, and shall be excommunicated forthwith.

To the stars,
Mordaunt Lefanis
Knight of Farrowfield
Priest of Sanguis Astroism
Regent of the Faith of Sanguis Astroism
Characters:Lain Frostwood, Ghostfire Frostwood, Talia(commoner)


Quote from: Indirik on June 27, 2013, 06:24:49 PM
They can be arrested and banned. Once they have been banned, they are no different than any other noble with a ban: Every trip to the dungeon is a possible execution.

No executions without a ban.

You cannot simply "Arrest Priest" and then ban said priest - at least not on stable. Maybe it's different/changed recently on testing. I haven't played a priest character myself since early Dwilight.


Death to the SA! Especially Corsanctum!
> Calista Syrenne.
Nireus D.Natalle (East Island), Arianna Sherry (Beluaterra), Calista Syrenne (Dwilight), Charlotte Ava (Sunken Vur Hagin)