Author Topic: Advanced Mentoring and History: Trade Systems and Food  (Read 4514 times)


  • Honourable King
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  • Posts: 3736
  • Stodgy Old Man in Training
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This is advanced mentoring. It's not an introduction to food. It's assumed you have some interaction with the system.

The goal of these advanced mentoring things is not to tell a rural lord how he can set up an automatic transfer. That's not the point. That can be explained in a simpler format, or just an IG message. When Bedwyr contacted me about helping with this, he explained it as:
1. Topic(s?) on the forum where people can ask questions and get answers about high-end power politics, tricky tactics, underhanded maneuvers, and all the other tools of the trade at the upper echelons of Battlemaster play.  For this to have legitimacy, it needs some big names behind it so people know that we know what we're talking about.

2. Collaborate and come up with some primers, lessons, musings, what have you to put on the wiki for people to look through to understand how decisions get made and how to make themselves movers and shakers (sort of like the Mentor books people have written, but for higher levels of play).

3. Have people answer questions about histories of realms and continents in places new people can see them so that we don't have people being blindsided by events that happened years ago and getting their realms wiped out.  It happened to me a lot and it still happens to me with Jenred even though he's the longest-running Ruler on the Far East right now.  Ancient history matters, and there just isn't much about it.  Having wiki histories is great where we can get them, but most won't bother, and people may not know where to look or despair at the amount of material.  A place where questions can be asked and answered on a reasonable timescale would be a godsend for a lot of people rising up through the ranks.

In sum, I'm not very interested in forming a central database for basic functions in the game. I'll let somebody else do it because, frankly, that stuff is boring. I'm here to offer some mentoring on advanced, high-level actions.

I apologize if this came across as arrogant, but if this is just going to be a Tutorial 2.0, just a help page explaining mechanics, I'm bored, and not very interested in contributing. Advanced mentoring is for when you've exhausted the help pages and IG tutorials, IMHO.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner