Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72956 times)


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My response.

Imperial Assistance

"Anything I can do to help in regards to Joceline?" Sholan, the Emperor of all the Luria's, after downing the remainder of what was left of his wine.


Aldrakar shrugged, inspected the wine inside his gobled for a moment and then responded. ''I think she hates me.'' His eyes locked with Sholan. ''So.. I'll probably lose not only one of my most promising officials but also Jocelin herself.'' Taking a pensive sip of the wine Aldrakar put the goblet down on the table. Half of the wine still left but he pushed it away from him anyway. Swallowing the tannin rich liquid making him squint his eyes.

''You look terrible. You've admitted as much already but you look 10 bad, long winters older than the last time we met. You aren't overindulging are you?'' He took a deliberate look at Sholan's stomach. ''We could always train together. Batting swords together does wonders for the body and the spirit.'' A troupe of soldiers marched by them, the commanding officer shouting far too loud and his mood more sour than raw lemons.

''I don't think you can help me with this one Shol. Although, maybe you could explain to her, in person perhaps.. why I had to rush out on her to get to the front? To sit here idly while our enemies bravely flee before the sight of our banners?'' The satirical aspect of the whole situation made him grin as he rested his face in the palm of his hand.