Author Topic: Magistrate cases  (Read 3466 times)

Blue Star

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Re: Magistrate cases
« Topic Start: August 21, 2013, 06:15:22 PM »
However, without that discussion (which had poor though processes on both sides), I would have opened another Magistrates case. While I don't believe "lawyering" would have been necessary (it was very clear cut), a second case may have been damaging to Jason just upon principle. It may have been the proverbial straw to break the camel's back. And most importantly, the beginning of that exchange included a legitimate question on the verdict.

Edited for clarity and a fine tuning of my point.

While you have your opinion I believe the other side did not see it as such, which would explain the exchange that occurred that was more or less did not need to occur.

Question & Answers is there for a reason, why not use it? Yes, the forum is the place to discuss the issue, but put it in Question board not in the same as the cases. After the verdict what good is it commenting as such has been done?

I don't believe Eirikr had any ill will toward Jason, but it can be interpreted differently concerning your opinions and beliefs and stance on the matter. Referencing Eirkir above (bolded), those such comments can be referred to the magistrates via private message. Not posted after the verdict.

The Verdict is enough is it not? If the parties are satisfied or unsatisfied, then it is what it is. Questions, comments, and discussion can happen in the question board. Separate board are there for a reason, I say let's use them.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)