Author Topic: Advanced Mentoring Concerns  (Read 20396 times)

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Re: Advanced Mentoring Concerns
« Reply #15: May 10, 2011, 11:11:41 PM »
Hm, it is unfortunately unavoidable that player skill acts as a limiter to character skill. While it is true that the maximum ability of the player does not necessarily correspond to the actual ability of the character, a character cannot be any better than the player. Really, you can imagine yourself to be as awesome as you want, but in the end, if you do not possess enough knowledge or skills as a player, your attempts to project such in your characters would result at best in your characters being less credible, and at worst, making you as a player look like a charlatan.

There is a reason why in competitive games the best teams don't share their secrets. We're not that hardcore, I hope, and we could give some tips. But what I would not like to see is a formulaic process of gaining power. Object as you will, but what will very likely happen if we get too detailed about our guides is a shift in the new players' perspectives that assume our guides are the model way to get whatever positions they want. And they will follow it, sometimes very well in fact. But what would we have then? We might as well call it the actual Recipe for Position X in BM: The ABC Steps To Gain Any Position!

It's not that unreasonable for people to do it either. If it has a high probability of working, and you want to succeed, then why risk going into uncharted territory? Go mimic successful models.

Now, you may say that you'll give more examples or advise people not to follow the examples to the letter, but, we probably all have experienced firsthand the contrary reactions. First of all, there are as many methods as there are players, and still many more to spare. Even the ones likely to lead to success, and the simple ones, are still fairly numerous. Are you really prepared to write all of them down? That would in turn invite some other typical human behavior, which is: "going down the list until one of them works".

It's a fine line I think. With the many new links for several positions and classes, we could use some way to help our future in-game leaders. But I think that giving too explicit of a guide would only encourage uncreative mimicry, and if I ever saw that in my realm I'd be ready to subvert it in an instant.