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Started by NireusD.Natalle, December 28, 2013, 05:55:45 AM

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Calista is currently the founder of a guild. What will happen when she emigrated to another island? My Guild will be dissolved or not?
Nireus D.Natalle (East Island), Arianna Sherry (Beluaterra), Calista Syrenne (Dwilight), Charlotte Ava (Sunken Vur Hagin)


Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 28, 2013, 05:55:45 AM
Calista is currently the founder of a guild. What will happen when she emigrated to another island? My Guild will be dissolved or not?

Does her guild have any members?


Nireus D.Natalle (East Island), Arianna Sherry (Beluaterra), Calista Syrenne (Dwilight), Charlotte Ava (Sunken Vur Hagin)


Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 28, 2013, 06:06:42 AM
Now have 16 members..

Then your guild should be fine. Once you leave, someone from the lower ranks will probably take over.


Control will remain amongst the elders. It would probably be best to make sure at least 1-2 people hold ranks equal to, or immediately under, yours to pass the torch on. If there's no elders, one of the members in the highest filled rank will be promoted to elder.


Will i be able to restore my position as founder of my guild if i return back to Dwilight after 1 or 2 month?
Nireus D.Natalle (East Island), Arianna Sherry (Beluaterra), Calista Syrenne (Dwilight), Charlotte Ava (Sunken Vur Hagin)


Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 28, 2013, 11:19:55 AM
Will i be able to restore my position as founder of my guild if i return back to Dwilight after 1 or 2 month?
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― G.K. Chesterton