Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72829 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #15: October 17, 2013, 05:13:07 PM »
Hey hey! that Word File I mentioned before? It held more old RP's hehe. This one is about Aldrakar still being in Thar Gortauth. In this RP you may read about how Aldrakar progresses in being a warrior. In some even older RP's he often got beat in fights.

A day in Fort Thar Gortauth

Scanning the pages of parchment for any new information Aldrakar rubbed his forehead with his hand, his fingers following the frown lines that had taken up residence there. Eyes roaming from left to right some air escaped his mouth as he let out a small sight. A sound drew his eyes away from the scroll and towards the door of the small wooden structure. It had been constructed some time ago at the center of his fortified camp that now slowly started to resemble a small hamlet or village perhaps even. The walls of the timber building still looked crude but the floor was made of straight wooden planks now instead of dirt and it looked more decent by the day.

The sergeant passed through the doorway. He was dressed in a leather jerkin and sturdy leather trousers and wore heavy boots rimmed with black weasel fur. The man looked wizened, heavy lines all across his face both from years of worry and of merit. His hair was recently trimmed and quite short but that fact couldn't hide the grey in it. Despite older age the sergeant's body was powerful and taut with years of hard toil and training. Aldrakar tried to imagine himself at the age of the sergeant and saw a skeletal figure of himself that he desperately tried to alter into a Zeus like image but the blend failed horribly. Suddenly his respect for the sergeant rose considerably and he let his hand fall away from his forehead and let it rest on the desk he sat at as he awaited the sergeant's words.

A few deft strides and the sergeant stood in front of the desk and without much ceremony deposited 2 training swords made of good wood but nicked in many place nonetheless. ''It's time'' He said with far too much foreboding than Aldrakar cared to detect. Completely in character the sergeant turned around briskly and departed the wooden house. Pushing himself away from the desk Aldrakar got up and checked the straps of his leather amour. He'd worn it for the last few days and hadn't bothered to wear full armour as there had been no sign of enemy activity at all. His hand grasping the two wooden swords he also made his way outside. His fingers familiar around the hilts of both the practice weapons, they had been daily companions, much to the delight of his men who liked to watch their commander fight.

Walking into the light of mid morning Aldrakar had to squint his eyes as they adjusted to the rays of bright sunlight. In his moment of near blindness he was greeted with several ''Morning Lord.  Commander. I'll be rooting for you Lord. He's out boys get the others!'' and more such words. As his eyes got used to the light Aldrakar was faced with a new problem. His dark blond hair had grown since he had stationed his men in Thar Gortauth and now it conspired to beleaguer him and fall into his eyes. He jerked his head to the side a few times in an attempt to shake the hair out of his face and was moderately successful at it. Several men chuckled softly as they saw the young Marshal walk towards the practice fields.

Along the way there Aldrakar loosened up his muscles by swinging both swords around in a series of practiced swings, trusts and chops. He earned a small train of little children who mimicked him as with wooden sticks and branches. Where did they come from again? The thought struck Aldrakar as he realized over 5 boys were following him. He heard a woman shout out to one of the boys to come back and gather firewood, apparently his name was Billy. Damn the camp really had grown. A large collection of tents and mud huts had sprung up around the fringes of the military camp and many people were fishing, hunting and brokering deals with merchandise they had brought with them. He would have to inform the Lord of Thar Gortauth when he left to keep a garrison here when he left.

Striding down to the beach where the soldiers preferred to do their morning training Aldrakar was first met with the fresh and slightly chilled ocean breeze, he welcomed it with a broad smile. Next he heard the clunk and thonk of wood on wood, there were soldiers already training with wooden weapons. As usual there were onlookers in the form of camp followers, women that the soldiers had taken as temporary wives. Peddlers of foodstuffs, maybe just a handful but still they were there to make a quick sale to a thirsty soldier.

His boots sinking in the soft sand Aldrakar walked up to the sergeant who stood waiting on his Liege. Next to him were 2 men quite familiar to Aldrakar by now. A tall, bald and grinning soldier stripped down in just leather under-armour much like Aldrakar himself. The other was a powerfully build but stocky man with a thick mat of dark brown hair and a well trimmed beard. They greeted their Liege quite informally and the sergeant just looked impatient. Aldrakar stuck the two swords in the sand and prepared himself for a sparring bout with the two men. He rolled his growing muscles and stretching his limbs. When he felt content with the warmth that was coursing through his body he picked up one of the wooden shields shaped as a heater shield that was laying nearby. All practice weapons were quite worn but serviceable, these shields were no different.

''Are you ready my Liege?'' The words holding little courtesy, the sergeant was a professional. Once he got into the mindset of a trainer he discarded all titles and etiquette. Aldrakar had accepted it in favor of learning from a man like the sergeant. ''Yes trainer.'' The words well measured and hinted at danger as Aldrakar moved into the outlined area of the practice arena. Just a ribbon strung along several poles stuck in the sand. His hands holding the longer of the two practice swords he had brought and the heater shaped shield he had picked up. He didn't squeeze them but gripped them firmly.

