Author Topic: North Vs. South  (Read 40071 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: North Vs. South
« Reply #45: July 10, 2014, 10:15:24 PM »
Anyway, this war has unfortunately brought up something that is far too common and that is an accusation of cheating. I'm not sure if anyone ever did file a Titan report on it, and if not it would probably be far too late now as it was at least a couple of weeks ago. There's been an accusation flying round which essentially goes along the lines of "Zonasa sends nobles to Arcaea, changes allegiance, recruits masses of troops then switches back".

As you know, I dismissed that accusation in-game when it was raised and said it was groundless as far as I could see.

Yes, yes. We're all very convinced by your show of nonchalance.

Do you want to see the checkout receipt?

Bleh, maybe. It just irritates me when people write multiple long replies but feel the need to end it with, "Oh, but I don't really care about this, so maybe I'll reply later, if I can be bothered". If you take the time to write half a dozen replies, it's obviously an issue you care about, so why pretend otherwise.

You won't find that many posts from me on this forum of any great length for the past year or so. Broadly, because I don't have the time for it. You'll struggle to find anything much from me that involves realm vs realm situations. I have a pretty good emotional disconnect from the game, meaning that sort of thing doesn't move me much.

The difference here is that I know players on FEI are unhappy with the direction you're taking the island in. I could have just stayed silent and avoided all of this unnecessary forum drama and your vitriol, but I felt it best to speak up and make it clear that people are being alienated.

Concerning the surrender terms and Kindaran/southern refusal of them, I forgot to mention that pre-glacier part of the point of rejecting them was also to ensure that the war was prolonged to make sure everyone on the island had an active war to take part in that was pretty well balanced between the two opposing sides. Post-glacier is, of course, a completely different kettle of fish. start a war, lose it - badly - and then want terms whereby restrictions are put on the winners? And you want us to give you territory we'd have to force out of Zonasa? Yes, that sounds completely reasonable and completely in keeping with the established RP of this war.

And this....

You keep naming this as a term as if it's totally, unquestionably reasonable. As if the Empire has an obligation to make Kindara a viable realm. This is what continues to make me feel as if you're either being disingenuous, or we genuinely come at this from totally different premises about what losing a war means.

Yes, we genuinely come at this from totally different angles. I know this is why Velax will never see where I'm coming from with it. Again, my thinking on this is deeply coloured by discussions and happenings over in Might & Fealty. We've come to realize that pushing defeated realms too far was making people quit the game. In a couple of recent cases, wars have ended with pretty much no surrender terms imposed because the losing side has said, "What the hell are you doing to us?" causing the winners to back off. One winning realm recently made reparations to the losing side for an unjust war. And Hawks has just returned all the territory it won from Red Forest in a war about two months ago (I realise the realm names will mean nothing to people here).

Partly, this is motivated by a deep wish among the M&F community to stop players leaving, maintain levels of happiness and enjoyment amongst all players (not just the ones on your side), and attract new ones to make the game a success. It doesn't take much imagination to see echoes for that here, on an island with a dwindling number of players in a game with a dwindling number of players. To lift a quote from the M&F character page, "Don't play to win or you'll soon have no-one to war with".

I fully accept that this sort of "no win, no loss" scenario is completely alien to BM players, and I recently said over in M&F that the import of BM war culture is what was damaging the M&F outlook on war. In this case, I wish some of M&F would rub off on BM. But I seriously doubt that it will.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 10:17:35 PM by Foxglove »