Author Topic: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin  (Read 8946 times)


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Re: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin
« Topic Start: October 03, 2013, 10:00:54 AM »
After one of the battles with Sint the game decided to spawn some undead! This called for RP of course.

Eternal Vengeance

A cold wind gushed over the battlefield. It was a tree strewn plain of uncountable dents in the soil and bushes everywhere. It was a bad place to have a big battle but the Wolves and Bears of Thalmarkin were content. Their enemy was not even a real force of fighting men, it were peasants with sticks, sickles and pitchforks.

Among the great surge of iron, arrows and the press of men was Gomrin. His near black beard fraying in the wind as he roared at the puny farmer warriors. In great strides he covered ground much like a leaping fox, his agility almost awkward for a man of his size and build. Like a hailstorm behind him where his men. In loose formation, the only formation they really knew. They hurled weapons of every kind at the poor peasants. Knifes, short swords, stones, daggers, javelins and much more. It all took flight and it all promised anguish.

After a short lived slaughter where the very winds seemed to howl displeasure he saw the first ones emerge. Rising from a small natural ditch where a tree had overgrown it came the vision of a blood drenched and mangled man. He pushed himself up from the ground and ignored the gaping wound at his side, he never even tried to dislodge the axe that was trapped there. There were others..

''What in the Flying F.. is happening 'ere!'' The astonishment as clear as the rage that accompanied. Soon Gomrin found himself surrounded by the rising dead. Their flesh not even drained of blood so that as they rose a second to time to fight, from their bodies small fountains of dark blood rushed. In their wake a trail of gore was left and their hands singular in their pursuit of the living. The fallen were rising again as the unliving.

Gomrin's men broke away like whipped dogs. Among their number Gomrin had secured a relatively safe place and together they retreated to the Thalmarkin lines. The army reformed and it was clear that he wasn't the only one that was startled, shaken and disturbed by what they were seeing right before their eyes.

Facing them from across the battlefield stood a horde of the undead, fresh and hungering for the flesh of the living.