Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72637 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #210: December 09, 2017, 01:44:29 PM »
And, the long awaited! (not really I guess) response from Aldrakar! A king being not all that Kingly after all hehe.

Meeting the King

Having whistled and not caring for what people thought about that, Aldrakar quietly enjoyed the breach of etiquette. The Nobles that leaned too heavily on protocol were the ones he disliked most.  Always powdering their noses and keeping the most bizarre of pets. Particular rat-like, little dogs. He hated those.

With shoulder length, raven hair Sir Matthew Coffey was the first to reach him. The young man waited politely for a moment and made sure Aldrakar duly acknowledged him. An almost automatic and near imperceptible nod made it so.

Once Aldrakar had recognised the young knight, he cleared his throat before speaking clearly yet softly, "Sir Matthew Coffey, at your service, my king.  I come bearing a humble gift as gratitude for your invite, I hope it is worthy of finding itself in your secondary collections." He offered forth a letter to the king, signed in his own hand, for a stallion that had come from his own stud up in Summerhill, currently stabled with no expense spared at the Palace stables. "I trust he will serve you faithfully and fully." Retreating a step, Matthew smiled briefly, inclining his head to the man.
~ Matthew Coffey

Rather than waiting on a servant to mediate the gesture of handing the letter over, Aldrakar rose from his Throne and reached out to take it. In the process showing that he wasn’t beneath doing things himself and at the same time showing the young man that the hand that grasped the letter was strong and bore the marks of battle. Tiny scars that indicated failed parries, ill fitting gauntlets and the sort.

Listening to the remaining words coming from Matthew, Aldrakar opened the letter and looked it over momentarily. Is it a Rouncey or does the boy have the guts to offer me a hunter or perhaps even a destrier  Aldrakar wondered. Hearing the silence lengthen, Aldrakar looked up at Matthew. ‘’Thank you, you must have done your homework. Not too far away from the Palace  you’ll find the Rendorian Equestrian Academy.’’ As if he was in a private conversation with a long lost friend, Aldrakar stretched out his arm and pointed in the rough direction of where said Academy was. ‘’My son trained there and some of the Empire’s finest cavalry men and steeds come from there.’’ Good choice of gift.’’ Aldrakar made a smile that looked awefully much like a grin. ‘’Come see me there sometime, we’ll test your horse against some of mine.’’

Around this time Sir Ceryn Onyxis chimed in and threw out a taunt and a jest.

"It is good to meet you. Sir Matthew Coffey, was it? Of Summerhill Hall? I am Ceryn Onyxis, Knight of Poryatown. Always a pleasure to meet fellow Lurian nobility. Tell me, have you met Sir Cream? I think you and he would get along splendidly." Ceryn waited for realization to dawn on the knight's face at the joke. "Forgive me, sometimes I cannot help myself when such amusements arise in my head. Truly, it is good to meet you. I do like coffee; I'm sure it will be an honor to serve alongside you."
~Ceryn Onyxis

Aldrakar waited a moment and keenly observed the young knights before him. If any of them were hotheads, he’d rather know about, sooner, rather than later. All the while busying himself with putting Matthew’ letter down on the little table beside the throne.

By the time the two were finished, Benedict's confidence was back in full force, and he approached the King, taking a deep bow as he did.

"My name is Benedict Dupont, a Knight of Giask, a pleasure to be at your service, my King".
~ Benedict Dupont

Aldrakar awarded the young knight’s introduction with another of those well rehearsed and nearly imperceptible nods. He then made a bit of a show of looking Benedict up and down, as if inspecting a cow he might buy and himself being a rancher. ‘’Giask you say?’’ A frown started to appear on his face. ‘’Heavy responsibility.. heavy indeed.’’ The words were close to being mumbled. Then, suddenly, Aldrakar’s expression turned and out came a smile. ‘’There’s a long history of distinguished serve from the Knights of Giask. Former Kings, Generals and heroes have gone before you. Giask is the greatest City on all of Dwilight and you best remember that Benedict.’’ He paused a moment before continuing in a softer voice. ‘’Also, better to drink brandy rather than wine if you need some more liquid courage in the future.’’ Aldrakar nodded sagely.

From taking his time observing Aldrakar Benedict could certainly discern that the aging man had the bearing of a warrior long before he ever wore a crown. Broad shouldered and with a chest that bespoke of a long wind fit for running or indeed, fighting in armour. From his face it was clear Aldrakar had gotten used to being surrounded by important people and almost seemed to expect people to heed his word, as if this had been done many, many times in the past.

Upon approaching Aldrakar, Nicholas took his place after Sir Benedict and fell to one knee. He drew his sword - a decorative heirloom, inlaid with gleaming silver - and held it before him, his gesture of fealty. The knight looked up, directing his blue-grey eyes to make contact with the monarch's. At close inspection for Aldrakar to view, Nicholas appeared to be swiftly on his way to becoming more man than boy; broad-shouldered, strong-jawed and with any softness of boyhood melted away through the trials of sword and steel. His hair, a dark-brown, was kept in the comfortable middle-ground of style and practicality. In the short breath before speech, he took in his liege; now this was an impressive man. Much as he had imagined him to be, opposing the relative disappointment of Sir Matthew. With all the rigid, military discipline he had come to find comfort in, he addressed the King with the utmost respect:

"My king, I am Sir Nicholas Archival, Knight of Poryatown. I am humbly at your service, and thank you for your most generous invitation to this feast. My sword is yours."
~ Nicholas Archival

Seeing Sir Nicholas bend the knee and offer the formal displays of fealty Aldrakar felt a sense of pride swell in his chest. Nodding deftly he himself rose from his Throne and touched the blade, centre wise.

Aldrakar looked across the room and saw those that beheld them, the small group of Knights in front of the King of Earth hall. Standing as he did, expectation rose and so, the Monarch spoke:

‘’Sir Nicholas, Knight of Poryatown.’’ A measured pause followed. “And to your Oath I shall hold you. Until such a time that I release you from it or death does claim you. In turn I will provide you with an upkeep suitable to your service rendered onto me. Providing enough so that you may command a company of good and loyal men in my name and do battle for the pleasure of the Realm and our Sovereign master, The Emperor.” Aldrakar raised his chin and his face hardened with patriotic pride

“I swear to do right by you as long as your Oath is strong and shelter you in my homes, provide you cloth to garb your body in and see to the nourishment that grants you life. Justice shall be mine to give and my hand to shield you from the evil of others. This is my sacred vow onto you as Liege and I accept your Oath.” Another pause. “The estate known as ‘Noble Manor Square' is now yours by bond and oath, use it wisely.” Aldrakar took his time to swallow and take in a lungful of air.

“Sir Nicholas, you do me proud and make swell my heart with hope as the future just turned to a stark Gold against the black night sky.’’

The old oath Aldrakar used for his sworn Knights. This one shows promise. He thought to himself. Another lingering thought suggested to that the youth looked akin to his eldest son, Aldrakar II.

Sir William turned at hearing the whistle. He decided to let Sir Benedict introduce himself before he did, to give him time to assess what this king was like. He was his better, certainly. However, William was not one to be played like a fiddle and decided that he would rather Benedict be made a fool of than himself. He followed behind his fellow knight and, upon reaching the king, bowed, but remained silent besides a courteous 'my king', waiting to see how this would unfold.
~ William Fitz Roberts

Thirdly, Aldrakar looked upon the features of Sir William. The beard stood out but more so the way the man kept to himself and displayed restraint. ‘’Sir Knight.’’ Aldrakar responded in kind. ‘’What might be your name? For you lack in the giving of it.’’ Aldrakar gave a brief yet stern look. ‘’No matter, what is in a man’s name? It what a man does that counts.’’ Looking William squarely in the eye. ‘’There’s more doing in there than prattling isn’t there.’’ Aldrakar paused. A time in which thoughts crossed the Monarch’s face. ‘’After this banquet is over, you will seek out and report to the Imperial Marshal Cador. He is my friend and sworn brother.’’ The words accompanied with a fist placed onto his own heart. ‘’There you will ask him to take you under his wing.’’ Knowing this was an order, Aldrakar observed William to see if he took it well. ‘’Cador will show you the ropes. Blade in hand, yes? Do well and know that I will be watching.’’ Aldrakar relaxed. ‘’If you do particularly well, you might earn yourself a Vice-Marshal title.’’

‘’If you fail to impress Cador however, you’ll prove yourself every bit as effeminate as that one over there.’’ Aldrakar blatantly pointed in the general direction of Sir Donald Augustus Allan. Aldrakar finished his address by offering William a small yet private smile. Hoping to encourage the youth.

Having concluded his initial words he took a sip of his wine and looked over at Ceryn. “You were so very hard on them. Play nice.” Offering a conspiratorial wink while his nose was buried in the wineglass.