Author Topic: Wounds worsening or mechanics harassing players.  (Read 8073 times)


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  • Mighty Duke
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I think it's an attempt at some level of realism. I mean, realistically speaking, even a healthy, young human being suffering a wound could be put out of commission for months or years, or suffer from permanent injury. You never hear about Nobles losing limbs. In most respects, characters in BM have it comparatively easy, except when it comes to the slow torment of worsening wounds.

That being said, I've always thought that mortality in this game was not common enough, and that time spent suffering wounds was too common. Wounds just become an annoyance; death has actual meaning. It's hard to argue about whether or not one is brave when the stakes are so low.

I say, more death, less injury. Especially from assassins. I don't think I've ever seen an actual successful assassination attempt in the entire game. I'd prefer not to imagine a fantasy world where every assassin is spectacularly incompetent.

My characters write it off as the miracle of "modern" medicine :p
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.