Author Topic: North Vs. South  (Read 40111 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: North Vs. South
« Reply #60: July 11, 2014, 01:49:35 AM »
So you accept that your attitude here is alien to BM, but still felt you had the right to attack the opposing side for their "unreasonable" terms?

It's not about sides. It's about all the players on the island. Those on your side. Those on my side. And the playing atmosphere. I've told you that people are feeling alienated. As the owner of the strongest character on the island who has the greatest influence, it's up to you to either take that on board or ignore it.

a war that very quickly became a war to destroy my realm

Oh, come on. When was Arcaea ever likely to get destroyed? Even if the south had managed to push right up into Arcaean territory, they'd never have been able to fully destroy Arcaea. Without the glacier cutting down the map, I doubt that the Empire would have been able to push all the way down into the southern extremities of the island to totally destroy the south either. Or if you had, it would probably have taken a year or two in RL time scale.