Author Topic: North Vs. South  (Read 39392 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: North Vs. South
« Reply #15: July 03, 2014, 04:37:26 PM »
The problem is, the enemies in this case refuse to accept anything less than the surrender of the Empire. Despite the fact that they've lost 2 1/2 allies and made barely any long-term territorial gains in this war. (They took territory away from Zonasa, but almost every single region they took is now either rogue or iced.)

Really? And where are you getting that from? It certainly wasn't from Rosalind! The only surrender terms made to Kindara since the glacier event involved them betraying Cathay and fighting them, so were unacceptable to just about everyone. Plus the banishment of several nobles. And the death of another. I remember not so long ago that when Perdan offered similar 'unacceptable' terms to Caligus on EC there was a public outcry.

Cathay and Kindara have been making some pretty poor decisions I have noticed. They're letting the fear of the enemy get to them, at the command level.

From the military stand point, the southern realms haven't been doing bad considering the glacier event made about 20 players in Kindara quit, pause, or move to another island within the first couple of weeks. It seriously limits your fighting ability when half your players disappear that fast. The bonuses given as an iced realm didn't really compensate for the demoralization effect on the players that led them to leave.

With what players remain, Cathay isn't doing bad. But I'm afraid that it's another case of many wargame minded players gravitating towards the easy option of the Imperial realms, leaving the Free Realms with many of the casuals and two or three players with proper experience of the strategy side of the game, meaning the chain of command is thin.

Personally, I hope that the island doesn't turn into a "whatever Arcaea says" scenario. I've already gotten some hints of that.

More than likely. Unless they split up the realm they'll always outnumber and outpower everyone else, shy of some mass immigration of nobles to one of the other realms.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 04:43:11 PM by Foxglove »