Author Topic: Hatred diplomacy state  (Read 7100 times)


  • Noble Lord
  • ***
  • Posts: 410
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Hatred is the only one-sided relationship in the game. It is possible for A to hate B, but B to not hate A. All other relationships are two-way. i.e., you cannot be at War with a realm that is not at War with you. But you *can* Hate a realm that does nto Hate you.

Once you have declared Hatred toward a realm, you can no longer change the relations from your side. The only way to get get out of Hatred is to let the *other* realm propose to change it. If *both* sides declare Hatred, then it can never be changed. Both realms are locked in Hatred for the rest of their existence.

Edit: Sorry for the tangent...

Are you sure about that? Has hatred changed in the last few years? Used to be that although hatred was one-sided, it was possible to restore more reasonable relations again later on. You could unilaterally end your hatred of another realm, but there would be significant penalties across your own realm for doing so. Something to do with how you've previously denounced those people as less than human, devil incarnate etcetera and the common people aren't about to just forget about all that at the click of your fingers. It would only bump you back up to war status as well. To actually end the war you would need the opposing realm to overlook all that to join you at the peace table.