Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 74503 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #90: September 15, 2014, 02:44:12 PM »
Afternoon! Here I'll have an Rp for you that has nothing to do with warfare, nothing to do with plotting and nothing to with farming either. If that has your interest piqued I suggest you read on. Enjoy.

Toddlers in the Palace

The sun rose early today and banished the dark of night as it ascended towards its zenith. Where it turned the ocean a mirror of gold and the hills surrounding Giask lush and green so did its rays glimmer of the domes of the Palace. Tiny black ships sailed through golden waters and moved like those of an ever changing painting so beautiful. Aldrakar gazed out over the Grand Harbor from his high perch standing on the balcony of hos bedroom. His eyes tracing the goods from ship to dock to carts and in a long stream towards the warehouses and from there again to the markets. Shadows were long in the morning.

He turned away from the vista and headed back into his room. It was amazing. Not a month before was he sleeping in field tents and trudging through the cold mud of winter and spring but now.. His bedroom was larger than most ale halls. He looks about for a moment and knew mirth and chuckled. ''What am I going to put in here?'' He shook his head and walked to one of wardrobes. His hands guided him towards a fine fabric, he wasn't sure what it was called but it was really soft and nice. He clad himself in the robe and went bare feet to the exit, his stomach demanded food. Somethings never change.

Walking on the polished marble floors of the hallway he rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to wake his half slumbering eyes and dragged some hair from his face. He snorted. The robe fit brilliantly but Aldrakar had been too lazy to tie it properly, some of his bare chest was displaying and added to the -fresh from bed- look. Lamps were being refueled by servants who were both utterly silent and immaculate in their behavior. Aldrakar eyed them awkwardly and though. If we had soldiers so well trained we'd have won the war by now!

Arriving at a large, domed hall Aldrakar heard a familiar sound. The hall was circular, impossibly high and decorated with columns of pristine marble, the finest drapings and so much finery it shone like a tiny sun. It was bright, fragrant and even contained a small garden worth of exotic plants. Discrete servants attended Aldrakar and offered him a basin to wash his hands. Another informed him of messages received. A third told him of domestic issues in a soft voice and a forth held a list of visitors already waiting on him. Aldrakar frowned deeply and pushed through them. ''Later.. give me some time, alright?'' The familiar sound was that of his son, Asher, playing with 2 of the hounds. They were well bred wardogs but not held in any warcamp. They were raised from pup by the Stable-master and he had selected them for their good nature. Aldrakar had chosen to gift them to his sons so they may know the joys of having pet companions. They were as large as small cows and incredibly muscular but also playful.

They had quickly taken to guarding little Asher and Aldrakar II. The two boys in return favored them with play and bits of food. Ohh how that infuriated the kitchen chef. Aldrakar grinned and called over his son. ''Asher! Come give your father a kiss!'' He sat down on a very comfortable chair that by itself cost a fortune. He didn't care for the wealth. Asher rushed up to Aldrakar and Grog charged with him. Grog being one of the two War-dog pets, the brown one.

Aldrakar lifted Asher up with both hands and played with him for a while before the two embraced and Asher planted a kiss on Aldrakar's cheek. ''Where's your brother hmm?'' Aldrakar asked. Asher pointed to the other end of the long table and revealed Aldrakar II studiously coloring in a drawing made previously, the outline that is, by one of the court Poets. The man was dismayed at the havoc being exacted on his work but feinted a smile. Aldrakar put Asher down on his feet and petted Grog on his bulky head, the two exchanged a brief look and like soldier and Commander Aldrakar gave a curt nod. The dog seemed to understand and it was eerie.

Walking over to the other side of the table Aldrakar placed a hand on his son's shoulder and admired his work. Giving several pointers and then ruffled the boy's hair. ''Keep at it son.'' He then turned his attention to the poet. A well build man of considerable beauty. Aldrakar squinted his eyes at the man from close up. ''Don't turn him into a soft bodied lout.'' Several muscles flexed in his arms and neck and the poet seemed to have received the intended message.

Cracking his neck Aldrakar moved off again, servants pouncing on the opportunity to dote on him and draw his attention to issues requiring his attention. ''Shoo!'' He waved at them dismissively. ''Let me dress first you damned vultures!'' He said the words with joy and smiled broadly at them. They relaxed visually and returned his smile. ''I'll be dressed soon enough and then we can begin this circus again, alright?'' He exchanged looks with several of them. ''Alright then, I'll be back soon. Don't you get in your thick heads that I need help getting dressed!'' He grinned as he left for his bedroom.

And so another busy day began for Aldrakar Renodin, administration was almost more arduous than warfare, almost.