Author Topic: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin  (Read 8744 times)


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Re: The Brutish life of Gomrin Renodin
« Reply #15: January 30, 2014, 04:02:58 PM »
Short little RP about Gomrin recruiting new soldiers. Of course he doesn't go to the local Mustering field or the barracks hehe.

In the spiderly backstreets of Unger a prowling Gomrin has been sighted rounding up all kinds of unsavory warriors. His means of recruitment a balance of fists, exchanges of wealth and blood. A few more bodies litter the gutters and dam the rainwater from draining properly but nothing the civil servants of the city couldn't manage or hadn't seen before.

Rich pickings for them as they loot the corpses of would be soldiers or headstrong and arrogant hicks. Gomrin cared not for their measly possessions, he was looking for killers and that is what he found. His band of true Thalmarkin warriors once again the size of a proper warband. Ready to terrorize their enemies, to burn, to loot but first..  to gain a measure of liquid courage at the local drinking holes of Unger!