Author Topic: Number of Players Lost Since Glacier?  (Read 107425 times)


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Re: Number of Players Lost Since Glacier?
« Reply #15: April 09, 2014, 10:18:14 PM »
Anaris. Let's say this very straight.
The polls were not IC, they were on the forum.
On the forum are only active players.
So only active players voted.
Which again means that it hits active realms where these players play.
Which again makes it not really random.
If you can accept that this is why now so many players are against what happened, then you could also find a way for a solution to ease them.
(Emphasis added.)

While I'm not really interested in this discussion as a whole, I feel I need to point out a few things here:
  • You make a good point about the polls being on the forums. It was definitely mostly active players. New players and others do occasionally check the forums, though. If I recall, there may also have been a yellow box announcement about it, too... but I can't remember for sure.
  • The players still had no idea what impact the poll would have. Nothing was promised with the poll, only suggested with a clear disclaimer that it may not happen. You're right, this isn't truly random, but it also isn't driven by intent.
  • Even so, the assertion that this process is the reason players are against it is a loaded, logical leap.

You see, there's no actual link between your observations and final player complaints. They may be your complaints, yes, but that's one data point. You may even be right... but the observations presented here never make it to that step. We'd have to go out three things, in this order:
  • Do players like it or not?
  • If not, why not?
  • What are the actual statistical results of the event?

The first question does not make the assumption (as you seem to) that players inherently dislike the event.
The second question clarifies the first, proving or disproving your hypothesis. It's entirely possible people dislike the event because of what it represents (diminishing numbers of BM) or because it means they have to move... they may have no problem with the method at all.
The final question provides a control, either aligning real data with public opinion or shattering misconceptions about the effects. Either way, it ends the debate with facts. (Though we know that doesn't mean people won't stop trying to spin it some other way.) This can't be fulfilled until the ice has stopped moving and the event is over*.

I also guarantee that those answers will change depending upon when the questions are asked.

*- Yes, the event being over is technically "too late"... but it's Tom's game. He makes the rules and this is what he chose. He and the devs will stop it when they stop it, and from that point, they can choose to collect the data or not. It's you who have to decide if it's still enjoyable for you to play the game. Hell, he doesn't even have to do any of this. It's his right to just say things will be whatever they will be.

Sorry, I'm just not very tolerant of faulty logic and poorly-based assertions.