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What is going on with this maintenance/upkeep stuff.

Started by Stue (DC), November 05, 2013, 11:10:42 AM

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Stue (DC)

I don't know whether it is a bug or not, so I posted it here.

New "maintenance" report is coming together with "upkeep" report and now it seems all guild costs are tripled. Middle temple costs goes from 13 to 38 gold weekly "maintenance and upkeep" and now it's nearing earning of some poorer knight?

Is it really what is intended? Over the fact that in my limited knowledge of english "maintenance" and "upkeep" are mostly synonyms, that whole stuff with maintenance is really not playable anymore, it was really unfunny anyhow, and now it is like intended to push us out the game completely.


I can't see any recent changes to the code base to explain this. Here are somethings to consider

  • Did you Hire any Guards recently?
  • Did you build any shrines in the region recently?

With reference to Upkeep and maintenance

Upkeep is charged every week.
Maintenance is a once a month thing.

I don't know the reason for two separate systems.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I've made a bug report about it(link). It's clearly bugged in some way as somethings it said would happen did not in fact happen. Feel free to add to it if you have more information.
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Thanks for the heads up. Bug discussions are best held at though. There's even a specific bug report for this issue already, where you can add your comments:


Quote from: De-Legro on November 05, 2013, 11:28:34 AM

Upkeep is charged every week.
Maintenance is a once a month thing.

I don't know the reason for two separate systems.

Are you absolutely sure about this? In my experience the "Guildhouse Maintenance Report" only comes up when your global treasury and local treasuries fail to pay for something. It's there to inform you a temple has been sized down a level etc.

Temples and Shrines Upkeep report comes once a week and covers everything. The cost of temple upkeep and guards and shrines.
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I'm fairly certain that religions never used to get the monthly maintenance fee. That's why they pay it every week. I believe this just started last month. I noticed it, but didn't have time to do anything about it, then just forgot about it.
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Quote from: LilWolf on November 05, 2013, 04:04:26 PM
Are you absolutely sure about this? In my experience the "Guildhouse Maintenance Report" only comes up when your global treasury and local treasuries fail to pay for something. It's there to inform you a temple has been sized down a level etc.

Temples and Shrines Upkeep report comes once a week and covers everything. The cost of temple upkeep and guards and shrines.

So far as I can see all things based on guild are paying the monthly system while only Religions pay the weekly system. I will look back in the file history and see if I can find any time something changes that would have religions pay monthly.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.

Stue (DC)

ok, from what i could read it seems to be a sort of bug...