Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72249 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #195: January 10, 2017, 09:00:51 PM »
The forum warns me that there hasn't been any new posts in at least 120 days, Before ohh poster. I'll take that warning and gently tuck it away again. New text to be saved for posterity.

Aldrakar's Return

Looking out over the bay of Giask, the last light of the day was making a golden mirror out of the still surface of the Euschean sea. Trying as he might, he could see very little difference from the olden days. Still crowded with merchant ships, still a magnificent spectacle of both nature and of seamanship and, as always, it was still home.

Pulling the door closed behind him a myriad of thoughts bounced around in his head. Estate, Land, Titles.. Gold. He waved a hand in front of his face as he averted his eyes. Thoughts cannot be dispelled as easily as pipe smoke but one can try. The sounds of the city greeted him as the university was left behind and the noble quarters came ever closer. ''They still sell the finest silks and silver eh?'' Aldrakar replied to a wealthy looking merchant who was clearly trying to unload some fine silver jewelry to him. ''You do realize this is the Golden City hmm? Perhaps try in Askileon.'' A barely perceptible tone of ridicule and mirth accompanying the words from Aldrakar's mouth.

The merchant looked taken aback, opened his mouth to respond but closed it again as he locked eyes with Aldrakar. A knowing stare both kind and stern silencing him. Approaching the Golden Palace Aldrakar felt particularly naked. No retinue, starved of the usual opulence and in the absence of a host of capable fighting men in his wake. The Great Arched entrance to the Golden Palace lay ahead.

The guards spied him out quickly enough. They weren't too quick to dismiss him for they could see he was a man of some importance. If not by his clothing then certainly by his demeanor and stance. ''I'm sorry sir but visitation hours are over for the day. The Emperor and his staff shall resume in the morrow and may receive fresh audiences then.'' The words that greeted Aldrakar as he just finished ascending the white marble steps up towards the main entrance. Taking a moment to drink in the sights and deliberately waiting a measured amount of time to reply, Aldrakar's eyes eventually found those of the guard.

Frustration welled as he once again had to hear people desiring audiences, late in the freaking day. ''Always the same. People never can keep an appointment.'' Malian muttered to himself. Grabbing his helmet from his desk and expertly strapped it on. Rising to his feet he carefully touched the feathered plume crest that marked him as Captain of the Palatial Gate. A fierce smirk appeared on his face that quickly faded as military discipline kicked in.  Heavy footfalls announced his presence to the men at the main entrance.

''Right, you heard my men. Begone for the day and reschedual your audience. His esteemed, Imperial Highness may have time for you tomorrow. Now go..'' Malian uttered in a strong and singularly directive voice. The last two words trailing off into silence as his eyes fell on the man in front of him. Horror and dumbstruck stupidity warred with discipline and clearly won as he face showed all the emotions. ''Emperor Aldrakar..'' Reverence abounded. Almost in equal measure as the quickness he displayed going down on one knee.

The rest was announcements, rooms being arranged and messages send to the realm's nobility. An Emperor of the past returned.