Author Topic: Advanced Mentoring Concerns  (Read 20384 times)

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Re: Advanced Mentoring Concerns
« Reply #30: May 11, 2011, 08:01:33 PM »
You may be an exception then. The more common response will probably be that the player goes to the forum to find his answers. Failing that, he will then finally be compelled to post in the forums: "Help me! How does X work!" And then, depending on who responds, the answer might be "Go ask that in-game", or "This is how it works". In the latter case, there, it's done, you just turned the forum into the primary means of gaining anything in the game. In the former case, the reactions to that can be among two major categories: 1. Anger 2. Compliance

The first is pretty natural among people nowadays in an online environment. They don't get their instant gratification, they get angry. Such reactions might be "Why are you such a purist?" "What are you, the IC police?" "If you're not gonna tell me then stfu!", etc.

The second is the preferred reaction, in that the player actually does go ask in-game about it. But you gotta admit, it's far more likely to have a good and prompt response on the forum than in-game. This is because the forums are mostly populated by the active and experienced players, whereas activity is unpredictable at best in-game. Guess what most people would prefer.