The two other combatants paired up opposite of Aldrakar and glanced at one another. The Shortbeard as Aldrakar called the shorter man in his mind was the initiative taker of the two. The Tallbald, the tall and obviously bald soldier often looked for direction in his companion. They both had similar gear as Aldrakar, sword shield. They readied themselves to face Aldrakar once again. The last memorable time was back in Alskileon Purlieus, they had won back then. Many days stationed in a war camp had offered much time to train and practice though. Their conscious demeanor was not lost on Aldrakr and he opened with a lunge that he powered with a small leap towards the two opponents. He was surprised with a small roar of approval from the gathered crowd of soldiers and camp followers. He landed in the soft sand and as it sloshed over his boots he felt his sword connect with something hard and immediately folded his sword arm so that he could slam his shoulder into it as he realized it was a shield. While he made the gesture he flailed his shield towards the other opponent, it was Shortbeard.

Aldrakar barreled into TallBald and he had to give ground. A heavy grunt told Aldrakar he had hurt the other man but not enough for him to cede more ground.
ShortBread only needed a moment to recover and dashed in to aid his companion. They were slightly too late though in their counter as Aldrakar had already positioned his wooden sword pointed downwards towards the ankle of TallBald and had it slightly behind it. With a mighty heave Aldrakar forced the sword from left to the right and up in a backhanded motion and roared with all he was worth. Sand sprayed up and in an arch away from Aldrakar, over TallBald and the bystanders. TallBald's feet rose up in the air and he fell backwards onto the sand. The crowd was silent as they watched intently. Aldrakar felt pain shoot trough his left arm as his ears were greeted with Thump and Thonk after Thonk. He smelled sawdust. A wild Shortbeard was hacking at his shield and managed to land 2 fouled blows onto his shoulder.

Fending off Shortbeard Aldrakar crouched slightly as he drew Shortbeard closer to himself and had a hard time deflecting all the incoming attacks and nearly lost his footing as Shortbeard thrust his shield out to Aldrakar. When he thought Shortbeard was close enough Aldrakar shot up and to full high, as erect as he could. The move surprised Shortbeard and made him realize he was way too close and was now forced into a struggle of strength and less so of skill. Aldrkar descended upon the shorter man like a wave from the ocean and used both shield and sword to return the barrage of blows. He couldn't help the fierce grin that appeared onto his face as he drank in the troubled expressed of Shortbeard. The pain in his shoulder already forgotten until the next morning would come knocking on his door.

The crowd gave a hushed ''Ohh!'' which made Aldrakar dance aside and narrowly dodged the sword of Tallbald that now cut the air. He licked his sword at full length swinging over the chop of TallBald and felt it connect with something. He hadn't had time to see what it was as Shortbeard had rushed into the space TallBald had created for him. Sweat ran down the sides of his face as Aldrakar grumbled inside, he didn't want to give them the initiative but he had too. Doing his best to fend of the jabs of Shortbeard and aimed swings of TallBald.  Pain bloomed on his shin where Shortbeard bashed him with the butt of his shield and he narrowly moved his face out of the way of the tip of Tallbald's sword.

Tallbald made another well aimed and timed swipe with his sword and Aldrakar just barely caught it with his own sword. It was then that Shortbeard made a reckless half leap, half chop at Aldrakar. A vision of defeat rushed through Aldrakar's mind and he saw their faces grinning and himself sitting on the sand in defeat. The word No rang in his ears and soon he Roared it at them ''NOOOOO!'' bending a knee to the sand he scooped Shortbeard up in midair with his shield. He face pelted by several splinters shorn off the surface of the shield. In a fluid motion and with the momentum of Shortbeard Aldrakar tossed him over his shoulder. As if Shortbeard surfed on the shield and the ocean suddenly decided that the wave no longer existed.

TallBald stood with a fouled swing of his sword that he was trying to recover from. The word No greeting him as he saw his companion take the air, vanishing out of sight. In his place the vision of Aldrakar filled his world. He tried to move out of the way and create some distance to use his superior reach. Aldrakar seemed to have expected it as he thrust forwards with his sword and caught Tallbald on his chest, knocking air out of his lungs and rooting the man in place. Aldrakar swung his right leg into the air and tried to deliver a sideway kick to TallBald. He in turn tried to gulp down a mouthful of air and attempted to raise his shield in response. Speed was not his strong part today. Aldrakar's boot hit in squarely in the side and made him buckle over and anguish was painted all over his face. Having his shield in position again Aldrakar left no time unspent and slammed it into Tallbald's neatly presented face with all of his might and the ensuing sound was akin to a ripe melon being smashed against the rocks, a wet splash. Blood fountained behind the shield and droplets shot up and to the sides of the shields that sprayed onto Aldrakar.

Not yet satisfied Aldrakar brought his sword to bear and with an overhead chop he smashed the wooden blade of the sword onto Tallbald crumbling form. He struck him on his back and knocked the man flat. Registering the effect Aldrakar jump around to face Shortbeard but saw that the man was cradling his arm as he was still lying in the sand.

The rest of the world returned to his senses as he heard the cheers of the crowd. Soldiers and camp followers akin shouted his name, cheered the victory and were well entertained. Aldrakar felt a surge of victory that made him stand more erect and an unbidden glance at the sergeant revealed a small smile of approval. He quickly tore his attention away from the sergeant and went to Shortbeard and Tallbald ''Are you ok?'' He asked the ancient and retarded question, of course their weren’t! They just took a beating. Aldrakar tried his best to help them on their feet though and many men joined in. The healers would have a busy day today again.

Practice makes perfect but never forget luck and morale.