Author Topic: The Trials and Tribulations of the 'Kings Guard'  (Read 10526 times)


  • Noble Lord
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A suspicious looking adventurer was spotted travelling through the region....

Roleplay from Tordan

Happily chugging along on a country road an immensely tall man crowed with straw golden hair that hung loosely around his shoulders. His body clad in battle-scarred studded leather armor and on his back a massive tower-shield that made him look like a human turtle.

Humming a cheerful tune where he occasionally snuck in a few lines of singing he was clearly unconcerned with local wildlife or thugs even. Not surprisingly more than a few peasants were gawking at his large physique. ''Morning!'' He greeted them but rare was answered in turn. He didn't mind though, Tordan was coming through and his road led to monsters heads that he would happily crush.

Roleplay from Logar Soul

Marshal Logar very gently brushed the foliage aside catching sight of this tall wiry figure strolling casually toward him. The tall stranger, oblivious to the presence of Logar and his men blending with the bushes that concealed them, whistled a familiar Asylonian folk melody.

The tall stranger, now clearly a mere commoner, halted in an instant when he found himself gazing down the length of an arrow just inches away from his nose. Surrounded by arrowheads, the man remained motionless whilst the archers ahead of him moved aside. In the clearing stood Marshal Logar of the Kings Guard.

After much questioning, Logar felt a slight warmth growing for this man, the man called Tordan. Tordan, although a mere commoner, was still an Asylonian and can hum and sing very well. But Logar could also see in this man, a deep yearning to strive for success and honour. This is what impressed Logar.

Upon Tordans release, Logar done something that most noblemen would hasten to avoid. Marshal Logar made a plea to the commoner.
"Tordan, may I ask you of something?" Logar asked, "If you as an adventurer, ever were to come into possesion of a unique item during your travels, would you be so kind and consider me as a potential honest buyer of the item? I pay well and will offer my respect to you in return. If you are unable to find me, any noble of Asylon will be willing to pass on a message..."

Roleplay from Tordan

After a lengthy discussion annex interrogation Tordan was faced with the request from the Marshal of the Kings Guard. He himself still stood looking at the dozens of archers with bows readily at hand. Was this really a request he wondered to himself. Perhaps a shade of his thought may have crossed over his features but he hoped none had noticed.

In a deep voice he addressed Marshal Logar ''King Guard Mashal Logar.'' Tordan pauzed a short moment to lend weight to his words or just to make sure that he didn't make any mistakes, either way he wore a serious expression. ''When next I find an item of legend such as the enchanted helm of the vulcano that I found before in the mountains near the city of Via, I shall try to find you.''

Raising a large hand and pointing it at the Logar he looked the Marshal right in the eye. ''I hope it will be weapon I find.'' At the end of the sentence Tordan's mouth curled into a grin. ''A mighty weapon! I know why you don't wear a bow yourself!'' Tordan looked at the many marksmen about. ''You want to show your enemies that you are a true warrior! One that is both great in skill and unequaled in bravery!''

A roar of laughter erupted from Tordan's thoat. His demeanor entirely unfussed and actually quite cheerful. His large physique not used in any threatening way but he could see over the heads of many of the men present.

With that the little giant of a man left again, roaming the lands and searching for the Marshal's new weapon.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd