Author Topic: stopping ForumMaster from destroying BattleMaster  (Read 135332 times)


  • Knight
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There is an undue focus on CE. If CE, it's allies and Darka weren't dominant, than some other group of realms would be. As Qyasogk and Dante note, there is a lack of unpredictability to this game. There is nothing to knock down power structures except bigger power structures, which cannot be form under existing power structures. Power structures can only form at the beginning of maps, when there is a vacuum to be filled. Essentially maps begin with a scramble for dominance and end with with a status quo. Once the scramble is over, the map is finished. This is it what happened on Atamara, as well Colonies and East Continent.

There is only one method for prolonging this game beyond the initial scrambles, without introducing destabilising features into the core game play, and that is to routinely switch up the map pool. This method has been shot down, and there is not enough support to code destabilising features, so, unless those things change, there will be no future for this game. Deleting random islands and shoving all of the players together won't accomplish anything, except to temporarily ease character density. Deleting the forums won't do anything either, as the forums have nothing to do with this game's longevity. The methods being considered will be ineffectual.

I completely disagree! No map is finished... Look at how much Atamara has changed. Dont forget that Coria was/is in the CE block too. So not only the north has changed. Sooner or later there will be more changes. And we as players are the only people that should make the changes happen.

As soon as game features/GMs interfere more with the game, I will quit this game. I already see some of the features limiting the game. Make a new island (war islands) if you want resets. But resetting a place where I have built fictional history for 7 years makes sure that I have no ties and can quit without hesitation.

But that all is off topic. The topic was about forums. Delete it and some other place will fill the void and the circle is even smaller than it is now. OOC communication and discussion will not end. Atleast the forum is public and people have to consider their thoughts a bit more than in IM conversations.