Author Topic: Closing Islands ?  (Read 130342 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Closing Islands ?
« Reply #105: July 20, 2013, 12:22:23 AM »
Why not a Battlemaster Apocalypse?

I have noticed that there is fighting on some islands, a lot of old rivalries and hatreds coming up, some splitting of the communitys.

Has anyone ever played the Heroes of Might and Magic Series? At the end of Heroes 3, the world implodes, and mages open up portals to another world where they have to move to.

My basic idea is an "Invasion" on all islands at once, kinda like the ones they have on belatuerra. Make them tough to stop. Realms will have to bad together to try and withstand. Some islands will be overrun and the remaining nobles will have to run to the other islands, that also have invasions going on. If the realms can't band together then the islands become over run with enemies, but the islands are still "there", and can be returned to. Whatever islands remain, standing will become the main islands that new characters can be created on. Lets say that all other islands but Atamara became overrun. All the nobles flocked there and drove the invasion from the face of the island. All other islands have been taken over. The density would be extremely high, there would be crowding, noble poverty, lack of armies. This would then cause others to band together to try and retake there lost lands. They may last a little while, be able to rebuild a few cities, but if those expeditions don't last then the density remains high. If the Expeditions last on another island then they earned the right, and other people will flock to them to help rebuild.

Also the intrigue, the maneuvering, everything would be insane.

If in fact, all islands become overrun, then create a new larger island that doesn't have an invasion, if people want to survive then they will escape to that land, try and remake their broken realms, and yet still have the ability to try and retake their lost lands.

I think a major overhaul needs to happen, and this seems like a good way to do it, increase density, and still leave the history intact, while creating new history, and an interesting one at that.